Billing Central Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class AvalaraTaxService

This class provides the functionality required to connect to Avalara. Salesforce determines the maximum number of callouts that you can make to an external service such as Avalara. See the Salesforce documentation for more information.



An enum representing the severities of messages returned by Avalara.

Value Description
Info An information message.
Warning A warning message.
Error An error message.



global static ffbc.AvalaraTaxService.Settings getSettings()

Retrieves the Billing Central tax calculation settings for the org.

Return Value

The wrapper containing the settings.


global static void saveSettings(ffbc.AvalaraTaxService.Settings settings)

Saves settings.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
settings ffbc.AvalaraTaxService.Settings The wrapper containing the settings to be saved.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
BillingCentralException An exception is thrown if the settings are invalid.


global static List<ffbc.AvalaraTaxService.TaxResponse> calculate(Set<Id> billingDocumentIds)

Sends a request to calculate tax for the given documents to Avalara, then sets the tax rates and values on the document line items according to the response. To calculate tax, the connection details on the ERP Tax Calculation Settings tab must be valid.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
billingDocumentIds Set<Id> List of billing documents for which to calculate tax.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
BillingCentralException An exception is thrown if:
- The external tax calculation settings on the ERP Tax Calculation Settings tab are not enabled
- The status of the document is Complete
- The document is not associated with a company
- The document is not associated with an account
- The Summary Tax Code set in the FFBC Tax Calculation Settings tab is invalid
- The document has no line items
- A document has no addresses
- A document has a shipping address with no account name
- A document has no account names
- The number of billing document IDs in the request exceeds the maximum number of calls that can be made to Avalara

Return Value

The response to the tax calculation request for each document.


global static List<ffbc.AvalaraTaxService.TaxResponse> getTax(List<ffbc.AvalaraTaxService.TaxDocument> documents)

Sends a request to Avalara to calculate tax for the documents provided and returns the response. To calculate tax, the connection details on the ERP Tax Calculation Settings tab must be valid.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
documents List<ffbc.AvalaraTaxService.TaxDocument> List of documents for which to calculate tax.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
BillingCentralException An exception is thrown if:
- The external tax calculation settings on the ERP Tax Calculation Settings tab are not enabled
- The Summary Tax Code set in the FFBC Tax Calculation Settings tab is invalid
- A document is null
- A document is not associated with a company
- A document is not associated with an account
- A document has no line items
- A document is associated with a company that does not have an address
- A document has no addresses
- A document has a shipping address with no account name
- A document has no account names
- A document has no currency ISO code
- The number of documents exceeds the maximum number of calls that can be made to Avalara.

Return Value

The response to the tax calculation request for each document. Responses are provided in the same order in which the documents were supplied.


global static List<ffbc.AvalaraTaxService.DocumentValidationError> validateDocuments(Set<Id> billingDocumentIds)

Validates that a document can be taxed.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
billingDocumentIds Set<Id> The Ids of the billing documents to be validated.

Return Value

A list of validation errors. If this list is empty, the billing documents are valid.


global with sharing class Settings

This class wraps the tax calculation settings for an organization.


Name Type Description
SummaryTaxCode Id Tax code that represents summarized tax on a billing document line item. A valid tax code record with the same ID must exist in the Tax Codes object of FinancialForce ERP. The tax rates are generated by Avalara.



global Settings()

The default constructor for this object.


global with sharing class Message

This class wraps a message associated with a response to an external tax calculation request.


Name Type Description
Severity ffbc.AvalaraTaxService.MessageSeverity Read only. The severity of the message. Messages returned by Avalara requests have a severity of Info, Warning or Error.
Summary String Read only. The summary of the message.


global with sharing class TaxResponse

This class wraps a response to a tax calculation request.


Name Type Description
Success Boolean Read only. The success status of the request returned by Avalara.
Messages List<ffbc.AvalaraTaxService.Message> Read only. The list of messages associated with the response.
TaxLines List<ffbc.AvalaraTaxService.TaxResponseLine> Read only. The list of response lines corresponding to the document line items.
DocumentId Id Read only. The ID of the document to which the response relates.
SummaryTaxCodeId Id Read only. The ID of the summary tax code for external tax calculation.


global with sharing class TaxResponseLine

This class wraps a line of a response to a tax calculation request.


Name Type Description
LineNo String Read only. The name of the document line item to which the response line relates.
Tax Decimal Read only. The tax value of the line item calculated by the external tax calculation service.
Rate Decimal Read only. The tax rate of the line item calculated by the external tax calculation service, as a fraction.
CalculatedRate Decimal Read only. The tax rate of the line item as a percentage. This is calculated from the response given by the external tax calculation service.


global with sharing class DocumentValidationError

This class wraps an error identified when validating a billing document.


Name Type Description
DocumentId Id Read only. The Id of the document that was validated.
Message String Read only. The message associated with the validation error.


global with sharing class TaxDocument

An object representing a document for which tax can be calculated using Avalara.


Name Type Description
DocumentDate Date The document date.
Name String The name of the document.
CurrencyIsoCode String The currency ISO code of the document. The default value is the default currency of your Salesforce organization.
CompanyId Id The ID of the ERP company associated with the document.
AccountId Id The ID of the account associated with the document.
BillingAccountName String The name of the document billing account.
BillingStreet String The street of the document billing address.
BillingCity String The city of the document billing address.
BillingState String The state of the document billing address.
BillingPostalCode String The postal code of the document billing address.
BillingCountry String The country of the document billing address.
ShippingAccountName String The name of the document shipping account.
ShippingStreet String The street of the document shipping address.
ShippingCity String The city of the document shipping address.
ShippingState String The state of the document shipping address.
ShippingPostalCode String The postal code of the document shipping address.
ShippingCountry String The country of the document shipping address.
LineItems List<ffbc.AvalaraTaxService.TaxDocumentLineItem> The line items associated with the document.



global TaxDocument()

The default constructor for this object.


global with sharing class TaxDocumentLineItem

An object representing a line item of a document for which tax can be calculated using Avalara.


Name Type Description
LineNo String A name which uniquely identifies the line on the document to which it relates. This value corresponds to the LineNo field on a TaxResponseLine object.
Description String A description of the line item.
ProductId Id The ID of the product associated with the line item.
Quantity Decimal The quantity of the line item.
NetValue Decimal The net value of the line item.



global TaxDocumentLineItem()

The default constructor for this object.

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