Accounting Data Dictionary


Label: Consolidation Settings

Contains settings that control the behavior of Consolidations in Accounting.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
HierarchyRefProcessTransactionsLimit__c Hierarchy Process Transaction Limit Spring 2022 Defines the maximum number of transactions in an hierarchy reference process.

HierarchyReferenceProcessScopeSize__c Hierarchy Reference Process Scope Size Spring 2022 Defines the scope size for the hierarchy reference process.

ReportFilter__c Filter Configured on Report Spring 2023 Name of the filter configured on the consolidation report.

ReportId__c Consolidation Report ID Spring 2023 Contains the ID of the consolidation report. If blank, the consolidation report for the financial year of the ultimate parent company that contains the selected date on the Consolidation Group page is not displayed.


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