Services CPQ Data Dictionary


Label: Estimate

Estimate services work with resources, expenses, and margin requirements using existing rate cards.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Account__c Account Services CPQ November 2021 The account that relates to the estimate.

Looks up to: Account

Amount__c Amount Services CPQ November 2021 The total amount for the estimate before discounts are applied. This field is calculated upon save.

Apply_Discount_To_Cost_Contingency__c Apply Discount to Cost Contingency Services CPQ November 2021 If selected, the discount will be applied to the cost contingency.

Checkbox false
Apply_Discount_To_Expense__c DEPRECATED: Apply Discount to Expense Services CPQ November 2021 This field is obsolete.

Checkbox false
Approval_Status__c Approval Status Services CPQ November 2021 The current status of the estimate in the approval process.

Average_Hourly_Bill_Rate__c Average Hourly Bill Rate Services CPQ April 2022 The average hourly bill rate of the role requests on the estimate. This field is calculated upon save.

Bill_Amount_Independent_Records__c Bill Amount (Independent Records) Services CPQ September 2023 The bill amount of the records independent of estimate products that are related to the estimate.

Billable_Expense_Amount_Ind_Records__c Billable Expense Amount (Ind Records) Services CPQ September 2023 The billable expense amount of the records independent of estimate products that are related to the estimate.

Currency(18,4) 0
Billing_Type__c Billing Type Services CPQ November 2021 The method of billing, defined by the billing type of estimate products added to estimates.

Fixed Price
Time and Materials
Cost_Amount_Independent_Records__c Cost Amount (Independent Records) Services CPQ September 2023 The cost amount of the records independent of estimate products that are related to the estimate.

Cost_Contingency__c Cost Contingency Services CPQ November 2021 The cost contingency amount to add to the amount and cost for the estimate.

Currency(18,2) 0
Cost__c Cost Services CPQ November 2021 The total cost of the estimate. This field is calculated upon save.

Description__c Description Services CPQ May 2022 Description of the estimate

Discount__c Discount (Amount) Services CPQ November 2021 The total value of discounts applied to the estimate. This field is calculated upon save.

Currency(18,2) 0
Duration_Weeks__c Duration (Weeks) Services CPQ April 2022 Duration rounded up to the number of weeks. For example, 8 days equals 2 weeks.

IF(MOD(Duration__c, 7) == 0, (Duration__c / 7), (FLOOR(Duration__c / 7) + 1))
Duration__c Duration (Days) Services CPQ November 2021 The duration of the estimate in days.

End_Date__c - Start_Date__c + 1
End_Date__c End Date Services CPQ November 2021 The date the estimate ends.

Expense__c Total Billable Expenses Services CPQ November 2021 The total amount of billable estimated expenses related to the estimate.

Currency(18,2) 0
Global_Discount__c Global Discount (Amount) Services CPQ November 2021 The amount to discount from the amount for the estimate.

Discount__c - (Discount__c - (Percent_Global_Discount__c * (Amount__c - Vendor_Line_Item_Total_Bill_Amount__c - IF(Apply_Discount_To_Cost_Contingency__c, 0, Cost_Contingency__c)))) / (1 - (Percent_Global_Discount__c))
Group__c Group Services CPQ November 2021 The group that relates to the estimate.

Looks up to: pse__Grp__c

Independent_Line_Set_Billing_Type__c Independent Line Set Billing Type Services CPQ September 2023 The billing type for line sets that are added to estimates independently of estimate products.

Fixed Price
Time and Materials
Independent_Line_Set_FP_Margin_Percent__c Independent Line Set Fixed Price Mgn (%) Services CPQ September 2023 The margin percentage for line sets with a billing type of "Fixed Price" that are added to estimates independently of estimate products.

Percent(18,2) 0
Is_Locked__c Locked Services CPQ September 2023 If selected, the estimate is locked and can't be edited.

Checkbox false
Is_Primary__c Primary Services CPQ November 2021 Indicates that the estimate is the primary version for the opportunity.

Checkbox false
Is_Pushed_To_Opportunity__c Pushed to Opportunity Services CPQ May 2022 If selected, records independent of estimate products have been pushed.

