Intercompany Transfer Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up an intercompany transferClosedObject used as a staging location for data used when transferring costs to other companies in the same organization. record.

The following record types and corresponding page layouts are associated with this object:

Key: D – Deprecated; C – Cash Entry only; J – Journals only. All fields are read-only unless otherwise stated in their description.

Field Description
Document Rate The exchange rate override set on the source document for document to home currency. This field is only populated when the exchange rate override is applied on the destination journal. Exchange rate overrides are only supported when using intercompany for a centralized accounts receivable (A/R) or accounts payable (A/P) function.
Dual Rate The exchange rate override set on the source document for home to dual currency. This field is only populated when the exchange rate override is applied on the destination journal. Exchange rate overrides are only supported when using intercompany for a centralized accounts receivable (A/R) or accounts payable (A/P) function.
Intercompany Transfer Number Unique identifier for this intercompany transfer.
Processing Messages Displays information on any errors that occurred during processing.
Processing Status Indicates the processing status of this intercompany transfer record. See What is an Intercompany Transfer? for more information.
Reason for Rejection Reason the record was rejected in the destination company, if applicable.


Field   Description
Source Cash Entry Number C Unique number on the source cash entry, if appropriate.
Source Company   Company that initiated the intercompany process.
Source Document Bank Account C Lookup to the bank account on the source cash entry, if appropriate.
Source Document Currency   Currency of the source document.
Source Document Date   Date the intercompany document was posted in the source company.
Source Document Description   Description on the source document.
Source Document Reference D Reference to the source intercompany document. SourceJournalReference__c deprecated at version 12.0.
Source Document Reference   Text field. Reference from the source intercompany document. SourceDocumentReference__c is only populated for transfers that occurred after installation or upgrade to version 12.0.
Source Document Total   Total value of the source intercompany document.
Source Document Type C Type of cash entry, if applicable, such as "Receipt", "Payment", "Refund" or "Payment Refund".
Source Document Vendor Account   Lookup to the vendor account on the source intercompany payable invoice or payable credit note.
Source Journal Number   Lookup to the intercompany journal in the source companyClosedCompany that initiates an intercompany transaction..
Source Payable Credit Note Number   Lookup to the source intercompany payable credit note.
Source Payable Invoice Number   Lookup to the source intercompany payable invoice.
Source Sales Credit Note Number   Lookup to the source intercompany sales credit note.
Source Sales Invoice Number   Lookup to the source intercompany sales invoice.


Field   Description
Destination Cash Entry Number C Unique number on the destination cash entry, if appropriate.
Destination Company   Company to receive the costs during the intercompany process.
Destination Document Bank Account C Lookup to the bank account on the destination cash entry, if appropriate. This field is editable. Its default value is derived from the intercompany definition.
Destination Document Currency   Currency of the destination document.
Destination Document Date   Date of the document in the destination company. For journals, there is a custom setting that controls which date is inherited during intercompany transactions. See Intercompany Settings for more information.
Destination Document Description   Description on the destination document.
Destination Document Reference   Formula field. Reference on the destination intercompany document.
Destination Document Reference   Text field. Reference on the destination intercompany document. This field is only populated when the source intercompany document contains intercompany lines for the intercompany accounts receivable or account payable features.
Destination Document Total   Total value of the destination intercompany document.
Destination Document Type C Type of cash entry, if applicable. This field is automatically defaults as described here, but is editable.
Where source document type = "Receipt", destination type = "Payment".
Where source document type = "Payment", destination type = "Receipt".
Where source document type = "Refund", destination type = "Payment Refund".
Where source document type = "Payment Refund", destination type = "Refund".
Destination Journal Number   Lookup to the generated intercompany journal in the destination companyClosedCompany that receives the costs during an intercompany transaction..
Destination Payable Credit Note Number   Lookup to the generated intercompany payable credit note in the destination company.
Destination Payable Invoice Number   Lookup to the generated intercompany payable invoice in the destination company.

Canceled Journals

Field Description
Canceled Transfer If this record is the result of a canceled intercompany journal, this is a lookup to the original intercompany transfer record. This lookup is used to pass the original destination journal number to the corresponding canceling journal.

Intercompany Transfer Line Items

Field   Description
Intercompany Transfer Line Item ID   Unique identifier for this intercompany transfer line item.

Key: * – Mandatory field; J – Journal only; C – Cash Entry only. All fields are read-only unless otherwise stated in their description.

Field     Description
Account   J Lookup to the related destination account, if relevant.
Account Analysis   J Lookup to the related account on a non-account line. This is for analysis purposes in the destination company only.
Bank Account   J Lookup to the related destination bank account, if relevant.
Description     Description taken from the related source document's intercompany line item.
Dimension 1-4     Dimension 1-4 taken from the related source document's intercompany line item.
Expense Analysis   J Lookup to the related general ledger account. The value in this field is mapped to the Expense field on the transaction line item. This is for analysis purposes in the destination company only.
General Ledger Account *   The sending intercompany control account.
Line Type   J The destination line type. If this field is empty, a general ledger account line is created in the destination company.
Payment Method   C Payment method on the source cash entry, if appropriate.
Product     Lookup to the product, if relevant.
Product Analysis   J Lookup to the related product on a non-product line. This is for analysis purposes in the destination company only.
Quantity     Quantity specified for the product, if relevant.
Tax Code   J Lookup to the related destination tax code, if relevant.
Unit Price     Unit price specified for the product, if relevant.
Value *   Value of the line item as defined on the source document intercompany line item, in document currency.

The following buttons are available on the intercompany transfer list view page.

Button Description
Process Submits the batch job to generate and save the intercompany documents in the destination company.

The following buttons are available on the intercompany transfer detail page.

Button Description
Accept Sets a previously-rejected intercompany transfer back to a processing status of "Available".
Process Submits the batch job to generate and save the intercompany document in the destination company.
Reject Rejects the intercompany transfer. Its processing status is set to "Rejected". See Rejecting an Intercompany Transfer for more information.