Human Capital Management REST API Developer Reference

The HCM Learning Services

The HCM Rest API contains:

  • learningcourses returns learning course records based on learning courses name, learning courses ID, or learning courses worker ID, and optionally custom fields of LearningCourse object that are passed as parameters in request URL
  • learningcatalogs returns learning catalog records based on learning catalog title or learning catalog ID, and optionally custom fields of Learning Catalog object that are passed as parameters in request URL
  • learningtypes returns learning types with related catalog records based on learning type name or learning type ID, and optionally custom fields of LearningType and Catalog objects that are passed as parameters in request URL

Service-specific notes:

API Note
learningcourses Bulk limit: There is a bulk limit of 800 records at one time for Create operation.
You can include names with commas. Make sure that you enclose the comma in double quotes.


You can include Salesforce Notes & Attachments. See Creating Notes and Creating Attachments.

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