Setting up Document Printing

Before printing billing documents ensure that the tasks described in this section have been completed on your Salesforce OrgClosedSalesforce organization.


Ensure that a company record exists for each company that you want to create billing documents for. In addition:

Setting the Company Logo

To upload a logo:

  1. Click the Documents tab.
  2. Select the Documents folder that you want to upload the logo to.
    Note: Note Notepad
    The folder that you use must be accessible to all users who are to print billing documents. For more information, see the "Creating and Editing Folders" page in the Salesforce Help.
  3. Click New Document.
  4. Complete the fields in the Enter Details section and select the Externally Available Image checkbox.
  5. Upload your image file as described in "Uploading and Replacing Documents" in the Salesforce Help.
    Note: Note Notepad
    If the selected logo image file is on an external server, you must register the site as a trusted remote site. To do so: From Setup, click Security Controls | Remote Site Settings. For more information, see "Configuring Remote Settings" in the Salesforce Help.
  6. To set the logo in the Logo URL field:
    1. Right-click the View file link in the Document Detail section of the document.
    2. Select Copy Link Location.
    3. Paste the URL into the Logo URL field of the company you want the logo for.
    4. Click Save.

Creating Custom Billing Document Templates

You can create your own Visualforce pages and use them for printing invoice and credit note billing documents. To specify your own template, enter the name of the Visualforce page you want to use in the Billing Document Credit Note Template and Billing Document Invoice Template fields in the Billing Central Settings custom setting. See FinancialForce Billing Central Settings. For information about creating Visualforce pages, see the Salesforce Help.