Services CPQ Data Dictionary


Label: Estimate Vendor Line Item

Stores the vendor line item costs for an estimate or estimate product.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Account__c Vendor Account Services CPQ April 2023 The vendor account that relates to the vendor line item.

Looks up to: Account

Bill_Amount__c Bill Amount Services CPQ April 2023 The billable amount for the vendor line item.

Billing_Date__c Billing Date Services CPQ April 2023 The date that the customer will be invoiced for the vendor line item.

Cost_Amount__c Cost Amount Services CPQ April 2023 The cost of the vendor line item.

Create_Milestone__c Create Milestone Services CPQ April 2023 If selected, a milestone will be created from the vendor line item.

Checkbox true
Description__c Description Services CPQ April 2023 Description of the vendor line item cost.

Estimate_Product_Instance__c Estimate Product Services CPQ April 2023 The estimate product that relates to the vendor line item.

Looks up to: Estimate_Product_Instance__c
Estimate__c Estimate Services CPQ April 2023 The estimate that relates to the vendor line item.

Looks up to: Estimate__c
Margin_Percent__c Margin (%) Services CPQ April 2023 The margin calculated using the cost amount and bill amount.

( Bill_Amount__c - Cost_Amount__c ) / Bill_Amount__c
Milestone__c Milestone Services CPQ April 2023 The milestone that relates to the vendor line item.

Looks up to: pse__Milestone__c

Opportunity__c Opportunity Services CPQ April 2023 The opportunity that relates to the vendor line item.

Looks up to: Opportunity

Vendor_Billing_Date__c Vendor Billing Date Services CPQ April 2023 The date the vendor will invoice the vendor line item.


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