Human Capital Management REST API Developer Reference


Represents a CandidateFeedback REST API structure


URI /services/apexrest/v1.0/candidatefeedbacks/*
Description Returns candidate feedback records based on candidate ID, candidate email, candidate feedback record ID, or job application ID, and/or customer fields of Candidate Feedback object that are passed as parameters in the request URL

Input Parameters

ids Comma-separated Salesforce record IDs of related candidate feedbacks
candidateemails Comma-separated emails of related candidates
candidateids Comma-separated Salesforce record IDs of related candidates
jobapplicationids Comma-separated Salesforce record IDs of candidate job applications
customfields Comma-separated custom field names of Feedback__c object

Sample Code

// GET Response
   "Rating": "4",
   "Recommendation": "Test Recommendation",
   "LastModifiedDate": "2016-03-23T09:14:32.000Z",
   "LastModifiedById": "00515000006GrftAAC",
   "JobApplication": "a1fj000000987pg",
   "CustomFields": [{
      "FieldName": "CustomFieldName",
      "Value": "CustomFieldValue"
   "CreatedDate": "2016-03-23T09:14:32.000Z",
   "CreatedById": "00515000006GrftAAC",
   "Candidate": "a1fj000000232rk"


URI /services/apexrest/v1.0/candidatefeedbacks/*
Description Insert candidate feedback records

Input Parameters

records Candidate Feedback records that need to be inserted

Sample Code

// POST Request
   "records": [{
      "Rating": "4",
      "Recommendation": "Test Recommendation1",
      "Candidate": "a0oj0000003nCID",
      "JobApplication": "a1ml0000000f1QW",
      "CustomFields": [{
         "FieldName": "CustomFieldName",
         "Value": "CustomFieldValue"
   }, {
      "Rating": "3",
      "Recommendation": "Test Recommendation2",
      "Candidate": "a1rc000000165kv",
      "JobApplication": "a1rj0000000f1PR",
      "CustomFields": [{
         "FieldName": "CustomFieldName",
         "Value": "CustomFieldValue"

// POST Response


URI /services/apexrest/v1.0/candidatefeedbacks/*
Description Insert or update candidate feedback records

Input Parameters

records Candidate Feedback records that need to be inserted or updated

Sample Code

// PATCH Request
   "records": [{
      "Id": "a1ks000000173gg",
      "Rating": "4",
      "Recommendation": "Test Recommendation",
      "Candidate": "a0oj0000003nCID",
      "JobApplication": "a1ml0000000f1QW",
      "CustomFields": [{
         "FieldName": "CustomFieldName",
         "Value": "CustomFieldValue"
   }, {
      "Id": "a1fj000000103mv",
      "Rating": "3",
      "Recommendation": "Test Recommendation2",
      "Candidate": "a1rc000000165kv",
      "JobApplication": "a1rj0000000f1PR",
      "CustomFields": [{
         "FieldName": "CustomFieldName",
         "Value": "CustomFieldValue"

// PATCH Response
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