Billing Document Fields

The Billing Document object is a core component of FinancialForce Foundations. Other FinancialForce applications use this object and add fields, buttons, and functionality to it.

Here is a description of the Billing Document fields and buttons that are part of FinancialForce Foundations.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only.

The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field Name





Salesforce Account to which this billing document relates.


The Billing and Shipping Address are initially set from the selected account. If you change the account for a draft billing document you are prompted to keep the existing billing and shipping address or update them to the billing and shipping address of the selected account.

Analysis Item     Used to sub-analyze billing documents. An analysis item is created by the user and can be used to represent a number of different business concepts, for example, Region, Group or Project. A Foundations billing document has four Foundations analysis item fields numbered 1 to 4.
Billing Account   255

Name of the account to appear on the billing document as the account being billed.


You can edit this field while the Status of the billing document is Draft however, changing the billing account does not change the billing address fields on the billing document.

Billing Address Validated    

Indicates whether the Billing Address has been validated successfully against the addresses in Avalara AvaTax

Billing Street     Billing address of this billing document. To view or edit these fields on the enhanced Billing Document Detail page, click Address Information.
Billing City   40
Billing State/Province   20
Billing Zip/Postal Code   20
Billing Country   40




Company to which this billing document relates.

Completion Process Tracking R   Lookup to the billing document completion status record to which the billing document currently relates.
Conga Email Status     This picklist is only available if the FinancialForce Conga Integration for Billing Documents is installed and configured on the org. If the billing document is one of many emailed from the list view or via a query (in bulk), the Conga Integration sets this status to Sent. If the billing document is emailed individually from its detail page, this status is not changed.
Conga Print Status     This picklist is only available if the FinancialForce Conga Integration for Billing Documents is installed and configured on the org. If the billing document is one of many printed from the list view or via a query (in bulk), the Conga Integration sets this status to Printed. If the billing document is printed individually from its detail page, this status is not changed.
Credit Note Reason     For credit note documents, the reason for raising the credit note. This field is also available on invoice documents because you might want to specify a reason on negative invoices. This is a custom picklist so you can update the values to suit your needs.



Currency of the billing document.


If the billing document contains line items you cannot change the currency using a native page layout in Salesforce classic.

Customer Reference


External customer reference.

Date Issued     The date on which the billing document was sent to the customer.



Description of the billing document.

Discount Total     The total discount of all billing document line items that belong to this billing document.

Document Date


Date on which the document was created.

Document Due Date


Date on which payment is expected. The due date cannot be earlier than the document date. If this field is left blank on an invoice, the due date is calculated from credit terms. Credit terms held on account take precedence over credit terms held on company; if none exist on either account or company the due date is set to the document date. If this field is left blank on a credit note, the due date is set to the document date.

Document Number

    Number of the billing document.

Document Status


Status of the billing document. The status can be Draft, Complete, Discarded, or Superseded.

Document Total


Total value of all the billing document line items on this billing document to two decimal places.

Document Type


Indicates whether the document is an invoice or a credit note.

External Document Number     The external document number is a unique identifier for the document. It can be used as a reference for parties external to the originating company. The external document number is generated using Foundations sequencing.
External Tax Status     If the billing document's tax is calculated using an external system such as Avalara AvaTax, this is the status of the calculation: Not Calculated, Calculated, or Finalized (the tax value has been committed to the external tax calculation system).
Footer Text     Rich textClosedText that contains formatting, hyperlinks and URLs to images. to be included in the footer of the billing document PDFClosedPortable Document Format. If you do not enter any text, the default text from the Default Document Text is used.
Header Text     Rich text to be included in the header of the billing document PDF. If you do not enter any text, the default text from the Default Document Text is used.
Net Total     The total net value of all billing document line items that belong to this billing document. This field shows the discounted total and is calculated using the formula: (Quantity x Unit Price) - Discount.
Number of Billing Document Line Items R   Number of billing document line items associated with this billing document.
Related Document     Lookup to the related billing document or credit note. This field is populated when you convert an invoice billing document to a credit note billing document. The field is populated on both the original billing document and the credit note billing document
Reporting Document Total     Total value of all the billing document line items on this billing document based on the Document Type. If the document is an invoice, the value is the same as the Document Total. If the document is a credit note, the value is calculated using the formula: Document Total * -1.
Shipping Account   255

Name of the account to appear on the billing document as the Shipping Account.


While the Status of the billing document is Draft, you can edit this field, but this does not change the shipping address fields on the billing document.

Shipping Address Validated     Indicates whether the Shipping Address has been validated successfully against the addresses in Avalara AvaTax.
Shipping Street     Shipping Address for this billing document. To view or edit these fields on the enhanced Billing Document Detail page, click Address Information.
Shipping City   40
Shipping State/Province   20
Shipping Zip/Postal Code   20
Shipping Country   40
Tax Value Total     The total tax value of all billing document line items that belong to this billing document.
Tax Calculated    

Indicates that tax has been calculated for the billing document.

This checkbox is automatically selected after tax has been calculated using FinancialForce or Avalara AvaTax.

