Bank Statement Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a bank statement. Some of these fields may not be visible or editable at all times, or in all package combinations.

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts; * – Mandatory field; E – Editable until reconciled, then read-only
The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field       Description
Bank Account *     Reference to the related bank account. This bank account must have a valid bank statement definition associated with it.
Bank Reconciliation R     Reference to a related bank reconciliation, if there is one.
Closing Balance * E   Closing balance, as shown on the bank statement, or calculated by the system.
Company R     Company that owns this record.
Opening Balance * E   Opening balance, taken from the closing balance on the previous (most recent) bank statement, but can be amended.
Reference   E 255 Text used to identify this bank statement later.
Statement Date * E   Date on the bank statement header.
Status R     Status of the bank statement. See About Bank Reconciliation for a list of possible statuses.

Bank Statement Line Items

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts; * – Mandatory field; E – Editable until reconciled, then read-only; X – Used as selection criteria in bank reconciliation
The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field       Description
Amount R X   Value of payment or receipt.
Balance R     Balance after payment or receipt.
Bank Statement R     Reference to the related bank statement header details.
Company R     Company that owns this record.
Date R X   Date on the bank statement line.
Description R   255 Description on the bank statement line. Not used as automatic reconciliation selection criteria.
Line Number R     Number of the bank statement line.
Reference R X 255 Reference taken from the bank statement line, such as a check number or payee name.
Status E     Status of the bank statement line item. See About Bank Reconciliation for a list of possible statuses.


The following buttons may display. The availability or validity of these buttons varies according to many factors, including org configuration.

Button Description
Import Using the information in the related bank statement definition and import file, automatically creates new bank statement line items.
Save Saves the bank statement and its imported lines after editing.
Edit Enables editing where and when permitted.
Delete Deletes the bank statement header and lines.
Reconcile Displays the Reconcile Transactions page.
Cancel Cancels the current session without saving.