Accounting Data Dictionary


Label: External Tax Calculation Settings

This custom setting is protected and can only be modified by Certinia.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
AccountNumber__c Account Number Pre-Spring 2018 The Avalara account number (or user name)

ConnectionUrl__c Connection URL Pre-Spring 2018 The URL required to connect to Avalara

CountryCodeFilter__c Address Validation Country Code Filter Pre-Spring 2018 List of country codes for addresses that will be validated

DocumentCodeSuffix__c Document Code Suffix Pre-Spring 2018 Optional suffix for document codes in Avalara

EnableCustomizableMappings__c Use Mappings Component for External Tax Spring 2023 If selected, the configuration in the related FDN Mappings component is used for external tax calculation. This option is specified on the Tax Calculation Settings page.

Checkbox false
Enabled__c Enable External Tax Calculation Pre-Spring 2018 Set to enable the integration with AvaTax

Checkbox false
LicenseKey__c License Key Pre-Spring 2018 The Avalara access key (or password)

RecordFullDetails__c Record Full Tax Details Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox to indicate that the system should record full tax details for each line

Checkbox false
Street__c Street Pre-Spring 2018 The street

SummaryTaxCode__c Summary Tax Code Pre-Spring 2018 A dummy tax code used to represent summarised tax on an invoice line. The user must create a tax code with the same name. The tax rates are arbitrary as these will be generated by AvaTax

UseFoundationsConnector__c Use Foundations for External Tax Summer 2022 Indicates that Foundations processes are used for external tax calculation.

Checkbox false
ZipPostCode__c Zip/Postal Code Pre-Spring 2018 The zip or postal code


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