Showing Matched Payments
To view your matched payments from the Cash Matching Lightning page:
- On the Cash Matching Lightning page, click the Matched tab to see the list of 20 recent Cash Matching records based on matching date.
- Click the Retrieved Matched Transaction button to refine the records for a selected account, reference or matched dates. This can be any type of account. If it is an intercompany account, it cannot be the one that represents your current company.

You can view matched payments either as a related list on a FinancialForce Accounting document or as part of a component on a related content pane.
The matched payments component on the related content pane shows for a selected document the list of those that have been matched or partially matched to it. The payment status of each document is displayed.
You can click on any document number to view the full document details in a new tab.
Searching for a matching payment in a transaction list
If your related content pane is driven by transactions or documents, highlight a document in the results grid to see the matching payments.
For each document click More to reveal the matched and outstanding values in home currency, the home currency code, the transaction number, vendor reference and dual currency matched value. Click Less to hide this information.
If one of the listed matched documents has also been matched to another document, click Show Matched To to see further matches. The focus of the related content pane changes and the new document under investigation is displayed at the top, with its list of matching documents below.
Searching for matching payment on an account
If your related content pane is driven by accounts, then highlight any document in the results grid to see a list of the most recent matched documents for that account sorted by document date.
If you know the document number then type part of it in to the search area to filter the list further.
Optionally, change the date range to extend the list of documents displayed and scroll through the documents for the account.
Once you have selected a document, use the More, Less and Show Matched To buttons as described earlier.