Custom Account Fields
Accounts are part of the underlying Salesforce platform. In a Salesforce context, accounts are your organization's customers, competitors, and partners. See "What is an Account?" and related topics in the Salesforce Help for more information.
Account Detail
Key: * – Mandatory fieldR – Read-only in all contexts
Field | Description | |
Account Currency | * | The currency in which this Salesforce account operates. This is not used by FinancialForce Accounting. |
Account Balance
All fields in this section are read only. See About Account Balances for more information.
Key: R – Drill down to the account balance report. The behavior of this field is controlled by custom settings. For more details, ask your administrator One or more individuals in your organization who can configure and customize the application. Users assigned the System Administrator profile have administrator privileges..
Field | Description | |
Company | The companies to which you have access in your organization (org). | |
Account Balance | R | The current account balance in the specified company. All values are shown in account trading currency. |
Total | R | The total balance on this account for the companies to which you have access. |
Accounting Information
Key: R – Read-only in all contexts; C – Customer Account only; P – Vendor Account only; I – Intercompany Account only; D – Can be defaulted by using custom settings; The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this field.
Field | Description | |||
Account Trading Currency | The currency in which this account operates within FinancialForce Accounting and related FinancialForce apps. You cannot modify this field once FinancialForce Accounting transactions exist for this account. In a single-currency org, this must match the account currency set at company level. In a multi-currency org, this must be an active (or org) currency. | |||
Accounts Payable Control | D | P | An appropriate accounts payable general ledger account. This cannot be the Retained Earnings account. This is used when you post a payable invoice or other type of document relating to this account. | |
Accounts Receivable Control | D | C | An appropriate accounts receivable (or trade debtors) general ledger account. This cannot be the Retained Earnings account. This is used when you post an invoice or other type of document relating to this account. | |
Average Days to Pay | R |
Number of days the customer takes to pay on average, based on their payments in the last 365 days. The value in this field is automatically calculated.
Days Sales Outstanding (Annual) | R | Average number of days it takes to collect payment after a sale has been made, based on sales and payments made in the last 365 days. The value in this field cannot be edited and is automatically calculated in the following way:(Account Outstanding Value on invoice transaction + Account Outstanding Value on credit note transaction) / (Account Value on invoice transaction + Account Value on credit note transaction) * 365 Credit notes are identified by a minus sign in the Account Outstanding Value and Account Value fields. The calculations are carried out using Salesforce Batch Apex to reduce the possibility of exceeding Salesforce platform governor limits. You must schedule the DaysSalesOutstandingCalculationScheduler Apex class so that the field is populated with the calculated value. For more information on scheduling Apex classes, see "Schedule Apex" in the Salesforce Help. |
Default Expense Account | D | P | The general ledger account used by default for expense lines on this vendor's payable invoices. This cannot be the Retained Earnings account. | |
Intercompany Account | R | I | Indicates that this account is linked to a company (it is an intercompany account). This checkbox is read-only and is set automatically. You cannot clear the checkbox while the account is linked to a company. This field is completely locked when the account has transactions associated with it. It is useful when filtering intercompany reports. | |
Reporting Code | 24 | Unique, case-insensitive code for this account, typically used in reporting. |
Dimension Analysis
Field | Description | |
Dimension 1 to 4 | Names of the analysis dimensions![]() |
Sales & Use Tax Information
If the tax mode for the current company is "Sales and Use Tax", the following custom fields may be relevant for sales documents relating to customer accounts or payable documents relating to vendor accounts.
Key: C – Customer Account only; T – Related to 1099 tax reporting only
The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this field.
