Cash Entry Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a cash entryClosedA record of money received from, or refunded to, your customers, often in the form of cash or a check. Also used to record payments to and refunds from vendors..

Some of these fields may not be visible or editable at all times, or in all package combinations.

Field Description
Cash Entry Number Unique Auto Number in the format CSH{autonumber}.

This object can have at least 9 billion records. The actual maximum depends on your starting number. The maximum length of an Auto Number field is 30 characters, 10 of which can be the number and 20 of which can be the prefix. See the Salesforce Help for more details.

Cash Entry Detail

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts; * – Mandatory field; ** – Mandatory if charges exist; E – Editable after posting (subject to some restrictions)
The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field       Description
Account       Do not change this field. It is automatically populated from cash entry line items. If you override this field, then other processes will fail.
Bank Account *     Bank account affected by this movement of funds. The default, if there is one, and any associated analysis dimensionsClosedCustom objects that allow you to analyze the activity in your business in additional ways, such as by cost center, project, employee, or any other business entity important to you. are those set on the current companyClosedThe company in which you are working. This is represented by the company queue to which you, and new instances of objects you create, are assigned. record. The bank account currency ISO code is displayed alongside.

The selected bank account must have an appropriate general ledger account assigned to it, and also be owned by the current company.
Bank Charges GLA **     The general ledger accountClosedThe general ledger will normally include general ledger accounts (GLAs) for items such as income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and reserves. used to record bank charges or handling fees for this cash entry. Examples might include accounts for PayPal and currency conversion fees. The default bank charges general ledger account and related dimensions are retrieved from the bank account record.
Bank Charges Local GLA       The local general ledger accountClosedThe general ledger will normally include general ledger accounts (GLAs) for items such as income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and reserves. used to record bank charges or handling fees for this cash entry.
Cash Entry Currency *     The currency in which this cash was received or paid out. Also known as the document currencyClosedThe currency in which values are entered on a document.. The default is the currency set on the selected bank account. Any alternative currency must be an accounting currencyClosedThe currency in which your company does business. A company can have more than one accounting currency. owned by the current companyClosedThe company in which you are working. This is represented by the company queue to which you, and new instances of objects you create, are assigned.. You can change this setting up until the time that you add your first line item.
Cash Entry Rate       The exchange rate used on this document for cash entry to home currency.
Date *     Usually, the date on the document. The default is today's date, but you might want to change this to another significant date, such as the date the money was paid into the bank.
Description   E 255 Description of this cash entry. If completed, this becomes the line description on the resulting bank analysis line.
Dual Rate       The exchange rate used on this document for home to dual currency.
From Intercompany Transfer       For internal use. Indicates that this cash entry was created from an intercompany transfer record. When you post this cash entry, it will not create another intercompany transfer.
Intercompany Transfer       Lookup to the related intercompany transfer record, if applicable.
Payment Method *     Method of payment, such as "Cash", "Check" or "Mixed" (where the cash entry lines have different payment methods).

If the payment method on the related account is blank and you set this to a value other than "Mixed", it is used as a default on the cash entry lines. If you select "Mixed", the default payment method continues to be derived from the account.
Payment Number       Lookup to the payment on a payment or payment refund cash entry. This field will be empty for payments created by FinancialForce Accounting Spring '13 or earlier.
This field does appear on the list view page layout, but does not appear on the recent items page layout due to platform restrictions. If you want to add it to the cash entries recent items list, you will have to remove an existing field from the view first.
Period *     Accounting period in which this document falls. Calculated from the document date, or by default the period that contains the date of input, but you can amend it by selecting a new period. If you enter a document date for a year that does not exist in your organization, then the period is set to blank. You can only save a document or post a transaction to an open period.
Reference   E 80 Any significant reference for the cash entry, such as a deposit slip number. If the Description field is blank, this becomes the line description on the resulting analysis (bank) line. If the cash entry was created during the Post and Match stage of a check payment, this is the specified check number.
Transaction R     When the cash entry has been posted, displays the related transactionClosedA record created when documents are posted to the general ledger. Transactions must balance (sum to zero) in home, dual, and document currency. number.
Type *     What type of transaction is this? The types are described in What is a Cash Entry?. This custom picklist must remain fixed. Do not add or amend its values.

