Human Capital Management REST API Developer Reference


Represents a JobQuestionSet REST API structure


URI /services/apexrest/v1.0/jobquestionsets/*
Description Returns job question sets with related job question records based on job question set name or job question set ID, and optionally custom fields of Job Question Set and Job Question objects that are passed as parameters in request URL

Input Parameters

ids Comma-separated Salesforce record IDs of job question sets
names Comma-separated names of job question sets
vanahcm__Job_Question_Set__c Comma-separated API names of custom field to be queried for vanahcm__Job_Question_Set__c object
vanahcm__Job_Questions__c Comma-separated API names of custom field to be queried for vanahcm__Job_Questions__c object

Sample Code

// GET Response
   "OwnerId": "00515000006AEwwAAG",
   "Name": "Question Set 1",
   "LastModifiedDate": "2016-04-25T12:29:27.000Z",
   "LastModifiedById": "00515000006AEwwAAG",
   "JobQuestions": [{
      "Weight": 0.5,
      "ScoreResponse": true,
      "RequiredField": true,
      "QuestionType": "Text",
      "QuestionName": "Test Question 1",
      "PickListValues": "Value 1, Value 2",
      "OwnerId": "00515000006AEwwAAG",
      "LastModifiedDate": "2016-04-25T12:29:28.000Z",
      "LastModifiedById": "00515000006AEwwAAG",
      "JobQuestionsName": "Question ID 59",
      "JobQuestionnaire": "a2L15000000KI6yEAG",
      "Id": "a2M15000000EQ0nEAG",
      "CustomFields": [{
         "Value": "Text",
         "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Text__c"
      }, {
         "Value": "2.00",
         "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Number__c"
      }, {
         "Value": "2015-02-02 00:00:00",
         "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Date__c"
      }, {
         "Value": "true",
         "FieldName": "Custom_Field_CheckBox__c"
      }, {
         "Value": "",
         "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Email__c"
      "CreatedDate": "2016-04-25T12:29:28.000Z",
      "CreatedById": "00515000006AEwwAAG",
      "CorrectAnswer": "Correct Answer"
   "Id": "a2L15000000KI6yEAG",
   "Description": "Test Description",
   "CustomFields": [{
      "Value": "Text",
      "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Text__c"
   }, {
      "Value": "2.00",
      "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Number__c"
   }, {
      "Value": "2015-02-02 00:00:00",
      "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Date__c"
   }, {
      "Value": "true",
      "FieldName": "Custom_Field_CheckBox__c"
   }, {
      "Value": "",
      "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Email__c"
   "CreatedDate": "2016-04-25T12:29:27.000Z",
   "CreatedById": "00515000006AEwwAAG"


URI /services/apexrest/v1.0/jobquestionsets/*
Description Insert job question set records with related job question records

Input Parameters

records Job question set records that need to be inserted

Sample Code

// POST Request
   "records": [{
      "Description": "Test Description",
      "Name": "Question Set 3",
      "CustomFields": [{
         "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Text__c",
         "Value": "Test"
      }, {
         "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Number__c",
         "Value": 2
      }, {
         "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Email__c",
         "Value": ""
      }, {
         "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Date__c",
         "Value": "2015-02-02"
      }, {
         "FieldName": "Custom_Field_CheckBox__c",
         "Value": "true"
      "JobQuestions": [{
         "QuestionName": "Test Question 3",
         "CorrectAnswer": "Correct Answer",
         "PickListValues": "Value 1, Value 2",
         "QuestionType": "Text",
         "RequiredField": true,
         "ScoreResponse": true,
         "Weight": 0.5,
         "CustomFields": [{
            "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Text__c",
            "Value": "Test"
         }, {
            "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Number__c",
            "Value": 2
         }, {
            "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Email__c",
            "Value": ""
         }, {
            "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Date__c",
            "Value": "2015-02-02"
         }, {
            "FieldName": "Custom_Field_CheckBox__c",
            "Value": "true"

// POST Response
   "RecordId": "a2L15000000KI79EAG",
   "JobQuestionIds": ["a2M15000000EQ0yEAG"]


URI /services/apexrest/v1.0/jobquestionsets/*
Description Insert or update job question set records with related job question records

Input Parameters

records Job question set records that need to be inserted or updated

Sample Code

// PATCH Request
   "records": [{
      "Id": "a2L15000000KI79EAG",
      "Description": "Test Description",
      "Name": "Question Set 2",
      "CustomFields": [{
         "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Text__c",
         "Value": "Updated Test"
      }, {
         "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Number__c",
         "Value": 3
      }, {
         "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Email__c",
         "Value": ""
      }, {
         "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Date__c",
         "Value": "2016-02-02"
      }, {
         "FieldName": "Custom_Field_CheckBox__c",
         "Value": "false"
      "JobQuestions": [{
         "Id": "a2M15000000EQ0yEAG",
         "QuestionName": "Test Question 2",
         "CorrectAnswer": "Updated Correct Answer",
         "PickListValues": "Value 1, Value 2",
         "QuestionType": "Text",
         "RequiredField": true,
         "ScoreResponse": true,
         "Weight": 0.5,
         "JobQuestionnaire": "${#TestSuite#JobQuestionSet2_ID}",
         "CustomFields": [{
            "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Text__c",
            "Value": "Updated Test"
         }, {
            "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Number__c",
            "Value": 3
         }, {
            "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Email__c",
            "Value": ""
         }, {
            "FieldName": "Custom_Field_Date__c",
            "Value": "2016-02-02"
         }, {
            "FieldName": "Custom_Field_CheckBox__c",
            "Value": "false"

// PATCH Response
   "RecordId": "a2L15000000KI79EAG",
   "JobQuestionIds": ["a2M15000000EQ0yEAG"]
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