Soft Date Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Soft Date object.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only in all contexts

The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field Name







Determines a date using the format: Reference+Adjustment.
Reference determines whether the date falls at the start or end of a week, month, quarter, or year. +Adjustment is the number of days or months to add or subtract. You can enter a Reference, an Adjustment, or both. For examples, see Soft Date Examples.




Description of the soft date.

Estimated Days per Term   R Estimated duration of a single term of the soft date. This is used to calculate the monthly, quarterly, and annual value of contracts and plans.
Monthly Recurring Revenue Multiplier    

Multiplier used to calculate monthly recurring revenue. You must enter a positive number. To calculate monthly recurring revenue for your soft dates, you must enter a value that represents the definition of your soft date. For example:

  • Enter 0.167 if the soft date is for six months with a definition of +6m
  • Enter 1 if the soft date is for a month with a definition of +1m
  • Enter 4.33 if the soft date is for a week with a definition of +7d
  • Enter 30.4 if the soft date is for a day with a definition of +1d
Tip: Tip Blue Lightbulb
The values in these examples represent the average number of terms to make up one month for the soft date.

Soft Date Name



Name of the soft date.