Accounting Data Dictionary


Label: Sales Invoice Consolidation Settings

Contains settings that control the scope size of the Sales Invoice Consolidation and Max Lines on Sales Invoice.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
InvoiceConsolidationBatchScope__c SIN Consolidation Scope Size Spring 2022 Scope size for the Sales Invoice Consolidation process.

Number(18,0) 200
InvoiceUnconsolidationBatchScope__c SIN Undo Consolidation Scope Size Spring 2022 Scope size for the Sales Invoice Line Items to Undo Consolidation.

Number(18,0) 2000
MaxLinesPerConsolidation__c Consolidation Line Limit Spring 2022 Maximum number of lines that can be added to a consolidated sales invoice.

Number(5,0) 9000

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