Label: Accounting Localization Settings (FF) Contains settings that control the behavior of Localization in FinancialForce Accounting.
AuditDataDeleteBatchChunkSize__c |
Audit Data Delete Batch Chunk Size |
Summer 2020 |
Defines the number of audit data line items processed by the Audit Data Delete Batch process in a single chunk. The default value is 2,000.
Number(4,0) |
2000 |
AuditDataGenerateBatchChunkSize__c |
Audit Data Generate Batch Chunk Size |
Summer 2020 |
Defines the number of transaction line items processed by the Audit Data Generate Batch process in a single chunk. The default value is 2,000.
Number(4,0) |
2000 |
AuditFileBatchChunkSize__c |
Audit File Batch Chunk Size |
Summer 2020 |
Defines the number of transaction line items processed by the Audit File Batch process in a single chunk.
Number(4,0) |
1000 |
AuditFileSizeInMB__c |
Audit File Size in MB |
Spring 2020 |
Defines the size of the localization audit file in MB.
Number(4,2) |
11.50 |
UseDataLoader__c |
Create Audit File Using Data Loader |
Summer 2020 |
If selected audit file data is prepared for Data Loader. The default is deselected.
Checkbox |
false |