Custom Object Descriptions

If you decide not to use the standard profiles you might find the following descriptions useful when deciding which permissions to grant.

Key: * – Redundant or deprecated in this release; BR – Users need access to commit bank reconciliations; CR – Users need access to perform CRVs

 Custom Object Descriptions
Custom Object   Master Object Description
Account In Use *   Redundant or deprecated.
Accounting Background Worker     For internal use. The batch control object for the Batch Apex Framework. It has its own tab because it contains a useful progress bar.
Accounting Book     Used by the multi-book accounting feature to store accounting books.
Accounting Currency     Stores the details of an accounting currency such as its ISO code.
Account Health Measurement Batch     For internal use. Stores the status and details of Account Health Measurement batch Apex jobs.
Account Health Measurement Logs   Account Health Measurement Batch For internal use. Stores the results of each Account Health Measurement batch iteration.
Aged Analysis Definition     Defines the presentation of a specific type of aged analysis report.
Allocation     Stores information about an allocation.
Allocation Filter   Allocation Filter Structure Stores the queries for selecting and filtering allocation data for the allocation template.
Allocation Filter Structure   Allocation Template Defines the allocation filter structure for the template.
Allocation Log   Allocation Stores logs created by the allocation process.
Allocation Rule
    Stores distribution criteria for allocations.
Allocation Schedule     Stores the information entered on the Create Schedule page.
Allocation Schedule Company     Links the allocation schedule to one or more companies.
Allocation Schedule Log   Allocation Schedule Stores the results of a scheduled run.
Allocation Schedule Run     Provides a link between allocation schedule logs and run details.
Allocation Schedule Run Result
  Allocation Schedule Run Links allocation transactions and allocation journals to run details.
Allocation Schedule Template   Allocation Template, Allocation Schedule Links the allocation schedule to one or more allocation templates.
Allocation Split Template   Allocation Template Stores the split percentage information for the template.
Allocation Template     Stores the allocation template information.
Allocation Transaction Log   Transaction Stores the results of the reverse allocation transaction process.
As of Aging     Stores As of Aging values on transaction line items owned by current company.
As of Aging Process Log   As of Aging Stores record of batch apex jobs run during As of Aging process.
Audit Data Line Item     Stores the line item fields for the Localization audit data.
Audit Data Name     Stores the header information for the Localization audit data.
Bank Account BR   Stores master details on company bank accounts.
Bank Reconciliation BR   Stores the master details of a bank reconciliation.
Bank Reconciliation Charge BR Bank Reconciliation Stores bank charge line item details on a bank reconciliation.
Bank Reconciliation Line Item BR Bank Reconciliation Stores bank reconciliation line item details.
Bank Statement BR   Stores imported bank statement master details.
Bank Statement Definition     Stores the details of a bank statement definition.
Bank Statement Line Item BR Bank Statement Stores the line item details of an imported bank statement.
Batch Lock     Stores batch information to avoid running in parallel more than one batch process for the same records
Batch Lock Detail   Batch Lock Stores record information to avoid running in parallel more than one batch process for the same records.
Batch Process     For internal use. Used in batch job processing.
Batch Process Detail   Batch Process For internal use.
Budget and Balance     Stores the details of budget and balance records that enable you to track the variance of actual period balances against budget.
Cancel Payment Control     For internal use. Used during Cancel Payment batch processes.
Cancel Payment Criteria   Payment Summary Stores the criteria entered on the Cancel Payments Criteria page, including the reason for the cancellation.
Cancel Payment Log   Cancel Payment Control For internal use. Used during Cancel Payment batch processes.
Cash Entry     Stores the master details of cash and checks received from, or refunds given to, customers.
Cash Entry Line Item   Cash Entry Stores the line items on cash entry.
Cash Matching History CR   Records the activities that take place during the payment, discounting or writing-off of a payable transaction line.
Chart of Accounts Mapping     Stores mappings between corporate GLAs and local GLAs.
Chart of Accounts Mapping History     Stores mapping history.
Chart of Accounts Structure     Defines the chart of accounts structures available in your organization.
Check Number   Check Range Records the details and status of numbered checks in the associated check range.
Check Range   Bank Account Defines a range of valid check numbers for the associated bank account.
Column Property     Stores a part of the formats saved from FinancialForce Print Formatter.
Common Name     Stores names used by FinancialForce metadata.
Company     Stores the FinancialForce company details.
Company Ownership   Company Stores information about a company's ownership structure.
Currency Revaluation CR   Stores the master details related to a CRV.
