Payable Credit Note Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a payable credit note.

Some of these fields may not be visible or editable at all times, or in all package combinations.

Field Description
Credit Note Number Unique Auto Number in the format PCR{autonumber}.

This object can have at least 9 billion records. The actual maximum depends on your starting number. The maximum length of an Auto Number field is 30 characters, 10 of which can be the number and 20 of which can be the prefix. See the Salesforce Help for more details.

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts;  * – Mandatory field; V – Value Added Tax/Goods and Services Tax modes only; S – Sales and Use Tax mode only; E – Editable after posting (subject to some restrictions); Descriptions of checkbox settings describe the selected (true) case.; D – The Derive fields are ignored when a document is "Complete" or "Discarded". Overrides prevail over derived values.

Field Description
Account * Vendor account for this payable credit note. The vendor account you specify here must have an accounts payable control account assigned to it. You can change the vendor account on a payable credit note up until the time that you add your first expense or product line item. On the payable credit notes home or detail page, click the account name to view the related vendor account details.

If this payable credit note was created from an intercompany transfer with a sales credit note as its source, this will be the account related to the source company, not the account on the original credit note. You must have created the appropriate intercompany definitionClosedDefines the intercompany control accounts to use when transferring costs between companies in the same organization. first.
Account Address R The vendor's address.
Avalara VAT Reporting Document Indicator    

Only applies if you are using the Avalara VAT Reporting integration.

Document type used to populate the required Document Indicator value for the Avalara VAT Reporting integration.

If this is blank, "5 - Canceled Invoice" is used when the document is sent to Avalara VAT Reporting.

Company R Company that owns this record.
Copy Account Values   Indicates that you want to retrieve details from the selected account.
Credit Note Currency * Currency in which monetary values are expressed on this payable credit note.

The default is the FinancialForce account trading currency set on the account. This must be an accounting currencyClosedThe currency in which your company does business. A company can have more than one accounting currency. owned by the current companyClosedThe company in which you are working. This is represented by the company queue to which you, and new instances of objects you create, are assigned.. You can change this setting up until the time that you add your first expense or product line item.
Credit Note Date * Date that appears on the sales credit note sent by the vendor.
Credit Note Description E Description of the payable credit note that can be used to include comments.
Credit Note Number R Unique number allocated to this payable credit note in the format PCR<autonumber>.
Credit Note Rate The exchange rate used on this document for credit note to home currency.
Credit Note Reason E Reason for the credit note, such as "Goods Returned" or "Incorrect Shipment". You can update the entries in this custom picklist.
Credit Note Status     Status of this document, such as "Complete" or "Discarded".
Derive Currency D In a single-currency organizationClosedAn organization that is not enabled for multiple currencies. If you are unsure, contact your Salesforce administrator., indicates that you want to set the credit note currency to home currency. In a multi-currency organization, indicates that you want to set the credit note currency to the currency of the selected account.
Derive Due Date D Indicates that you want to derive the due date of this credit note. See Due Date for information on how this date is derived.
Derive Period D Indicates that you want to derive the period of this credit note based on the credit note date.
Dimension (1–4) E Names of the analysis dimensionsClosedCustom objects that allow you to analyze the activity in your business in additional ways, such as by cost center, project, employee, or any other business entity important to you. by which you want to analyze this vendor account. See What are Analysis Dimensions? for more information. In Classic EditionClosedThe view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package., any custom fields that have been set up for sub-analysis mappingClosedMapping of custom fields at header and line level for the purpose of profitability reporting. are displayed immediately below the Dimension analysis fields.
Discard Reason     Reason that this document was discarded, if appropriate.
Dual Rate The exchange rate used on this document for home to dual currency.
Due Date * E Date the payable credit note is due for payment. Derived from the credit note date and the vendor account's credit termsClosedSet of terms used to determine due dates and discounts for the goods and services bought or sold. Terms can be set at account level for vendors and/or company level for customers..
Enable Reverse Charge   V Indicates that you want to enter reverse charge values on the payable credit note.
If Enable Place of Supply Rules is not set on the current company, this checkbox is set to false and place of supply rules are not taken into account for this payable document. See Company Fields for more information.
Expenses Output Tax Total   V Roll-up summary of output tax totals on payable credit note expense lines.
GLA Code     The GLA code, for information or reporting purposes.
Income Tax Type S Enabled only if the selected account is federally reportable for 1099 tax purposes. The default type is copied from the account's details, but you can change it here, even after posting. These types relate to the boxes on Form 1099-MISC. If this purchase is not reportable for 1099 tax, select "Not Reportable".
Intercompany Transfer     Lookup to the related intercompany transfer record, if applicable. Used to support the reporting of intercompany billing transactions. These reports can help you when you need to create manual elimination journals.
Invoice Date The date of the invoice related to the vendor's credit note.
Items Output Tax Total   V Roll-up summary of output tax totals on payable credit note product lines.
Local GLA     The local GLA name (with the reporting code if you are using the classic edition).
Local GLA Code     The reporting code.
Payable Invoice     Lookup to the payable invoice from which this credit note was created, if relevant.
Period * Accounting period in which this document falls. Calculated from the document date, or by default the period that contains the date of input, but you can amend it by selecting a new period. If you enter a document date for a year that does not exist in your organization, then the period is set to blank. You can only save a document or post a transaction to an open period.
Reference 1/2 E The vendor's order number, your organization or company's order number, the buyer's name, or any other reference detail.
Registered Date Date the payable credit note was entered, or the intercompany transfer was processed.
Tax Code 1     Lookup to the related tax code.
Tax Registration Number R V Identifying number used for tax purposes in the European Union.There is no format validation on this field.
Tax Country Code R V Code for the European Union country in which this vendor operates. You can update the entries in this custom picklist.
Transaction R When the payable credit note has been posted, displays the related transaction number.
Vendor Credit Note Number * Credit note number shown on the vendor's credit note. The behavior of this field is controlled by custom settings. For more details, ask your administratorClosedOne or more individuals in your organization who can configure and customize the application. Users assigned the System Administrator profile have administrator privileges..
Vendor Credit Note Total * Total shown on the vendor's credit note. This amount must balance with the Credit Note Total in the Summary section.
Vendor Invoice Number E Invoice number on the credit note delivered by the vendor. No validation of this value is performed in this context.
Year     This document's year and period.

