Accounting Data Dictionary


Label: Accounting Settings

Accounting Settings

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
AllocationJournalScopeSize__c Batch size - allocation journal Pre-Spring 2018 Number(15,0) 2000
AllocationSchedulerScopeSize__c Scope size - allocation scheduler batch. Pre-Spring 2018 Number(15,0) 200
AllocationTransactionScopeSize__c Batch size - allocation transaction Pre-Spring 2018 Number(15,0) 2000
AllowDeleteAccountInUse__c Allow Deletion of Account in Use Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
AllowDeleteProductInUse__c Allow Deletion of Product in Use Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
AllowInactiveProductToPost__c Allow Posting of Inactive Products Spring 2019 If selected, allows you to create, save and post sales invoices that contain inactive products.

Checkbox false
AllowModificationOfPrintStatus__c Allow Modification of Print Status Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
AllowOverrideOfTaxValues__c Allow Override of SUT Tax Values Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
AllowOverrideWhenValueIsZero__c Allow Override when Value is Zero Summer 2020 Allows you to override the Home, Dual and other values on a journal line when line value is zero.

Checkbox false
AllowSubAnalysisFieldEdit__c Enable Edit Sub-Analysis (after posting) Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
AllowUseOfLocalGLAs__c Allow Use of Local GLAs Pre-Spring 2018 Enables/disables the ability to use local and corporate GLAs.

Checkbox false
AvalaraUseAccountNumber__c Avalara Tax calls use account number Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
AvalaraVATSetStartDateBatchSize__c Avalara VAT Set Start Date Batch Size Spring 2020 Maximum number of transactions that can be processed in a single batch chunk when setting the start date for the Avalara VAT Reporting integration.

Number(18,0) 200
AvalaraVatReportingScopeSize__c Avalara VAT Reporting Batch Size Spring 2020 Maximum number of transactions that can be processed in a single batch chunk. A new Avalara VAT Reporting XML document is created per each batch chunk.

AverageDaysToPayBatchSize__c Average Days To Pay Batch Size Spring 2019 Maximum number of accounts that can be processed in one batch.

BackgroundPostingRetry__c Background Posting Retry Pre-Spring 2018 Number(3,0)
BackgroundWorkerAttemptsAvalara__c Background Worker Attempts Avalara Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,0)
BackgroundWorkerAttempts__c Background Worker Attempts Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,0)
BankReconciliationTransactionLimit__c Maximum Bank Reconciliation Transactions Fall 2018 Number(18,0)
CashEntryCancelSyncLimit__c Cash Entry Cancel Sync Line Limit Winter 2024 The maximum number of cash entry line items that can be canceled synchronously. The default is 400.

Number(18,0) 400
Chatter__c Chatter Notification Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
CollectionsReminderEmailBatchSize__c Deprecated: Collections Email Batch Size Fall 2018 The number of emails that are processed in a batch by the Send Email process for collections reminders.

Number(18,0) 100
ConvertToCreditNoteLinesThreshold__c Convert To SCR Lines Threshold Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,0)
ConvertToPCRLinesThreshold__c Convert To PCR Lines Threshold Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,0)
CopyProductDescriptionToLine__c Copy Product Description to Line Pre-Spring 2018 Copies the product description to the document line description, if empty.

Checkbox true
CreditNoteManageLinesCOMBFieldset__c CRN Manage Lines (COMB) Field Set Pre-Spring 2018 Custom field set name for Credit Note Manage Lines (Combined Tax) Field Set

CreditNoteManageLinesPreload__c CRN Manage Lines Preload Pre-Spring 2018 Number(2,0)
CreditNoteManageLinesSUTFieldset__c CRN Manage Lines (SUT) Field Set Pre-Spring 2018 Custom field set name for Credit Note Manage Lines (SUT) Fieldset

CreditNoteManageLinesVATFieldset__c CRN Manage Lines (VAT/GST) Field Set Pre-Spring 2018 Custom field set name for Credit Note Manage Lines (VAT/GST) Field Set

CustomBillingDocumentPrintTemplate__c Custom Billing Document Print Template Fall 2019 Text(255)
CustomPrintTemplate__c Custom Sales Invoice Print Template Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
CustomSalesCreditNotePrintTemplate__c Custom Sales Credit Note Print Template Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
DaysSalesOutstandingBatchSize__c Days Sales Outstanding Batch Size Spring 2019 Maximum number of accounts that can be processed in one batch.

DestinationCompanyPCRThreshold__c Intercompany A/P PCR Lines Threshold Spring 2023 The maximum number of lines that an intercompany A/P payable credit note can include for posting immediately (synchronously). If not set, the default is 600 using Lightning, 250 for custom input forms, and 80 for Classic.

Number(6,0) 600
DestinationCompanyPINThreshold__c Intercompany A/P PIN Lines Threshold Winter 2023 The maximum number of lines that an intercompany A/P payable invoice can include for posting immediately (synchronously). If not set, the default is 600 using Lightning, 250 for custom input forms, and 80 for Classic.

