ActivateContractQueueSize__c |
Activate Contract: Queue Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of contracts activated in a single queue. This setting is only used when Activate Contract: Use Queueable is selected.
Number(4,0) |
ActivateContractScopeSize__c |
Activate Contract: Scope Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of contracts to be activated in one go.
Number(4,0) |
ActivateContractUseQueueable__c |
Activate Contract: Use Queueable |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Indicates whether Queueable Apex is used instead of Batch Apex when activating contracts. When selected, set Activate Contract: Queue Size and Activate Contract: Scope Size. When cleared, set Activate Contract: Scope Size.
Checkbox |
true |
AssignProrationToContractQueueSize__c |
Assign Proration: Queue Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of contracts to assign the proration policy to in a single queue. This setting is only used when Assign Proration: Use Queueable is selected.
Number(4,0) |
18 |
AssignProrationToContractScopeSize__c |
Assign Proration: Scope Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of contracts to assign the proration policy to in one go.
Number(4,0) |
18 |
AssignProrationToContractUseQueueable__c |
Assign Proration: Use Queueable |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Indicates whether Queueable Apex is used instead of Batch Apex when assigning proration policies to contracts. When selected, set Assign Proration: Queue Size and Assign Proration: Scope Size. When cleared, set Assign Proration: Scope Size.
Checkbox |
true |
BillingQueueSize__c |
Billing: Queue Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of contracts to be processed in a single queue when creating billing documents. This setting is only used when Billing: Use Queueable is selected.
Number(4,0) |
BillingScopeSize__c |
Billing: Scope Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of contracts to be processed in one go when creating billing documents.
Number(4,0) |
BillingUseQueueable__c |
Billing: Use Queueable |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Indicates whether Queueable Apex is used instead of Batch Apex when creating billing documents. When selected, set Billing: Queue Size and Billing: Scope Size. When cleared, set Billing: Scope Size.
Checkbox |
true |
CalculateTaxWithAvalaraScopeSize__c |
Calculate Tax with Avalara: Scope Size |
Spring 2020 |
Maximum number of billing documents to process in one go when calculating tax with Avalara. The highest value you can enter is 100.
Number(4,0) |
CompleteBillingDocumentQueueSize__c |
Complete Billing Document: Queue Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of billing documents to be completed in a single queue when completing billing documents. This setting is only used when Complete Billing Document: Use Queueable is selected.
Number(4,0) |
CompleteBillingDocumentScopeSize__c |
Complete Billing Document: Scope Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of billing documents to be processed in one go when completing billing documents.
Number(4,0) |
CompleteBillingDocumentUseQueueable__c |
Complete Billing Document: Use Queueable |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Indicates whether Queueable Apex is used instead of Batch Apex when completing billing documents. When selected, set Complete Billing Document: Queue Size and Complete Billing Document: Scope Size. When cleared, set Complete Billing Document: Scope Size.
Checkbox |
true |
ConvertInvoiceQueueSize__c |
Convert Invoice: Queue Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of billing documents to be processed in a single queue when converting invoices to credit notes. This setting is only used when Convert Invoice: Use Queueable is selected.
Number(4,0) |
ConvertInvoiceScopeSize__c |
Convert Invoice: Scope Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of billing documents to be updated in one go when invoices are converted to credit notes.
Number(4,0) |
ConvertInvoiceUseQueueable__c |
Convert Invoice: Use Queueable |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Indicates whether Queueable Apex is used instead of Batch Apex when invoices are converted to credit notes. When selected, set Convert Invoice: Queue Size and Convert Invoice: Scope Size. When cleared, set Convert Invoice: Scope Size.
Checkbox |
true |
DiscardBillingDocumentQueueSize__c |
Discard Billing Document: Queue Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of billing schedules to be processed in a single queue when discarding billing documents. This setting is only used when Discard Billing Document: Use Queueable is selected.
Number(4,0) |
DiscardBillingDocumentScopeSize__c |
Discard Billing Document: Scope Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of billing schedules to be updated in one go when billing documents are discarded.
Number(4,0) |
DiscardBillingDocumentUseQueueable__c |
Discard Billing Document: Use Queueable |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Indicates whether Queueable Apex is used instead of Batch Apex when billing documents are discarded. When selected, set Discard Billing Document: Queue Size and Discard Billing Document: Scope Size. When cleared, set Discard Billing Document: Scope Size.