The following field may have been installed as part of the optional FinancialForce OneTouch package:

Field Description
Approved Indicates this document is ready and approved for posting.

The following fields may have been added to the page layout for use in Extended Edition. They are only relevant if your organization is configured to use an external system for the calculation of tax. Both fields are read-only.

Field Description
External Tax Document Code A unique code that identifies the document in the external tax calculation system.
External Tax Status The status of the external tax calculation: Not Calculated, Calculated (tax has been calculated but the document is still "In Progress"), or Finalized (the document has been posted and the tax value has been committed in the external tax calculation system).

Expense Lines

Each payable credit note expense line begins with a line number to act as a unique reference.

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts;  * – Mandatory field; V – Value Added Tax/Goods and Services Tax modes only; C - Combined Tax mode only; S – Sales and Use Tax mode only; E – Editable after posting (subject to some restrictions); D – Overrides prevail over derived values

Field Description
Calculate Tax Value from Rate   V, C Calculates the relevant tax value from the associated tax rate. In Combined Tax mode, this checkbox applies to both Tax Value and Tax Value 2 so you must clear the values in both fields before saving the page to have the values calculated from their associated tax rate.
Combined Tax Code   C Combined tax code to use, along with the credit note date, to derive the tax rate for this credit note expense line. This will default from the account, product or company if appropriate. Upon saving the line item, the Tax 1 and Tax 2 fields (Input Tax Code, Rate, Value) are populated according to the tax model specified on the combined tax code. See What is Combined Tax? for more information.
Company R Company that owns this record.
Date From/To The period covered by the expense line.
Destination Company     The destination companyClosedCompany that receives the costs during an intercompany transaction. if this is an intercompany line.
Destination Net Value     The net value that is passed to the destination company if this is an intercompany line.
Derive Line Number D Derives the line number on save. This is the highest existing line number +1. If deselected, the value in the Line Number field is used.
Derive Tax Rate from Code   D, V, C Derives the relevant tax rate from the associated tax code. In Combined Tax mode, this checkbox applies to both Tax Rate and Tax Rate 2 so you must clear the values in both fields before saving the page to have the rates calculated from their associated tax code.
Dimension (1–4) E Names of the analysis dimensions by which you want to analyze this general ledger account. See What are Analysis Dimensions? for more information. In Classic Edition, any custom fields that have been set up for sub-analysis mappingClosedMapping of custom fields at header and line level for the purpose of profitability reporting. at expense line level are displayed immediately below the Dimension analysis fields.
Edit Tax Value     Enables manual editing of tax values.
General Ledger Account * The default expense account for this vendor or another appropriate general ledger account. See Payable Credit Note Line Items for a full explanation of how the general ledger account is selected for expense line items.
Input Tax Code V Defaults to the Input VAT/GST Code for this vendor, but can be amended. The tax code is used along with the credit note date, to derive the tax rate for this expense line.
Input Tax Code/Input Tax Code 2   C The child tax codes derived from the Combined Tax Code. You can select different tax codes for this credit note expense line but the parent tax code will not be affected.
Input Tax Rate   V Applicable rate of tax.
Input Tax Value * V Total value of tax relating to this expense line, to two decimal places. See Payable Credit Note Line Items for a full explanation of how the tax value can be recalculated or amended.
Intercompany Transfer    