You can further analyze the selected bank account, or bank charges general ledger account, by entering the relevant analysis dimensionsClosedCustom objects that allow you to analyze the activity in your business in additional ways, such as by cost center, project, employee, or any other business entity important to you. on their associated expander panels. All fields are optional.

Key: E – Editable after posting (subject to some restrictions)

Field   Description
Dimension 1–4 E Names of the analysis dimensions by which you want to analyze the cash entry.

Summary Totals

Field   Description
Bank Account Value R Value of the whole document, in bank account currency.
Bank Charge   Value of any one-off bank charges relating to the whole cash entry, in bank account currency. For example, the bank may charge a flat fee for currency conversion. If the cash entry is a payment to a vendor account and you want to add bank charges to the payment, you must enter them as a negative value.
Cash Entry Value R Value of the whole document in cash entry currency (document currencyClosedThe currency in which values are entered on a document.). All other fields are expressed in bank account currency.
Line Charges R Sum of the amounts in the Line Charges column, in bank account currency.
Net Value R Amount of cash received, refunded or paid out, after bank charges, in bank account currency.
Signed Bank Charge   Formula field for use on reports to show the correct sign.
Signed Net Banked   Formula field for use on reports to show the correct sign.
Total Charges R Sum of all line charges, plus any one-off, flat fee bank charges, in bank account currency.

The following fields may have been installed as part of the optional FinancialForce Cash Entry Extension package:

Field Description
Derive Bank Account Indicates that you want to derive the bank account from the current company.
Derive Period Indicates that you want to derive the period of this cash entry based on the document date.
Derive Currency Indicates that you want to derive the cash entry currency from the bank account.
Derive Bank Account Dimensions Indicates that you want to derive analysis dimensionsClosedCustom objects that allow you to analyze the activity in your business in additional ways, such as by cost center, project, employee, or any other business entity important to you. from the bank account.
Derive Bank Charges Analysis Indicates that you want to derive the values in the Bank Charges Analysis section from the bank account.

Account Lines

Key:  * – Mandatory field; E – Editable after posting (subject to some restrictions); D – Disabled or Hidden if cash entry currency = bank account currency; The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field       Description
Account *     Account you want to create, or have created, a cash entry for.

If the account is not an intercompany accountClosedA special account used in intercompany transactions. To create an intercompany account, link it to the company details of the destination company., the control accounts are retrieved from the related account.

If the type of cash entry is "Receipt" or "Refund", the account must have an accounts receivable control account assigned to it. If the type of cash entry is "Payment" or "Payment Refund", the account must have an accounts payable control account assigned to it.

If the account is an intercompany accountClosedA special account used in intercompany transactions. To create an intercompany account, link it to the company details of the destination company., the control accounts are retrieved from the intercompany definition record instead. The intercompany account can't be the one that represents the current companyClosedThe company in which you are working. This is represented by the company queue to which you, and new instances of objects you create, are assigned..

If the type of cash entry is "Receipt" or "Refund", the intercompany definition must have a Sending GLA control account assigned to it. If the type of cash entry is "Payment" or "Payment Refund", the intercompany definition must have a Receiving GLA control account assigned to it.
Account Reference   E 24 Any significant reference from the cash entry line, such as the check number. If the cash entry was created during the Post and Match stage of a check payment, this is the specified check number.
Bank Account Value   D   Value of this account line, before bank charges, in bank account currency. If active, you can amend the calculated value.
Cash Entry Value *     Amount paid by the customer, in cash entry currency (document currencyClosedThe currency in which values are entered on a document.). All other fields are expressed in bank account currency.
Intercompany Transfer       Lookup to the related intercompany transfer record, if applicable.
Line Charges       Value of any bank charges or handling fees specific to this account line, in bank account currency.