Number(6,0) 600
DestinationCompanySCRThreshold__c Intercompany A/R SCR Lines Threshold Spring 2022 The maximum number of lines that can be attached to an Intercompany A/R sales credit note before the document has to be posted asynchronously (by the Background Posting Scheduler). If not set, the default is 800 using Lightning, 250 for custom input forms, and 80 for Classic.

Number(6,0) 800
DestinationCompanySINThreshold__c Intercompany A/R SIN Lines Threshold Spring 2022 The maximum number of lines that an intercompany A/R sales invoice can include for posting immediately (synchronously). If not set, the default is 800 using Lightning, 250 for custom input forms, and 80 for Classic.

Number(6,0) 800
DisableConcatenationGLANameReportingCode__c Disable concat GLA-Reporting Code (CIF) Summer 2022 Disable Concatenation of GLA Name and Reporting Code in CIF.

Checkbox false
DisableCustomPermissions__c Disable Permissions on VisualForce Pages Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
DisableSelectCompanyValidation__c Disable Select Company Validation Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
DiscardCreditNoteLinesThreshold__c Deprecated: Discard SCR Lines Threshold Pre-Spring 2018 This field has been deprecated and is not used.

DiscardInvoiceLinesThreshold__c Discard Invoice Lines Threshold Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,0)
EInvoiceAutoSendDocumentsBatchSize__c E-Invoice automatically send batch size Spring 2022 The maximum number of documents (sales invoices and sales credit notes) that can be auto sent as electronic invoices in a single batch chunk. If not set, defaults to 10.

Number(3,0) 10
EInvoiceNotifyStatusBatchSize__c E-Invoice Notify Status batch size Spring 2022 The maximum number of documents (payable invoices and payable credit notes) that can be notified to the electronic invoicing provider in a single batch chunk. If not set, defaults to 25.

Number(3,0) 25
EarliestDocumentDateForEInvoice__c Earliest Date to Auto Send E-Invoices Spring 2022 Earliest document date of SIN/SCR to be automatically sent as e-invoice.

Email__c Email Notification Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
EnableEditDimensionsafterposting__c Enable Edit Dimensions (after posting) Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
EnableOverrideProductGLA__c Enable Override Product GLA Pre-Spring 2018 Enable Override Product GLA

Checkbox false
EnableYearEndByDocumentCurrency__c Enable Year End by Document Currency Summer 2023 Checkbox false
GLAFilteringInPaymentSelection__c GLA Filtering in Payment Selection Pre-Spring 2018 Text(40)
GenerateBPSEmailNotifications__c Generate BPS Email Notifications Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
HeaderExpandedPayable__c Header Expanded Payable Pre-Spring 2018 Control through a button show/hide header information

Checkbox false
HideDimension1__c Hide Allocation Dimension 1 Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
HideDimension2__c Hide Allocation Dimension 2 Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
HideDimension3__c Hide Allocation Dimension 3 Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
HideDimension4__c Hide Allocation Dimension 4 Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
HideEmailButtonOnInvoice__c Hide Email Button On Invoice Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
HidePrintButtonsOnInvoice__c Hide Print Buttons On Invoice Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
HideSummarizedDataNotification__c Hide Summarized Data Notification Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
IgnoreUnusedGLAsInCurrencyRevaluation__c Ignore Unused GLAs in Currency Reval Spring 2019 Checkbox true
InterCompanyCEThreshold__c Intercompany CE Lines Threshold Winter 2024 The maximum number of lines that an intercompany cash entry can include for posting immediately (synchronously). If not set, the default is 600 using Lightning, 250 for custom input forms, and 80 for Classic.

Number(6,0) 600
IntercompanyAccountSCRThreshold__c Intercompany SCR Lines Threshold Spring 2022 The maximum number of lines that can be attached to an intercompany sales credit note before the document has to be posted asynchronously (by the Background Posting Scheduler). If not set, defaults to 800.

Number(6,0) 800
IntercompanyAccountSINThreshold__c Intercompany SIN Lines Threshold Spring 2022 The maximum number of lines that an intercompany sales invoice can include for posting immediately (synchronously). If not set, the default is 800 using Lightning and 80 using custom input forms and Classic.

Number(6,0) 800
InvoiceManageLinesCOMBFieldset__c Invoice Manage Lines (COMB) Field Set Pre-Spring 2018 Custom field set name for Invoice Manage Lines (Combined Tax) Fieldset

InvoiceManageLinesPreload__c Invoice Manage Lines Preload Pre-Spring 2018 Number(2,0)
InvoiceManageLinesSUTFieldset__c Invoice Manage Lines (SUT) Field Set Pre-Spring 2018 Custom field set name for Invoice Manage Lines (SUT) Fieldset

InvoiceManageLinesVATFieldset__c Invoice Manage Lines (VAT/GST) Field Set Pre-Spring 2018 Custom field set name for Invoice Manage Lines (VAT/GST) Field Set

MassDeleteQueueableSize__c Queueable size - Mass Delete batch. Pre-Spring 2018 Number(15,0) 100
MassDeleteScopeSize__c Scope size - Mass Delete batch. Pre-Spring 2018 Number(15,0) 2000
MaximumQueueSize__c Maximum Queue Size Pre-Spring 2018 Number(2,0)
MultipleDualCurrencies__c Multiple Dual Currencies Spring 2020 Allows more than one accounting currency as the Dual currency.

