Scheduled Job Fields

The Scheduled Job object contains information about Foundations jobs that are running or have been scheduled to run. One Scheduled Job record is created for each process. Here is a description of the fields on the Scheduled Job object. For more information, see Scheduled Jobs.

Field Name



Name   Name of the job.
Developer Name   Unique name of the job.
Cron Expression   Internal identifier used for the job.
Schedulable   Indicates whether you can schedule the job to run. Jobs that are not schedulable include the Billing Document Calculate Tax job, which you can only run from the billing document list view.
Implementation   Internal identifier used for the job.

Scheduled Job Runs

The Scheduled Job Runs Detail object contains the overall status of a scheduled job that has run. You can view the logs associated with the job that ran from Logs Related List displayed on the Scheduled Job Runs Detail page for a Scheduled Job. Here is a description of the fields on the Scheduled Job Run Detail page.

Field Name



Apex Job ID


ID of the Batch Apex job.

Batch Process


Lookup to the batch process currently associated with this Scheduled Job Run Detail record.

Batch Process Status


Current status of the batch.



Indicates whether the job was successful. The indication is Success, Failure or Mixed depending on the total number of errors, aborted batches and number of batches that exceeded limits. See Notifications.

Run Number     Internal identifier of the Scheduled Job Run.

Scheduled Job


Name of the scheduled job to which this Scheduled Job Run Detail record relates.



Status of the batch process that is currently associated with this Scheduled Job Run Detail record.

Total Aborted Batches


Total number of aborted batches based on the number of Scheduled Job Logs that contain a log type of Abort.

Total Errors


Total number of records with an error based on the number of Scheduled Job Logs that contain a log type of Error.

Total Logs


Total number of Scheduled Job Logs for this Scheduled Job Run Detail record.

Total Number of Batches Exceeding Limits


Total number of batches that exceed Salesforce governor limits or contain other issues based on the number of Scheduled Job Logs that contain a log type of External.


The notification is determined based on whether the batch is successful, errors that occur, and whether records are successfully processed. This table shows the way in which the notification is determined.

Notification Determined by Result of Batch

Batch Result

Logs Created

Notification if Some Records Successfully Processed

Notification if no Records Successfully Processed

Success Information Success Mixed
Partial Success Information and Error Mixed Mixed
Fatal Error Error Mixed Failure
Salesforce Error Error Failure Failure
Abort Error Failure Failure

Scheduled Job Log

The Scheduled Job Log object contains information about scheduled jobs that have run. Here is a description of the fields on the Scheduled Job Log object.

Field Name



Batch ID


Scheduled Job Run Detail record to which this Scheduled Job Log relates.

Billing Document


Lookup to the billing document that was processed in the batch to which this log relates.

Log Name     Name of the scheduled job log.

Log Type


Indicates the purpose of the log entry.



Message reported for this log entry.