Lookup to the related intercompany transfer record, if applicable.

Line Description   E Description of the payable credit note line item.
Net Value * V Manually entered value not including discount or tax.
Output Tax Code   V Tax code to use, along with the invoice date, to derive the output (reverse charge) tax rate for this line. The line must have its Reverse Charge checkbox selected.
Output Tax Rate   V Applicable rate of tax.
Output Tax Value   V Total value of tax relating to this expense line, to two decimal places. See Payable Credit Note Line Items for a full explanation of how the tax value can be recalculated or amended.
Reporting Code R The reporting code of the general ledger account for this expense line item.
Reverse Charge   V Indicates that you want to record a reverse charge on this line.
Set GLA to Default   Indicates that you want to set the general ledger account to the default.
Set Tax Code to Default   V, C Indicates that you want to set the tax code to the default defined by the tax mode. See About Tax for more information about the effect of tax modes. In Combined Tax mode, this checkbox applies to the Combined Tax Code, Input Tax Code and Input Tax Code 2 fields.
Tax Value/Tax Value 2   C The tax value for a child tax code when using combined tax.
Total Value * S Manually entered value.

Product Lines

Each payable credit note product line begins with a line number to act as a unique reference.

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts; * – Mandatory field; V – Value Added Tax/Goods and Services Tax modes only; C - Combined Tax mode only; S – Sales and Use Tax mode only; E – Editable after posting (subject to some restrictions); D – Overrides prevail over derived values

Field Description
Calculate Tax Value from Rate   V, C Calculates the relevant tax value from the associated tax rate. In Combined Tax mode, this checkbox applies to both Tax Value and Tax Value 2 so you must clear the values in both fields before saving the page to have the values calculated from their associated tax rate.
Combined Tax Code   C Combined tax code to use, along with the credit note date, to derive the tax rate for this credit note product line. This will default from the account, product or company if appropriate. Upon saving the line item, the Tax 1 and Tax 2 fields (Input Tax Code, Rate, Value) are populated according to the tax model specified on the combined tax code. See What is Combined Tax? for more information.
Company R Company that owns this record.
Date From/To The period covered by the product line.
Destination Company     The destination companyClosedCompany that receives the costs during an intercompany transaction. if this is an intercompany line.
Destination Net Value R   Destination Quantity x Destination Unit Price.
Destination Quantity     The quantity that is passed to the destination company if this is an intercompany line.
Destination Unit Price     The unit price that is passed to the destination company if this is an intercompany line.
Derive Line Number D Derives the line number on save. This is the highest existing line number +1. If deselected, the value in the Line Number field is used.
Derive Tax Rate from Code   D, V, C Derives the relevant tax rate from the associated tax code. In Combined Tax mode, this checkbox applies to both Tax Rate and Tax Rate 2 so you must clear the values in both fields before saving the page to have the rates calculated from their associated tax code.
Derive Unit Price from Product D Retrieves the unit price from the selected product.
Dimension (1–4) Names of the analysis dimensionsClosedCustom objects that allow you to analyze the activity in your business in additional ways, such as by cost center, project, employee, or any other business entity important to you. by which you want to analyze this product line item . See What are Analysis Dimensions? for more information. In Classic Edition, any custom fields that have been set up for sub-analysis mappingClosedMapping of custom fields at header and line level for the purpose of profitability reporting. at product line level are displayed immediately below the Dimension analysis fields.
Input Tax Code * V Defaults to the Input VAT/GST Code for this vendor, but can be amended. The tax code is used along with the credit note date, to derive the tax rate for this credit note product line.
Input Tax Code/Input Tax Code 2   C The child tax codes derived from the Combined Tax Code. You can select different tax codes for this credit note product line but the parent tax code will not be affected.
Input Tax Rate   V Applicable rate of tax.
Input Tax Value