Checkbox false
Is_Template__c Template Services CPQ May 2022 Indicates this estimate is a template.

Checkbox false
Margin__c Margin (Amount) Services CPQ November 2021 The difference between the net amount and cost for the estimate.

Net_Amount__c - Cost__c
Net_Amount__c Net Amount Services CPQ November 2021 The total amount for the estimate after discounts are applied.

Amount__c - Discount__c
Net_Bill_Amount_Independent_Records__c Net Bill Amount (Independent Records) Services CPQ September 2023 The net bill amount of the records independent of estimate products that are related to the estimate.

Non_Billable_Expenses_Ind_Records__c Non-Billable Expenses (Ind Records) Services CPQ September 2023 The total amount of non-billable estimated expenses related to the estimate, independent of estimate products.

Currency(18,4) 0
Opportunity_Line_Item__c Opportunity Product Services CPQ January 2022 The opportunity product created when records independent of estimate products were pushed to opportunity.

Looks up to: OpportunityLineItem

Opportunity__c Opportunity Services CPQ November 2021 The opportunity that relates to the estimate.

Looks up to: Opportunity

Percent_Discount__c Discount (%) Services CPQ November 2021 The total discount of the estimate as a percentage of the amount.

IF(ffscpq__Amount__c = 0, 0, ffscpq__Discount__c / ffscpq__Amount__c)
Percent_Global_Discount__c Global Discount (%) Services CPQ November 2021 The percentage to discount from the amount for the estimate.

Percent(5,2) 0
Percent_Margin__c Margin (%) Services CPQ November 2021 The margin as a percentage of the amount.

Margin__c / Net_Amount__c
Practice__c Practice Services CPQ November 2021 The practice that relates to the estimate.

Looks up to: pse__Practice__c

Product__c Product Services CPQ Summer 2023 The product that relates to the estimate.

Looks up to: Product2

Project__c Project Services CPQ May 2022 The project created from records independent of estimate products.

Looks up to: pse__Proj__c

Region__c Region Services CPQ November 2021 The region that relates to the estimate.

Looks up to: pse__Region__c

Role_Request_Uplift_Cut_Off_Date__c Role Request Uplift Cutoff Date Services CPQ June 2022 The date after which to apply the role request uplift percentage. Uplift is applied as a percentage against the previous year's rates and compounded year on year.

Role_Request_Uplift_Percentage__c Role Request Uplift (%) Services CPQ June 2022 The percentage to increase the role request rates by, starting from the role request uplift cutoff date. Uplift is applied as a percentage against the previous year's rates and compounded year on year.

Stage_Name__c Stage Services CPQ Spring 2022 The current stage of the estimate.

Under Review
Start_Date__c Start Date Services CPQ November 2021 The date the estimate starts.

State__c State Services CPQ June 2022 Indicates if an estimate is locked, unlocked, or a template.

IF( Is_Locked__c, $Label.ffscpq__common_label_locked, IF( Is_Template__c, $Label.ffscpq__common_label_template, $Label.ffscpq__common_label_unlocked))
Total_Hours__c Total Hours Services CPQ April 2022 The total number of hours for the estimate. This field is calculated upon save.

Total_Non_Billable_Expenses__c Total Non-Billable Expenses Services CPQ Summer 2023 The total amount of non-billable estimated expenses related to the estimate.

Currency(18,2) 0
Vendor_Line_Item_Bill_Amnt_Ind_Records__c Vendor Line Item Bill Amnt (Ind Records) Services CPQ September 2023 The bill amount of the vendor line items that are related to the estimate's records independent of estimate products.

Vendor_Line_Item_Cost_Amnt_Ind_Records__c Vendor Line Item Cost Amnt (Ind Records) Services CPQ September 2023 The cost amount of the vendor line items that are related to the estimate's records independent of estimate products.

Vendor_Line_Item_Total_Bill_Amount__c Total Bill Amount of Vendor Line Items Services CPQ April 2023 The total bill amount of vendor line items related to the estimate.

Vendor_Line_Item_Total_Cost_Amount__c Total Cost Amount of Vendor Line Items Services CPQ April 2023 The total cost amount of vendor line items related to the estimate.


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