Accounting Data Dictionary


Label: Collections Plus Settings

Collections Plus Settings

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
AttachInvoicesInReminderEmail__c Attach Invoices to Reminder Email Spring 2020 Attach all the Invoices for an Account into one email per Reminder Rule

Checkbox true
CollectionsRemindersLimit__c Collections Reminders Limit Spring 2019 The number of records that are processed in a batch by the Reminder process.

Number(15,0) 5000
CongaBatchUrl__c Conga Batch URL Link Spring 2019 Url
CongaDashboardPage__c Conga Dashboard Page Spring 2019 Text(255)
ContactsFieldNameForSalesInvoice__c Additional Contacts Field Name For SIN Fall 2021 Defines the field name to use as the source for additional contact email addresses when sending reminders for sales invoices. You must enter the name and relationship in the format RelationshipObject__r.FieldName__c

CustomerStatementsLimit__c Customer Statements Limit Spring 2019 The number of records that are processed in a batch by the Statement process.

Number(15,0) 5000
DetailedReminderLogs__c Detailed reminder logs for all contacts. Spring 2023 Add detailed reminder logs for all contacts.

Checkbox true
DetailedRemindersBatchProcessLogs__c Detailed Reminders Batch Process Logs Summer 2023 Add detailed process logs for each reminder batch job

Checkbox true
EmailTemplateFolders__c Email Template Folders Summer 2020 Fetch email templates from folders.

ReminderLogsRetentionPeriod__c Retention Period (Days) Spring 2023 Contains the minimum number of days to retain logs before deletion.

Number(3,0) 90
RemindersBatchScopeSize__c Reminders Batch Scope Size Summer 2023 The scope size of RemindersSendEmailBatch.

Number(15,0) 50
SendAllInvoicesInOneEmail__c Send all Invoices in one email Fall 2019 Combines all the Sales Invoices for an Account into one email per Reminder Rule

Checkbox false
SendBillingDocuments__c Send Reminders for Billing Documents Fall 2019 Enables you to send reminders for Billing Documents in Collections Plus

Checkbox false

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