Currency Revaluation Template Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a multi-company currency revaluation template.


The following fields are available in the Information section.

Key: * – Mandatory field

CRV Template Information Fields




Currency Revaluation Template Name * The name of the template.
Exclude Revalued Lines  

Indicates how lines that have already been revalued are processed. The options are:

  • "Exclude from selection".
  • "Fail with an error".
Revaluation Type *

Indicates the revaluation type:

  • "Income Statement"
  • "Balance Sheet"
  • "Both"
Template Type *

Indicates the template type. Template types are:

  • "Currency Revaluation"
  • "Currency Translation"
  • "Currency Revaluation and Translation"

The template type determines the processes that are run and the tabs that are available on the Currency Revaluation Criteria page when you click Retrieve.

Ignore Unused Currencies  

Indicates that any unused currencies are excluded from the revaluation process.

Exclude CRV Transactions  

Indicates that the Exclude Revalued Lines option was set to "Exclude from selection" when the CRV was created. The checkbox is deselected if the Exclude Revalued Lines option was set to "Fail with an error".


The following fields are available in the Analysis section.

Key: * – Mandatory field

CRV Template Analysis Fields




Currency Translation Adjustment GLA   The GLA to which the total translation amount is posted.
Unrealized Gains/Losses GLA   The GLA to which the total revaluation amount is posted.
Dimension Analysis   Indicates whether you want to copy the analysis dimensions from the source transactions, or enter them during the configuration. The default (None) indicates no dimension analysis.
Dimension 1-4   Analysis dimensions to use when posting to the Unrealized Gains/Losses GLA.
Summary/Detail *

All transaction lines that share the same analysis elementsClosed The elements of a full accounting code consist of a general ledger account, an entity, and up to four analysis dimensions. are grouped into a CRV summary. The options are:

  • "Summarize lines with the same analysis". All lines that share the same analysis elements are summarized into a single entry.
  • "List all revaluation detail lines individually". You can drill down from summary level to the individual CRV detail lines.

For both options, the total is posted as a single summarized line to the Unrealized Gains/Losses GLA.

Analysis Breakdown  

If you selected "List all revaluation detail lines individually" in the Summary/Detail field you must select an analysis breakdown type to apply to the revaluation. The options are:


The following fields and buttons are available on the Companies panel on the Currency Revaluation Template page.

FinancialForce recommends that if the template type is "Currency Translation Only", you only include. companies where the Document and Home currency values are the same. If a company has documents that are not in the Home currency, we recommend that you select a template that has "Currency Revaluation and Translation" as the template type to run Revaluation and Translation together.


The following fields are available.




Displays the number of companies associated with the template, and lists those companies.


The following button is displayed.



Manage Enables you to add or remove companies associated with the currency revaluation template.

General Ledger Accounts

The following fields and buttons are available on the General Ledger Accounts panel on the Currency Revaluation Template page.


The following fields are available.



General Ledger Accounts

Displays the number of the general ledger accounts associated with the template, and lists those general ledger accounts.
If all eligible general ledger accounts are selected, a message informing you of this displays.


The following button is displayed.




Enables you to add or remove general ledger accounts associated with the currency revaluation template.

If all eligible general ledger accounts have been selected automatically, this button is not available.