Permissions Available on Permission Set
The table lists the permissions available for this permission set.
Apex Class Permission |
exp_builderUtils |
Enabled |
exp_configurationItem |
Enabled |
exp_configurationItemController |
Enabled |
exp_configurationItemMetadata |
Enabled |
exp_configurationItemReader |
Enabled |
exp_configurationItemSelector |
Enabled |
exp_configurationItemService |
Enabled |
exp_configurationItemTypes |
Enabled |
exp_configurationItemWriter |
Enabled |
exp_helpController |
Enabled |
exp_helpLoader |
Enabled |
exp_labHelper |
Enabled |
exp_labPicklistCalculationTypes |
Enabled |
exp_labPicklistDateFields |
Enabled |
exp_labPicklistHighlights |
Enabled |
exp_labPicklistHighlightNumbersPanel |
Enabled |
exp_labPicklistNavigation |
Enabled |
exp_labPicklistNumericalFields |
Enabled |
exp_labPicklistPercentageFields |
Enabled |
exp_labPicklistPicklistFields |
Enabled |
exp_labPicklistThresholdColors |
Enabled |
exp_metadataOperations |
Enabled |
exp_platformEvents |
Enabled |
exp_schemaProvider |
Enabled |
ffui_dependency |
Enabled |
ffui_describeSObject |
Enabled |
ffui_documentController |
Enabled |
ffui_documentSelector |
Enabled |
ffui_fileIconController |
Enabled |
ffui_icon |
Enabled |
ffui_navigation |
Enabled |
ffui_pageRef |
Enabled |
ffui_schemaUtils |
Enabled |
ffui_utils |
Enabled |
wksp_api |
Enabled |
wksp_app |
Enabled |
wksp_appDefinition |
Enabled |
wksp_appDefinitionSelector |
Enabled |
wksp_appDefinitionService |
Enabled |
wksp_currencySelector |
Enabled |
wksp_customAlertController |
Enabled |
wksp_customAlertService |
Enabled |
wksp_http |
Enabled |
wksp_kpiDataProvider |
Enabled |
wksp_labPicklistHelper |
Enabled |
wksp_listViewController |
Enabled |
wksp_listViewInfo |
Enabled |
wksp_listViewMetadata |
Enabled |
wksp_listViewSelector |
Enabled |
wksp_listViewService |
Enabled |
wksp_listViewServiceImpl |
Enabled |
wksp_navigation |
Enabled |
wksp_navigationService |
Enabled |
wksp_queryLexer |
Enabled |
wksp_recordCounter |
Enabled |
wksp_rest |
Enabled |
wksp_schemaUtils |
Enabled |
wksp_securityUtil |
Enabled |
wksp_securityUtilImpl |
Enabled |
wksp_securityUtilTest |
Enabled |
wksp_tab |
Enabled |
wksp_tabsMetadata |
Enabled |
Field Permission |
exp_configurationItem__c.LargeData__c |
Read |
Object Permission |
exp_configurationItem__c |
Read, View All |
Apex Page Permission |
wksp_api |
Enabled |