Using Enhanced Account Lookups and Auto-complete

If your administrator has enabled enhanced lookups and lookup auto-completion for accounts, it will be easier for you to find accounts and complete Account fields.

The enhanced lookup and auto-completion functionality is provided by Salesforce. See the Salesforce Help for detailed information about the platform's search behavior.

Using Enhanced Account Lookups

When you click the Account Lookup icon, the enhanced lookup will give you options to search on account name only (Name) or All Fields. If you choose to search on All Fields, an account will be included in the search results if any of its fields contains the string you enter in the Search box.

You can customize the columns in the search results grid by clicking My Columns to open a dialog box where you can choose which columns to include in the grid and the order in which they are displayed. You can change the sort order of rows in the search results grid by clicking on a column heading to switch between an ascending and a descending sort order on that column.

And if your administrator has enabled filter fields, you will be able to filter the search results further by entering a string into one of the filter fields then clicking the Apply Filters button.

Using Auto-complete

When you start typing an account name into an Account field, the list of suggestions dynamically updates to show recently used account names that match the string you are entering. This means that you spend less time searching to find the account you want.

Note: Note Notepad
Because of a Salesforce platform issue, currently the Account Lookup Auto-Completion feature does not work.