Localization Fields

Here is a description of the objects used in the Localization functionality.

Audit Data Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Audit Data object. This is a temporary intermediate object used to generate the audit file using Data Loader.

Audit Data

Field Label


Company Lookup to Company.
Period From Lookup to Period From.
Period To Lookup to Period To.
Status The deletion status of the Audit Data object ("Deleting" or "Deleting Error").
Year Lookup to Year.

Audit File Log Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Audit File Log object. This object stores the log details from the file generation.

Audit File Log

Field Label


Audit File Log Name The name of the audit file log (autonumber with a AFL prefix).
Company The company the audit file is for.
Log Type Indicates the log type: Error, Information, Abort, External.
Message This contains any error log messages.