Accounting Data Dictionary


Label: Period Close Template

Creates a template to close periods of the selected accounting companies using the soft close or hard close options.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Days__c Days Winter 2023 The number of days before or after the period closing date when you want to run the scheduler. If the days are before the period closing date, then the value is negative.

Description__c Description Winter 2023 Field describing the purpose of the object.

ExcludePublicHolidays__c Exclude Public Holidays Spring 2023 If selected, the period close process is scheduled on the dates excluding the public holidays.

Checkbox false
ExcludeWeekends__c Exclude Weekends Spring 2023 If selected, the period close process is scheduled on the dates excluding the weekends.

Checkbox false
HardOptions__c Hard Close Options Winter 2023 MultiselectPicklist:
AP GLAs Group
AR GLAs Group
All GLAs
Cash GLAs Group
Other GLAs Groups
Scheduled__c Activate Winter 2023 If selected, the period close template has an active scheduled period close process.

Checkbox false
SoftOptions__c Soft Close Options Winter 2023 MultiselectPicklist:
AP GLAs Group
AR GLAs Group
All GLAs
Cash GLAs Group
Other GLAs Groups
StartTime__c Start Time Winter 2023 Stores the start time of the scheduled job.


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