Billing Central Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class ConsolidationService

This class provides service functionality for Billing Central billing documents consolidation. This feature is in pilot mode. Contact your FinancialForce Customer Success Manager if you are considering using it.



global static ffbc.ConsolidationService.ConsolidationResponse consolidate(ffbc.ConsolidationService.ConsolidationRequest request)

Consolidate the billing documents provided if they are valid. The billing documents are valid if their mandatory fields have the same value and the Document Status field is Draft. If the optional fields have the same value the consolidate billing document will keep the value but if they don't have the same value then the field will be blank.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request ffbc.ConsolidationService.ConsolidationRequest The configuration to perform the consolidation.

Return Value

A response containing the results from the consolidation process.


global class ConsolidationRequest

This class wraps the data needed to perform a billing document consolidation. This is prepared to store a set of billing documents to be consolidated, a given value for the Document Date field and a given value for the Due Date field.


Name Type Description
BillingDocumentIds Set<Id> Set of billing documents to consolidate, identified by ID.
DocumentDate Date Optional. Document date to set in the consolidated billing document. If null, it will be defaulted to today.
DueDate Date Optional. Due date to set in the consolidated billing document. If null, it will be auto-assigned following the optional field flow.



global ConsolidationRequest(Set<Id> BillingDocumentIds)

Creates a request to consolidate the given billing documents.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
BillingDocumentIds Set<Id> The IDs of the billing documents to consolidate.


global class ConsolidationResponse extends Response

This class wraps the resultant data of the consolidation process. This is prepared to store the ID of the resulting consolidated billing document (if created) and the errors for the process.

This class extends ffbc.Response


Name Type Description
ConsolidationId Id Consolidated billing document ID.
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