Field | Description | ||
Entity / Use Code | If your organization (org) is enabled for external sales tax calculation, this code is sent to the external system (such as AvaTax) if the account's Sales Tax Status is "Exempt" or "Exempt for Qualifying Products" so that tax can be calculated more accurately in the external system. | ||
Exemption Certificate | C | 20 | If this account's tax status is "Exempt", enter its exemption certificate reference here. If your organization (org) is enabled for external sales tax calculation, this code is sent to the external system (such as AvaTax) if the account's Sales Tax Status is "Exempt" or "Exempt for Qualifying Products" so that tax can be calculated more accurately in the external system. |
Federally Reportable 1099 | T | Indicates that this account is federally reportable for 1099 tax purposes. If selected, an additional field indicating the default income tax type is displayed on the payable invoice and credit note header. | |
Income Tax Type | T | Default category of 1099 income tax withheld for this account, such as "1 Rents" or "2 Royalties". These types relate to the boxes on Form 1099-MISC. You can amend this default on the payable document to one of the alternative income tax types or "Not Reportable", even after posting. | |
Sales Tax Status | C | Tax status of this account. This custom picklist must remain fixed. Do not add or amend its values. The default is "Taxable". "None" is not a valid option here. If the account's tax status is "Taxable" , the tax codes defined in this section are used to derive the tax rates for each sales invoice line item. The rate used is that in force on the invoice date. If the account's tax status is "Exempt", a tax rate of 0.000% is applied to all product lines. If the account's tax status is "Exempt for Qualifying Products", the tax codes defined in this section are used for qualifying products (those with a sales tax status of "Exempt for Qualifying Accounts"), but a tax rate of 0.000% is applied. |
Tax Code 1 Tax Code 2 Tax Code 3 |
C |
Default sales tax codes to use when creating invoices and credit notes for this customer account. You can use these to represent the state, county and city tax authorities. The composite tax rate (the sum of the three rates used) is displayed on each line of the document sent to the customer. | |
Taxpayer Identification Number | T | 20 | The recipient's Social Security Number (SSN) or Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN). There is no format validation on this field. |
VAT/GST Information
If the tax mode for the current company is "Value Added Tax", "Goods and Services Tax" or "Combined" the following custom fields may be relevant for sales documents relating to customer accounts or payable documents relating to vendor accounts.
Key: C – Customer Account only; P – Vendor Account only;
The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this field.
Field | Description | ||
Tax Country Code | Code for the European Union country in which this company operates.You can update the entries in this custom picklist. You must specify a code if the account's tax status is "Home" or "EC Registered", but leave this field blank if the account's tax status is "Export" or "EC Non-Registered". If you want to specify Greece in this field, note that for the purpose of EU VAT, the correct country code for Greece is "GR". In other situations, you may select the ISO-3166 code "EL" instead. The country code does not control tax calculations. It is required for the correct reporting of VAT on cross-border trades within the EU. For non-EU countries, it can be used as a memo field. |
Input VAT/GST Code | P | Default tax code for this vendor account when the tax mode is "Value Added Tax", "GST" or "Combined". See About Tax for a description of when this tax code is used. | |
Output VAT/GST Code |
C |
Default tax code for this customer account when the tax mode is "Value Added Tax", "GST" or "Combined". See About Tax for a description of when this tax code is used. | |
Tax Calculation Method | Method used by the account to calculate taxes: "Gross" or "Net of Discount". One of these two values must be set on an account. If you set this to "None", the validate routines will raise an error. See How FinancialForce Accounting uses Credit Terms for more information. | ||
Tax Status | Tax status of this account. This custom picklist must remain fixed. Do not add or amend its values. If the customer is registered for VAT/GST in the same country as the vendor company, select "Home". If the customer is registered for VAT/GST in a different EU member country, select "EC Registered". If the customer has supplied their tax country code and tax registration number, sales to this customer or purchases from this vendor are zero-rated. If the customer resides in another EU member country, but is not registered for VAT/GST there, select "EC Non-registered". VAT/GST will be charged at the tax rates applicable in the country of dispatch. If a customer account resides outside of the EU, select "Export". Exported sales are zero-rated. | ||
Tax Registration Number | 20 | Identifying number used for tax purposes. There is no format validation on this field. If this account's tax status is "EC Registered", you must specify a tax registration number. For customer accounts, this information will appear on all invoices and credit notes sent to this customer. If an invoice or credit note is raised for this account in a company configured to use AvaTax for tax calculation, then regardless of the company's record type (VAT, GST, Combined or SUT) this number is passed to AvaTax in its Business Identification Number (BIN) element. |
Bank Details
Key: C – Mandatory for direct debit collections from this account; Set P1 or P2 – Mandatory for electronic payments to this account. See note.
The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.