V Total value of tax relating to this product line, to two decimal places. See Payable Credit Note Line Items for a full explanation of how the tax value can be recalculated or amended.
Intercompany Transfer    

Lookup to the related intercompany transfer record, if applicable.

Line Description   E Description of the payable invoice line item.
Net Value R V Quantity x Unit Price.
Output Tax Code   V Tax code to use, along with the invoice date, to derive the output (reverse charge) tax rate for this credit note product line. The line must have its Reverse Charge checkbox selected.
Output Tax Rate   V Applicable rate of tax.
Output Tax Value   V Total value of tax relating to this product line, to two decimal places. See Payable Credit Note Line Items for a full explanation of how the tax value can be recalculated or amended.
Payable Credit Note Number R Master-Detail to related payable credit note.
Product Name * Lookup to the related product.
Quantity * Quantity of product purchased, to six decimal places.
Reverse Charge   V Indicates that you want to record a reverse charge on this line.
Set Tax Code to Default   V, C Sets tax code to the default defined by the tax mode. See About Tax for more information about the effect of tax modes. In Combined Tax mode, this checkbox applies to the Combined Tax Code, Input Tax Code and Input Tax Code 2 fields.
Tax Value/Tax Value 2   C The tax value for a child tax code when using combined tax.
Total Value R S Quantity x Unit Price.
Unit Price * Unit price of this product, to nine decimal places.

Credit Note Summary

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts; V – Value Added Tax/Goods and Services Tax modes only; C - Combined Tax mode only

Field Description
Credit Note Total R Total credit note value, including the tax. This amount must balance with the Vendor Credit Note Total in the Payable Credit Note Detail section.
Expenses Net Total R   Total value of expense items on the credit note, before tax.
Expenses Tax 1 Total R V, C Sum of tax posted to expense lines.
Expenses Tax 2 Total R C Sum of tax 2 posted to expense lines.
Items Tax 1 Total R V, C Sum of tax posted to product lines.
Items Tax 2 Total R C Sum of tax 2 posted to product lines.
Items Net Total R   Total value of product items on the credit note, before tax.
Net Total R V, C Total value of items on the credit note, before tax.
Tax Total R V, C Total value of tax on this credit note.

Tax Summary

This section is only available if your company operates in Value Added Tax mode. One tax summary line is displayed for each tax code entered on the credit note. If the credit note contains lines to which no tax code has been assigned, a line labeled <blank> summarizes the net value of these untaxed items.

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts; V – Value Added Tax/Goods and Services Tax modes only

Field Description
Tax Code R V Tax code being summarized, or <blank>.
Tax Rate R V Tax rate for this tax code.
Net Value R V Total value of items posted to this tax code, before tax.
Tax Value R V Total value of tax posted to this tax code.

Payable Credit Note Status

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts

Field Description
Credit Note Status R Current status of the credit note.
Discard Reason 255 Reason why this credit note was discarded.

Matched Payments

This section lists other documents involved in matches with the current document. It is blank if the current document has not been matched. If you are working in Extended EditionClosedThe view of the application that you see when you install one of the extension packages (such as the Cash Entry Extension package). For invoices, credit notes, and journals Extended Edition is integrated into the main package, but must be configured., this panel is only available on sales invoices and sales credit notes.

Payment Details

Payment information is displayed once the document has been posted.

Key:  All fields are read-only.

Field Description
Outstanding Value Amount still owed on this document in document currency.
Payment Status Is this document unpaid, part-paid, or paid in full?


The following buttons may display. The availability or validity of these buttons varies according to many factors, including org configuration.