Checkbox false
NotificationObjectRecipients__c Notification on objects Pre-Spring 2018 TextArea
OffsetDaysForCollectionsReminders__c Offset Days for Collections Reminders Fall 2018 The minimum difference (in days) between two reminders.

Number(18,0) 5
OverrideCurrencyValuesonJournalLine__c Override Currency Values on Journal Line Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
PayableCreditNoteLinesThreshold__c Payable Credit Note Lines Threshold Pre-Spring 2018 The maximum number of lines that can be attached to a payable credit note before the document has to be posted asynchronously (by the Background Posting Scheduler). Defaults to 80.

PayableInvoiceLinesThreshold__c Payable Invoice Lines Threshold Pre-Spring 2018 The maximum number of lines that can be attached to a payable invoice before the document has to be posted asynchronously (by the Background Posting Scheduler). Defaults to 80.

PostCashEntryLinesThreshold__c Post Cash Entry Lines Threshold Winter 2024 The maximum number of lines that a cash entry can include for posting immediately (synchronously). Above this number, the posting process runs as an asynchronous batch job. If not set, the default is 1,000 using Lightning, 250 for custom input forms, and 80 for Classic.

Number(18,0) 1000
PostCashEntryLinesWithChargesSync__c Post CE Lines with Line Charges Sync Winter 2024 The maximum number of lines with line charges that a cash entry can include for posting immediately (synchronously). Above this number, the posting process runs as an asynchronous batch job. If not set, the default is 500 using Lightning, 250 for custom input forms, and 80 for Classic.

Number(18,0) 500
PostCreditNoteLinesThreshold__c Sales Credit Note Lines Threshold Pre-Spring 2018 The maximum number of lines on a sales credit note that can be created and posted interactively (online). The default number of lines is 250.

PostInvoiceLinesThreshold__c Sales Invoice Lines Threshold Pre-Spring 2018 The maximum number of lines on a sales invoice that can be created and posted interactively (online). The default number of lines is 250.

ProfitabilityReportId__c Profitability Report ID Pre-Spring 2018 The ID of the report to be displayed on the profitability reporting widget.

QueueDocumentForEInvoice__c Queue SIN/SCR to Auto Send as E-Invoices Spring 2022 Enables/disables the ability to queue SIN/SCR for auto send as e-invoice when successfully posted.

Checkbox false
RemittanceScopeSize__c Scope size - Remittance Process Fall 2018 Number(15,0) 50
RetainBackgroundWorkerLogsDays__c Keep Background Worker Error Logs (Days) Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,0) 90
ScheduleJournalPostScopeSize__c Scope size - Schedule Journal Post Fall 2020 Number(15,0) 200
SendCopyOfEmailPdfToSender__c Send a copy of Email PDF to Sender Fall 2019 Sends a copy of the Email PDF to the sender

Checkbox true
ShowDebitCreditIndicator__c Show Debit Credit Indicator Pre-Spring 2018 Show separate fields to enter debit and credit values.

Checkbox false
ShowJournalSingleDebitCreditColumn__c Show Single Debit/Credit column (LWC) Summer 2022 By checking this option the “debit” and “credit” column will be replaced by the column “Value” to add negative or positives entries.

Checkbox false
SplitYearEndIntoPeriods__c Split Year End into Periods Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox true
StatementsNotificationRecipients__c Import Statements Email Recipients Spring 2021 TextArea
SummarizationScopeSize__c Scope size - summarization scope batch. Pre-Spring 2018 Number(15,0) 200
SupportedPlaidRegions__c Supported Plaid Country Codes Spring 2021 TextArea 'CA,US,DE,GB,FR,ES,IE,NL'
Task__c Task Notification Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
TruncateDescriptionFromLeftSide__c Truncate Description from Left Side Pre-Spring 2018 Truncates the copied product description from the left. The default (false) truncates from the right.

Checkbox false
UseMultipleCompaniesConfiguration__c Use Multiple Companies Configuration Summer 2022 If selected, uses the multiple companies configuration to calculate tax on sales and payable documents.

Checkbox false
YearEndDetailedLoggingLevel__c Year End Detailed Logging Level Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
codaAllowDuplicateVendorDocumentNumber__c Duplicate Vendor Document Number Allowed Pre-Spring 2018 Allow Duplicate Vendor Document Number

Checkbox false
codaAlternativeDraftWatermarkId__c Alternative Draft Watermark Image ID Pre-Spring 2018 The id of the alternative draft watermark image to be displayed

codaDisableVendorDocumentNumberCheck__c Disable Vendor Document Number Check Pre-Spring 2018 Disable Vendor Document Number Check

Checkbox false

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