Generating Audit File

  1. Go to the company. The Audit File section is visible.
  2. In the Year field select a year.
  3. [Optional] In the Transactions From field select an alternative period.
  4. [Optional] In the Transactions To field select an alternative period.
  5. Click Generate File. A progress bar indicates the status of the file. When the file is ready an email is sent with a link to your company. From your company, click All Audit Files.
Note: If there is an error generating the file a message is displayed. Refresh the screen and refer to the log in the Audit File Log section. An email is also sent with a link to the company where the error occurred. If the error is related to a memory limit, see Localization Settings.
  1. [Optional] To view the file click All Audit Files.
The maximum size of the audit file is defined in the Accounting Localization Settings (FF) custom setting.If the file generation batch process fails all related files created by the batch process are deleted.

If numerous files are generated, see the following section in order to merge them into one file.

Merging Numerous Files

Depending on the amount of information, numerous files may be generated. Each file name uses the following convention:

{nine digit SIREN number}FEC {financial year} {yyyy}-{mm}-{dd} {time} - {sequence suffix}.txt

For example, if three files are generated the file names could look as follows:

Before sending your file to the relevant tax authorities you must merge the numerous file into one file. The steps differ for Windows or Mac users.


  1. Download all generated files to an empty folder.
  2. Open the Command Prompt.
  3. Navigate to the folder in the Command Prompt.
  4. Enter the following command:
    copy /b *.csv merge.txt
    All CSV files are copied into one file.
  5. Navigate to the new file and rename it according to the following convention:
    {nine digit SIREN number}FEC{YYYYMMDD}.txt
    For example: 819801804FEC20190630.txt.
Note: The date must be the closing period date.


  1. Download all generated files to an empty folder.
  2. Open the Terminal.
  3. Navigate to the folder in the Terminal.
  4. Enter the following command:
    cat *.csv >merged.txt
    All CSV files are copied into one file.
  5. Navigate to the new file and rename it according to the following convention:
    {nine digit SIREN number}FEC{YYYYMMDD}.txt
    For example: 819801804FEC20190630.txt.
Note: The date must be the closing period date.