Company Fields

The Company object is a core component of FinancialForce Foundations. Other FinancialForce applications use this object and add fields, buttons, and functionality to it.

FinancialForce Foundations

Here is a description of the Company fields and buttons that are part of FinancialForce Foundations.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only in all contexts.

The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field Name




Accounting Company      

Lookup to the FinancialForce Accounting company.

Address Validated




Indicates whether the address has been successfully validated against the Avalara AvaTax address database.

Billing Document       This lookup is only available if the FinancialForce Conga Integration for Billing Documents is installed and configured on the org. Use it to select a custom template for printing and emailing Billing Documents for this company.
Code       Company code in the Avalara AvaTax account to which documents are to be posted. If this field does not contain a value, documents are assigned to the default company.

Company Name



Name of the Company.




Email address of the company contact.




Company's Fax Number.




Formula field that displays the company logo specified in the Logo URL.

Logo URL



URL of the company's logo.




Company's phone number.

Tax Information       Lookup to the tax information record associated with this company.
Uniqueness Constraint     255 An identifier which is used to prevent duplicate companies from being created.




URL of the company's website.




Company address information.


State / Province


Zip / Postal Code

Validated Street




Validated address in Avalara AvaTax.

Validated City

Validated State / Province

Validated Zip / Postal Code

Validated Country


Button Name


Create Tax Information Enables you to create a tax information record for this company.

Validate Address

If the Use External Service to Calculate Tax checkbox is selected in the Tax Calculation Settings tab, the company address is validated. A confirmation page is then displayed, which enables you to update the address and revalidate it.

FinancialForce Accounting

Here is a description of the fields that FinancialForce Accounting adds to the Foundations Company object.


These fields are only available if they have been added to the company page layout and your organization uses FinancialForce Accounting.

Field Name


Accounting Company

Lookup to the FinancialForce Accounting company to which this company record relates.