Income Schedule Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up the income schedule grid on a sales invoice. Some of these fields may not be visible or editable at all times, or in all package combinations.

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts;    * – Mandatory field

Field Description
Income Schedule * Name of the income schedule definition to apply.
Group R System-generated integer used to group together related income schedule journals.
Number of Journals * Number of journals used to recognize revenue across periods. Must be a positive integer within a recommended range of 1 to 36. For example, if your periods are monthly, and you want to post quarterly maintenance income journals, change this value to 4.
Period Interval * Interval (in periods) between journal postings. Must be a positive integer. In the quarterly maintenance income schedule example, you would change this value to 3.
Schedule Net Total R Total net value. This value will be highlighted in red if the journal amounts do not balance.
Start Date * Sets the journal date for the first journal in this schedule. The default is the invoice date. Subsequent journals are created with journal dates on the first day of the remaining accounting periods in the schedule.
Use Part Periods Indicates whether you want to use part periods at the beginning and end of this schedule.
Warning: Warning
We advise against creating more than 36 journals per sales invoice line. You may begin to encounter platform limits if you exceed this number.

Income schedule lines

In Extended EditionClosedThe view of the application that you see when you install one of the extension packages (such as the Cash Entry Extension package). For invoices, credit notes, and journals Extended Edition is integrated into the main package, but must be configured. there are "Edit" and "Del" columns but if you try to delete individual income schedule line items an error will be displayed. The only way to remove income schedule line items is to remove the income schedule from the sales invoice line; this will result in all the income schedule line items being removed from that sales invoice line.

Field Description
Year/Period The accounting periods across which the income from this line item has been apportioned. You can change the period before the sales invoice is posted.
Amount Value of sales income apportioned to this accounting period. You can edit the values in this column. Negative values are allowed, providing income schedule total equals schedule net total.
Save/Post Indicates what you want to happen to the income schedule journals when the sales invoice is posted. The options are: save them as "In Progress" journals, or post them immediately. You can choose a mix of settings within the same schedule. You are notified of the success or failure of this operation.
Income Schedule Total Total of values in the Amount column. The total value of all journals must equal the Schedule Net Total. This value will be highlighted in red if the journal amounts do not balance.

The following buttons are available:

Button Description
Recalculate Recalculates the income schedule grid after a change to the schedule criteria.
Save Saves the income schedule and returns you to the sales invoice detail page.
Cancel Cancels the current session without saving.