Enabling Credit Terms

This Feature Console page allows you to enable credit terms which can be used for calculating document due dates and settlement discounts. When enabled, credit terms can be set up on both accounts and Foundations companies. This feature comprises manual steps to add credit terms to the Account and Foundations Company objects as related lists, and an automatic step to create permission sets for account credit terms. Permission sets for company credit terms are installed by default.

Work through the steps in the order shown.

When you have completed all the steps, use the Status slider in the Feature section to enable the feature.


This feature cannot be reverted automatically. If necessary, you can undo the manual steps described below to remove users' ability to create credit terms.

Manually Adding Credit Terms as a Related List on Account and Company

You must manually add the Account Credit Terms related list to your page layouts for the Account object, and the Company Credit Terms related list to your page layouts for the Foundations Company object.

To do this for each object:

  1. From Setup, navigate to the object.
  2. Edit the page layout and add the related list to the layout.
  3. Save your changes.

Permission Sets

Assign permission sets for viewing, editing, and deleting account and company credit terms to the appropriate users. Editing credit terms can impact your org's billing process, so assign the permission sets with care.

The permission sets in Foundations are:

For information about how to use credit terms, see Credit Terms in Foundations.