If the cash entry is a payment to a vendor account and you want to add bank charges to the payment, you must enter them as a negative value.
Net Value       Calculated value of this account line, after bank charges, in bank account currency.
Payment Method       Method of payment for this account. Defaults to the payment method on the selected account. If the account's payment method is blank, it defaults to the payment method on the Cash Entry Detail. The exception is when the value is "Mixed", in which case it remains blank.

You can amend this value if you do not want to accept the default.
Signed Line Charges       Formula field for use on reports to show the correct sign.
Signed Net Value       Formula field for use on reports to show the correct sign.
Signed Value       Formula field for use on reports to show the correct sign.

You can further analyze the selected customer account line by entering the relevant analysis dimensionsClosedCustom objects that allow you to analyze the activity in your business in additional ways, such as by cost center, project, employee, or any other business entity important to you. and a line description on the expander panel. All fields are optional.

Key: E – Editable after posting (subject to some restrictions)

Field     Description
Account Dimension 1–4 E   Names of the analysis dimensions which you want to analyze the cash entry for this account.
Line Description E 255 Any significant reference for the account line, such as check number.

The following fields may have been installed as part of the optional FinancialForce Cash Entry Extension package:

Field Description
Derive Line Number Indicates that you want to automatically allocate the next available line number.
Derive Payment Method Indicates that you want to derive the payment method automatically from the account.
Derive Account Dimensions Indicates that you want to derive the analysis dimensions automatically from the account.

Cash Entry Status

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts

Field   Description
Status R Current cash entry status. See What is a Cash Entry? for a description of the possible statuses.
Discard Reason 255 Reason this cash entry was discarded.

Matched Payments

This section lists other documents involved in matches with the current document. It is blank if the current document has not been matched. If you are working in Extended EditionClosedThe view of the application that you see when you install one of the extension packages (such as the Cash Entry Extension package). For invoices, credit notes, and journals Extended Edition is integrated into the main package, but must be configured., this panel is only available on sales invoices and sales credit notes.


The following buttons may display. The availability or validity of these buttons varies according to many factors, including org configuration.

Key: Ex – Extended EditionClosedThe view of the application that you see when you install one of the extension packages (such as the Cash Entry Extension package). For invoices, credit notes, and journals Extended Edition is integrated into the main package, but must be configured. only

Button   Description
Amend Document   Prepares a limited set of fields for editing on a "Complete" document.
Cancel   Cancels the current session without saving.
Cancel Cash Entry   Cancels the current cash entry by creating a reverse transaction and matching it against the original.
Classic Edit Ex Switches to Classic EditionClosedThe view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package. in Edit mode.
Classic View Ex Switches to Classic EditionClosedThe view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package. in View mode.
Discard   Discards the "In Progress" document. Sets the document's status to "Discarded".
Edit   Prepares the "In Progress" document for editing.
Manage Lines Ex Displays the Manage Lines page.
Post   Posts the "In Progress" documents and creates transactions. The resulting documents are "Complete".
Post & Match   Same as Post, but also initiates a cash matching session with the same account preselected. Not available on a multiple cash entryClosedCash entry with multiple account lines..
Save   Updates the summary totals on the top right of the page, then saves the document. The document's status is set to "In Progress".
Save & New   Saves the record and gives you the chance to add another.
Save & Post   Saves the document, posts the "In Progress" document and creates a transaction. Sets the document's status to "Complete". (Available in Classic EditionClosedThe view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package. only.)

The following buttons are also available in Classic EditionClosedThe view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package.:

Key: A – Account lines; V – Cash entry header

Button   Description
Update V Updates all summary totals.
 New Line A Adds a new line for the selected account.
 Calculate Value A Converts the cash entry (document) value into bank account currency using the exchange rate in force on the cash entry date.
A Removes the current line

The following expander icons may be available on some fields:

Button Description
Displays an expander panelClosedPanels that are initially hidden when the page is loaded. They allow you to enter, and subsequently view, additional attributes of the related field or line item, such as further analysis or a line description. that is hidden and closes any other panels that are open. Blue indicates existing content.
Hides the selected panel.
Indicates an error on the related expander panel. If hidden, click to show the item in error.