Accounting Data Dictionary


Label: Dimension 1

Used to sub-analyze postings and can be used to represent a number of different business concepts.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
DateFrom__c Date From Winter 2023 If the period start and end date of the document match or are within the dates mentioned in the Date From and Date To fields in the Posting Effective Dates section of the dimension, then that dimension is available to be assigned to that document.

DateTo__c Date To Winter 2023 If the period start and end date of the document match or are within the dates mentioned in the Date From and Date To fields in the Posting Effective Dates section of the dimension, then that dimension is available to be assigned to that document.

Disabled__c Disabled Summer 2022 When selected, indicates that values for this dimension are not in use. To assign to documents, mappings, or definitions, it must not be selected. Default is not selected.

Checkbox false
ExternalId__c External Id Pre-Spring 2018 Text(32)
PostingAllowed__c Allow Posting Winter 2023 By default, this field is set to “All Dates” which allows this dimension to be assigned to any document irrespective of its period. You can set it to “Select Dates” and specify the dates in the Date From and Date To fields. This makes the dimension available for posting only those documents that have the period start and end dates within the dates mentioned here.

All Dates
Select Dates
ReportingCode__c Reporting Code Pre-Spring 2018 An alternative name or code intended for reporting

TypeDescription__c Type Description Fall 2021 Description of the dimension type.

Type__c Type Fall 2021 ID used to identify the dimension type.

UnitOfWork__c Unit of Work Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,0)

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