Field | Description | ||
Bank Account Name | C,P1,P2 | 80 | Short name for the customer's bank account. |
Bank Account Number | C,P1 | 40 | Number of the bank account. |
Bank Account Reference | C | 20 | Account reference, sometimes used for electronic transfers. |
Bank City | 40 | City portion of bank address. | |
Bank Country | 40 | Country portion of bank address. | |
Bank Fax | 40 | Fax number of the bank. | |
Bank IBAN Number | P2 | 36 | International Bank Account Number of the customer's bank. |
Bank Name | 80 | Full name of the customer's bank. | |
Bank Phone | 40 | Primary phone number for the bank. | |
Bank Sort Code | C,P1 | 20 | Bank identifier. |
Bank State/Province | 20 | State or province portion of bank address. | |
Bank Street | 255 | Street address of the bank. | |
Bank SWIFT Number | P2 | 36 | Society for World-wide Inter-bank Funds Transfer number. |
Bank Zip/Postal Code | 20 | Zip or postal code portion of bank address. |
Credit Management Information
Key: C – Customer Account only
The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.
Field | Description | ||
Collections On Hold | C | Select to place the account on hold for collections. Accounts on hold are not included in the automated collections processes. Additionally, you cannot make payments to account on hold. | |
Collections On Hold Reason | C |
A picklist field. You can select one of the following reasons:
You must enter a reason if you put an account on hold. |
Credit Agency | C | 255 | Name of the credit agency responsible for this account's credit rating. |
Credit Limit | The credit limit for this account in account currency. If the Credit Limit Enabled checkbox is selected, you can enter zero or any positive value. if a credit limit is not enabled (the checkbox is deselected) do not enter a value. | ||
Credit Limit Enabled | Set to enable the entry of a credit limit for this account. | ||
Credit Limit Reviewed | Date when this account's credit limit was last reviewed. | ||
Credit Manager | C | Manager responsible for these credit details. This must be an existing Salesforce user. | |
Credit Rating | C | 40 | Rating given by the credit agency. |
Credit Rating Reviewed | C | Date when this credit rating was last reviewed. | |
Credit Reference | C | 40 | This account's reference at the credit agency. |
Credit Status | Current credit status for this account, such as "On Hold", "Cash with Order" or "Credit is Allowed". You can update the entries in this custom picklist. |
Finance Correspondence
Key: C – Customer Account only; P – Vendor Account only
The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this field.
Field | Description | |
Billing Method | C | Billing method for this vendor account. |
Finance Contact | Contact associated with this account to which mass email messages, such as remittances and reminder letters, are sent. The selected contact must have an email address. | |
Invoice Email | C | Email address to which you want sales invoices and credit notes sent. Must be a valid email address in the form: |
Payment Method | P |
Payment method for the vendor account. You can select one of the following payment methods:
Credit Terms
See How FinancialForce Accounting uses Credit Terms for an example of how credit terms are applied.
Field | Description |
Base Date (1–4) |
The base date used to calculate the credit terms. |
Days Offset (1-4) |
The number of days past the base date for the described credit terms during which the stated discount will be deducted from payments. |
Description (1-4) |
A free text field used to describe up to four sets of credit terms. |
Discount (1-4) |
The percentage discount to be deducted if payment is made within these terms. |
Accounts in Use
Field | Description |
Allow Deletion of Accounts in Use | See About Customer Accounts and About Vendor Accounts for more information relating to this field and its use. |
The following buttons may be available on the account detail page. The messages returned are for information only. This means that a failure of validation does not prevent you from saving the account. However, if you do choose to enter the unvalidated account on a FinancialForce document, errors may be returned when you post it. To prevent this happening, correct any reported errors and, if necessary, repeat this step until you get a successful validation message.
If you cannot see these buttons on the detail page, contact your Salesforce administrator.
Button | Description |
Cash Matching | Opens the Cash Matching page with the selected account preselected. |
Validate Customer | Validates the customer-related custom fields, including the account trading currency. |
Validate Vendor | Validates the vendor-related custom fields, including the account trading currency. |
Validate Billing Address | Validates the account's billing address to see if it is recognized by the US Postal Service (typically only US and Canadian addresses are recognized). Address validation is only supported if the organization is enabled for external tax calculation. See Validating Addresses for External Tax Calculation for more information. The Billing Address Validated checkbox is selected if the current address has been validated. This checkbox is read only. |
Validate Shipping Address | Validates the account's shipping address to see if it is recognized by the US Postal Service (typically only US and Canadian addresses are recognized). Address validation is only supported if the organization is enabled for external tax calculation. See Validating Addresses for External Tax Calculation for more information. The Shipping Address Validated checkbox is selected if the current address has been validated. This checkbox is read only. |