If you make any of the following changes after calculating tax, the checkbox is automatically deselected to indicate that you must calculate tax again:

  • Add a new line item to the billing document.
  • Change the Account or Company fields on the billing document.
  • Change a field related to tax on an existing line item linked to the billing document. These fields include:
    • Discount Total
    • Net Value Before Discount
    • Net Value Override
    • Product or Service
    • Quantity
    • Unit Price
    • Address fields, such as Shipping Account and shipping address fields, Company Site, and Enter Shipping Address Manually

      Note: If your Billing Document Line Item object contains a lookup to Contact with the API name Ship_To__c, changing this can also change the shipping address.

Validated Billing Street



Validated billing address in Avalara AvaTax.

Validated Billing City

Validated Billing State / Province

Validated Billing Zip / Postal Code

Validated Billing Country

Validated Shipping Street



Validated shipping address in Avalara AvaTax.

Validated Shipping City

Validated Shipping State / Province

Validated Shipping Zip / Postal Code

Validated Shipping Country


Button Name


Calculate Tax

Calculates tax for draft billing documents.

Commit Tax with Avalara

Calculates tax for draft billing documents and commits it to Avalara AvaTax.


Committing tax to Avalara AvaTax cannot be undone.

Delete Enables you to delete draft billing documents.


Enables the fields for editing on the current billing document.

FinancialForce Accounting

Here is a description of the fields, field sets and buttons that FinancialForce Accounting adds to the Billing Document object. They are only available if you are using the integration between Billing Central and Accounting.


These fields and buttons are only available if they have been added to the billing document page layout.

If you want to check the posting status or retry posting a billing document and the enhanced Billing Central Billing Document Detail page is displayed, you must first switch to the Salesforce Detail page to do so.

If you are using FM Communities, you must enable the External Sharing Model in Sharing Settings and set the Default External Access for the Billing Document object to Private, so that community users can only see their own billing documents. For more information, see "Getting Started with FM Communities", available from the FinancialForce Community website.

Key: C – This field does not contain a value on billing documents of type credit note that were created by converting a billing document of type invoice to a credit note.

Field Name



Accounting Transaction C Lookup to the FinancialForce Accounting transaction to which this billing document relates.
Avalara VAT Reporting Document Indicator  

Only applies if you are using the Avalara VAT Reporting integration.

Document type used to populate the required Document Indicator value for the Avalara VAT Reporting integration.

When this is blank, it is automatically calculated based on the Document Type before sending the data to Avalara VAT Reporting.

If the document is an invoice, "1 - Invoice" is used. If the document is a credit note, "5 - Canceled Invoice" is used.

Document Rate   The exchange rate to use to convert from document currency to home currency. If this field is left blank, the exchange rate stored in FinancialForce Accounting is used. Up to nine decimal places are supported.
Dual Rate   The exchange rate to use to convert from home currency to dual currency. If this field is left blank, the exchange rate stored in FinancialForce Accounting is used. Up to nine decimal places are supported.
Match Type   Match Type of the FinancialForce Accounting transaction to which this billing document relates.
Outstanding Value   Outstanding Value of the FinancialForce Accounting transaction to which this billing document relates.
Payment Status   Payment Status of the FinancialForce Accounting transaction to which this billing document relates.
Period Override   Name of the FinancialForce Accounting period to use when posting the billing document. If this field is left blank, the period is derived from the billing document's document date.
Posting Error C Error that occurred while posting this billing document.
Posting Status C

Posting status for this billing document. This can be:

  • Posting – The billing document is currently being posted to FinancialForce Accounting.
  • Posted – The billing document is successfully posted to FinancialForce Accounting.
  • Error – An error occurred while posting the billing document to FinancialForce Accounting.
  • Empty – The billing document completion process has not yet been started.
Year   FinancialForce Accounting year to which this billing document relates.


Button Name


Retry Post

Enables you to retry posting of complete billing documents to FinancialForce Accounting transactions on the billing document detail page or list view. You can use this button to manually post the billing document if it fails to post when a billing document is completed or converted to a credit note.


This button is only available for complete billing documents that could not be posted to Accounting transactions.

Field Sets

Field Set Name


Default Fields


Community Printed Document Fields Contains additional billing document fields to appear on the header of a billing document when printed from FM Communities. Customer Reference
Document Date
Document Due Date
Document Number
Billing Document

Matched Payments

This panel lists financial documents matched to this billing document. It is blank if the current billing document has not been matched. See Setting up Billing Document Integration for information about how to include this panel on your billing document page layouts.


This panel is not supported on the enhanced Billing Document Detail page. Switch to the Salesforce Detail page if you want to view it.


Here is a description of the fields that FinancialForce PSA adds to the Billing Document object for use with the Billing Events integration.

Field Name


Billing Event Lookup to the PSA Billing Event from which this billing document was created.
Billing Event Correlation ID A unique ID used internally to correlate messages between the billing event and billing document.
Project The project on the associated billing event.

Revenue Management

Here is a description of the fields that Revenue Management adds to the Billing Document object when the integration between Revenue Management and Billing Central is enabled. These fields are not automatically added to the Billing Document page layout because the standard integration recognizes revenue at billing document line level, not header level. If you want to recognize revenue at billing document header level, manually add these fields to the appropriate Billing Document page layouts.

Revenue Management fields on Billing Document

Field Name


Include in Revenue Recognition Indicates whether or not the billing document is included for revenue recognition.
Revenue Recognition Template Lookup to a template for recognizing revenue on the billing document.