Key: Ex – Extended EditionClosedThe view of the application that you see when you install one of the extension packages (such as the Cash Entry Extension package). For invoices, credit notes, and journals Extended Edition is integrated into the main package, but must be configured. only; V – Value Added Tax/Goods and Services Tax modes only; C - Combined Tax mode only

Button Description
Amend Document Prepares a limited set of fields for editing on a "Complete" document.
Background Post   Runs the Background Posting Scheduler (BPS) now. Your administrator will have configured the BPS to run at regular intervals but if you do not want to wait for the next scheduled job, click this button to run it straight away. Any payable credit notes with the status "Ready to Post", in the companies that you are currently logged into, will be posted in the background. If you are the administrator, any payable credit notes with the status "Ready to Post" in all companies will be posted in the background. See About the Background Posting Scheduler for more information about the BPS.
Calculate Tax V,C

Invokes the external tax calculation system to calculate the tax due for this document. This button is only available if your organization is enabled for external tax calculation and you have saved the document. The calculated value replaces any value previously held in the Tax Value field. Any values previously held in the Tax Value 2 and Tax Value 3 fields are cleared. The tax code for the calculated value is the code that was created to hold summarized tax values calculated by the external system. In Classic Edition, this button only becomes available once you have clicked the Edit button. You can calculate tax for multiple documents using the Calculate Tax button in the document's list view but note that processing then takes place in the background so tax values might not be calculated immediately.

Cancel Cancels the current session without saving.
Classic Edit Ex Switches to Classic EditionClosedThe view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package. in Edit mode. Once the document is "Complete", it opens in Amend Document mode.
Classic View Ex Switches to Classic EditionClosedThe view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package. in View mode.
Clone   Takes you to an "In Progress" copy of the selected payable credit note. Only the header and line items of the original document will be cloned.
Discard Discards the "In Progress" document. Sets the document's status to "Discarded".
Edit Prepares the "In Progress" document for editing.
Manage Expense Lines Ex Displays the Manage Expense Lines page.
Manage Product Lines Ex Displays the Manage Product Lines page.
Post Posts the "In Progress" documents and creates transactions. The resulting documents are "Complete".

If tax values are being calculated by AvaTax, the credit note's tax value is calculated (regardless of whether or not you have already clicked Calculate Tax) then the credit note's status changes to "Ready to Post" and it is batched up for posting by a scheduled job.
Post & Match   If the credit note was created from a payable invoice, and both documents remain unmatched, click this button to post the "In Progress" credit note and match it to the associated invoice. See Creating a Credit Note from a Payable Invoice for related information.
Save Saves the record and returns you to the detail page. Sets the record's status to "In Progress".
Save & New Saves the record and gives you the chance to add another.
Save & Post Saves the document, posts the "In Progress" document and creates a transaction. Sets the document's status to "Complete". (Available in Classic EditionClosedThe view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package. only.)

The following buttons are available in the Payable Credit Note Detail section in some organizations:

Button Description
Change Currency Helps you choose an appropriate currency.
Apply Applies the selected currency to this session.
Cancel Cancels the change of currency.

The following buttons are available in the Expense Lines section in some organizations:

Key: V – Value Added Tax/Goods and Services Tax modes only

Button Description
Default Line Adds a new expense line using the vendor account's default expense account. This button is labeled Add Default Line in some views.
New Line Adds a new expense line for the selected general ledger account. You must click the lookup first to select the relevant general ledger account. This button is labeled Add New Line in some views.
Remove Line Removes the current line.
Edit Tax Value V Edits the tax value for the expense line and prevents any future recalculation.

The following buttons are available in the Product Lines section in some organizations:

Key: V – Value Added Tax/Goods and Services Tax modes only

Button Description
New Line Adds a new line with a default quantity of 1.00. You must click the lookup first to select the relevant product. This button is labeled Add New Line in some interfaces.
Remove Line Removes the current line.
Edit Tax Value V Edits the tax value for the product line and prevents any future recalculation.

The following expander icons may be available on some fields:

Button Description
Displays an expander panelClosedPanels that are initially hidden when the page is loaded. They allow you to enter, and subsequently view, additional attributes of the related field or line item, such as further analysis or a line description. that is hidden and closes any other panels that are open. Blue indicates existing content.
Hides the selected panel.
Indicates an error on the related expander panel. If hidden, click to show the item in error.