Currency Revaluation Batch CR   Processes CRV documents into batches.
Currency Revaluation Batch Line Item CR Currency Revaluation Batch Processes CRV line items into batches.
Currency Revaluation GLA Item   Currency Revaluation, General Ledger Account The GLA list for a CRV.
Currency Revaluation Group     Groups CRVs to be processed as a batch.
Currency Revaluation Line Item CR Currency Revaluation Summary CRV line detail at second level.
Currency Revaluation Summary CR Currency Revaluation CRV line detail at first level.
Currency Revaluation Template CR   Stores CRV template information.
Currency Revaluation Template Line Item CR Currency Revaluation Template Stores CRV template information.
Custom Form Assignment     For internal use. Determines which Custom Form to display for a given accounting document and company.
CustomForm Layout     For internal use. Stores Custom Form Layout information.
CustomForm Layout Field   CustomForm Layout Section For internal use. Stores Custom Form Layout Field information.
CustomForm Layout Related List     For internal use. Stores details of the related lists on a custom input form.
CustomForm Layout Related List Field   CustomForm Layout Related List For internal use. Stores details of a field in a related list on a custom input form.
CustomForm Layout Section     For internal use. Stores Custom Form Layout Section information.
Data Property     Stores a part of the formats saved from FinancialForce Print Formatter.
Dimension 1–4     Used to sub-analyze postings and can be used to represent a number of different business concepts.
Event Log     Records when an invoice or credit note was printed or sent by email, and who printed/sent it.
Exchange Rate   Accounting Currency Stores exchange rates expressed in terms of home currency. A company has a rate table for each currency that it uses.
Field   Selection Definition Stores a part of the formats saved from FinancialForce Print Formatter.
Finance Correspondence     Relates to the section on Account that contains the contact and the email address where mass emails will be sent.
Fixed Allocation Rule Line   Allocation Rule Stores a line on a fixed allocation rule.
Format Data     Stores a part of the formats saved from FinancialForce Print Formatter.
General Ledger Account     General ledger account represent different categories of income/expenses/assets/liabilities and reserves.
Grouping Reference     Internal object that provides new references for various processes within the application.
Income Schedule Definition     Predefined templates that can be used as the basis for an income schedule on a sales invoice.
Income Schedule Line Item   Sales Invoice The schedule line items on a sales invoice.
Integration Rule     Defines a first-generation integration rule at header level.
Integration Rule Line Item   Integration Rule Defines a first-generation integration rule at line item (detail) level.
Intercompany Definition     Defines the intercompany control accounts that you want to use when generating and posting intercompany journals.
Intercompany Transfer     An intermediate staging object used during the intercompany journal process.
Intercompany Transfer Line Item   Intercompany Transfer Intercompany transfer detail records.
Intersect Definition     Defines the way balances are stored.
Item     Stores a part of the formats saved from FinancialForce Print Formatter.
Journal     Acts as a container for a number of journal lines and provides common information about the document.
Journal Line Item   Journal Stores the details of the journal lines.
Lookup     An internal object with no records. All FinancialForce Accounting users must have full access.
Mapping Format     Mappings used for document input using FinancialForce XL.
Mass Email Account     Temporary storage for grouping information by account, so only one email per account is sent.
Mass Email Account Line Item   Mass Email Account Stores the details of the Mass Email grouping information by account described above.
Matching Reference     An internal object that provides an automatically incrementing number for the cash matching and undo matching reference.
Page Num Property     Stores a part of the formats saved from FinancialForce Print Formatter.
Payable Credit Note     Holds information that applies to the whole payable credit note such as vendor account and payable credit note date.
Payable Credit Note Expense Line Item   Payable Credit Note The expense line items on the payable credit note.
Payable Credit Note Line Item   Payable Credit Note The line items on the payable credit note, such as product, unit price, quantity and line total.
Payable Invoice     Holds information that applies to the whole payable invoice such as vendor information and due date.
Payable Invoice Expense Line Item   Payable Invoice The expenses line items on the payable invoice.
Payable Invoice Line Item   Payable Invoice The line items on the payable invoice, such as product, unit price, quantity and line total.
Payment     Stores header details for a payment proposal.
Payment Batch   Payment Holds information about different batches generated as part of a payment process.
Payment Batch Line Item   Payment Batch The line items of the payment batches generated as part of a payment process (holds information about transaction line items being paid).
Payment Detail   Payment, Payment Summary Transaction lines selected for each payment.
Payment Details Template     Stores template details from the Payments Plus process.

