View localized Financial Statement dashboards

FinancialForce Analytics contains a set of dashboards specifically for use with localizations:


The Bilan Actif et Passif dashboard enables you to run your balance sheet reports in Financial Statements and view the resulting data within the dashboard.

The Compte de Résultat de l'Exercice dashboard enables you to run your profit and loss reports in Financial Statements and view the resulting data within the dashboard.


The Balance de Situación dashboard enables you to run your balance sheet reports in Financial Statements and view the resulting data within the dashboard.

The Cuenta de Pérdidas y Ganancias dashboard enables you to run your profit and loss reports in Financial Statements and view the resulting data within the dashboard.


For customers using the Netherlands localization the standard Balance Sheet Dashboard and Income Statement Dashboard should be used.

To support the Netherlands localization the sections Finance Costs, Taxation and Depreciation are visible in the Income Statement Dashboard. Totals for the following rows are displayed: Result before Taxation, Net Profit (Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization) and Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (Earnings Before Interest and Tax) are also displayed.

To find out more see Dashboards in [[[Undefined variable Variables.Financial Statements]]] in the Business Analytics Help.