Checkbox |
true |
ExpireContractQueueSize__c |
Expire Contract: Queue Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of Contracts expired in a single queue. This setting is only used when Expire Contract: Use Queueable is selected.
Number(4,0) |
ExpireContractScopeSize__c |
Expire Contract: Scope Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of Contracts expired in one go.
Number(4,0) |
ExpireContractUseQueueable__c |
Expire Contract: Use Queueable |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Indicates whether Queueable Apex is used instead of Batch Apex when expiring Contracts. When selected, set Expire Contract: Queue Size and Expire Contract: Scope Size. When cleared, set Expire Contract: Scope Size.
Checkbox |
true |
GenerateSchedulesForLinesQueueSize__c |
Generate Schedules For Lines: Queue Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of contract lines to be processed in a single queue when generating billing schedules for lines.
Number(4,0) |
GenerateSchedulesForLinesScopeSize__c |
Generate Schedules For Lines: Scope Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of contract lines to be processed in one go when generating billing schedules for lines.
Number(4,0) |
GenerateSchedulesQueueSize__c |
Generate Schedules: Queue Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of contracts to be processed in a single queue when generating billing schedules.
Number(4,0) |
GenerateSchedulesSchedulesPerLine__c |
Generate Schedules: Schedules Per Line |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of billing schedules to be created per contract line item for the contracts being processed at the same time in a single queue when generating billing schedules.
Number(4,0) |
GenerateSchedulesScopeSize__c |
Generate Schedules: Scope Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of contracts to be processed in one go when generating billing schedules.
Number(4,0) |
GenerateTaxDetailsQueueSize__c |
Generate Tax Breakdown: Queue Size |
Summer 2020 |
Maximum number of billing document line items to be processed in a single queue when generating tax breakdown details.
Number(4,0) |
JobCheckIntervalMinutes__c |
Job Check Interval |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Frequency in minutes to check whether queueable processes have finished.
Number(4,0) |
NotifyAfterDeletingJobsAndLogs__c |
Notify After Deleting Old Jobs And Logs |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Indicates whether notifications are sent upon successful completion of deleting old Jobs/Logs.
Checkbox |
false |
NumberOfDaysToRetainJobs__c |
Number of Days to Retain Jobs |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number of days for which to keep job records of background processes before automatically deleting them.
Number(4,0) |
100 |
NumberOfDaysToRetainLogs__c |
Number of Days to Retain Logs |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number of days for which to keep log records of background processes before automatically deleting them.
Number(4,0) |
100 |
ReceiveProcessNotificationsByChatter__c |
Receive Process Notifications by Chatter |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Indicates whether background process notifications are sent to recipients by Chatter.
Checkbox |
false |
ReceiveProcessNotificationsByEmail__c |
Receive Process Notifications by Email |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Indicates whether background process notifications are sent to recipients by Email.
Checkbox |
true |
RenewContractQueueSize__c |
Renew Contracts: Queue Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of contracts to be processed in a single queue when renewing contracts. This setting is only used when Renew Contracts: Use Queueable is selected.
Number(4,0) |
RenewContractScopeSize__c |
Renew Contracts: Scope Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of renewals to be created in one go when renewing contracts.
Number(4,0) |
RenewContractUseQueueable__c |
Renew Contracts: Use Queueable |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Indicates whether Queueable Apex is used instead of Batch Apex when renewing contracts. When selected, set Renew Contracts: Queue Size and Renew Contracts: Scope Size. When cleared, set Renew Contracts: Scope Size.
Checkbox |
true |
UpdateTotalBilledQueueSize__c |
Update Total Billed: Queue Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of billing documents processed in a single queue when updating the total billed amount on the related contract lines. This setting is only used when Update Total Billed: Use Queueable is selected.
Number(4,0) |
UpdateTotalBilledScopeSize__c |
Update Total Billed: Scope Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Maximum number of billing documents processed in one go when updating the total billed amount on the related contract lines.
Number(4,0) |
UpdateTotalBilledUseQueueable__c |
Update Total Billed: Use Queueable |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Indicates whether Queueable Apex is used instead of Batch Apex when creating billing documents. When selected, set Update Total Billed: Queue Size and Update Total Billed: Scope Size. When cleared, set Update Total Billed: Scope Size.
Checkbox |
true |