Payment Log

(previously called Payments Plus Error Log)

  Payment Stores error logs from the Payments Plus process.
Payment Media Control     Holds information for payment transmission, including payment values, company, and company bank account details.
Payment Media Detail   Payment Media Summary Holds information for payment transmission, including transaction and transaction line information.
Payment Media Summary     Holds information for payment transmission, including payment values summarized by account and the corresponding bank account details.
Payment Summary   Payment Summary of account values for payment.
Payment Template     Defines a template for a new payment proposal.
Payment Template Line Item   Payment Template Defines a template for a new payment proposal.
Period   Year Defines the accounting periods into which a financial year is divided.
Prepaid Expense Schedule Definition     Predefined templates that can be used as a basis for a prepaid expenses schedule.
Print Format     Stores a part of the formats saved from FinancialForce Print Formatter.
Product In Use *   Redundant or deprecated.
Reconciliation Filter Structure   Transaction Reconciliation Stores the filters defined for a transaction reconciliation.
Reconciliation Line Item   Transaction Reconciliation Stores transaction reconciliation line item details.
Record Lock   Record Lock Group An internal object that provides the ability to lock records.
Record Lock Group     An internal object that provides the ability to lock groups of records.
Reporting Balance     Stores an extract of the Budget and Balance object specifically created for use by the FinancialForce Reporting application.
Sales Credit Note     Holds information that applies to the whole credit note such as customer account and credit note date.
Sales Credit Note Line Item   Sales Credit Note The line items on the credit note, such as product, unit price, quantity and line total.
Sales Invoice     The line items on the credit note, such as product, unit price, quantity and line total.
Sales Invoice Installment Line Item   Sales Invoice Installments of the payment schedule defined for the invoice.
Sales Invoice Line Item     The line items on the invoice, such as product, unit price, quantity and line total.
Scheduler Configuration     The underlying object used to configure the Scheduler with information such as a job's start and end dates or on which days to run a job.
SDA Private Key     Custom metadata used to store the SDA private key.
Section     Stores a part of the formats saved from FinancialForce Print Formatter.
Selection Criterion   Selection Definition Stores the conditions for the selection definitions.
Selection Definition     Stores the queries for selecting and filtering data (used in Mass Email, XL and Print Formatter)
Single Mapping   Mapping Format Stores a mapping created in FinancialForce XL.
Sort Order   Print Format Stores the sort order used by a selection definition in FinancialForce Print Formatter.
Statistical Basis     Stores the header of values for a statistical basis.
Statistical Basis Filter     Stores the statistical basis filters used for a statistical allocation rule and for a statistical allocation template.
Statistical Basis Line Item   Statistical Basis Stores the values of a statistical basis.
Statistical Basis Line Item Version   Statistical Basis Stores versions of statistical basis line item records.
Statistical Basis Version   Statistical Basis Stores versions of statistical basis records.
Table Property     Stores a part of the formats saved from FinancialForce Print Formatter.
Tax Code     Stores details on tax codes.
Tax Detail Payable Credit Note   Payable Credit Note Line Item Stores tax details at line level for tax calculations from Avalara.
Tax Detail Payable Credit Note Expense   Payable Credit Note Expense Line Item Stores tax details at line level for tax calculations from Avalara.
Tax Detail Payable Invoice   Payable Invoice Line Item Stores tax details at line level for tax calculations from Avalara.
Tax Detail Payable Invoice Expense   Payable Invoice Expense Line Item Stores tax details at line level for tax calculations from Avalara.
Tax Detail Sales Credit Note   Sales Credit Note Line Item Stores tax details at line level for tax calculations from Avalara.
Tax Detail Sales Invoice   Sales Invoice Line Item Stores tax details at line level for tax calculations from Avalara.
Tax Rate   Tax Code Stores details on tax rates.
Text Definition     Stores predefined, reusable snippets of text that can be included on a sales invoice or credit note.
Transaction     Holds header information about a transaction.
Transaction Line Item   Transaction The line items on a transaction.
Transaction Reconciliation     Stores transaction reconciliation header details.
Transaction Reconciliation Filter   Reconciliation Filter Structure Stores a filter used by transaction reconciliation.
User Company     Each user company record grants an individual user access to a single company.
Worker Item     For internal use. Stores the different work actions that the worker batch process needs to run. Internal use only.
Worker Log   Worker Log Group For internal use. Stores the errors that occurred during the worker batch process and a link to the related document.
Worker Log Group   Accounting Background Worker For internal use. Stores the users that created the worker item records to sent them an email at the end of the batch process.
Year     Defines a financial year.
Year End Log   Year Stores information and errors during the year end process.