Sales Invoice Fields
Here is a description of the fields that make up a sales invoice.
See also Income Schedule Fields and Recurring Invoice Fields.
Some of these fields may not be visible or editable at all times, or in all package combinations.
Field | Description |
Invoice Number | Unique auto-number field in the format SIN{auto-number}. The auto-number is set with the prefix SIN and starts at {000000}. This object can have at least 9 billion records.
You can’t change the starting number for Sales Invoices. If you want your auto-numbers to start on a different number, you need to create an alternative custom auto-number field. See the Salesforce Help for more details. |
Key: R – Read-only in all contexts; * – Mandatory field; S – Sales and Use Tax mode only; E – Editable after posting (subject to some restrictions); D – Overrides prevail over derived values
Field | Description | ||
Account | * | Customer account for which you want to create, or have created, a sales invoice. The account you specify here must have an accounts receivable control account assigned to it. You can change the Account on a sales invoice up until the time that you add your first invoice line item. On the sales invoice home or detail page, click the account name to view the related account details. | |
Account Name | Customer account for which you have created a sales invoice. This field shows the account name as text, which means a user cannot click the account name to view related account details. This is useful if, for example, you do not want Salesforce Community users to be able to view details about an account. | ||
Archive Set |
A lookup to the archive set that the invoice has been included in by the archiving process. This field is only displayed if you have Archiving enabled on your org. |
Avalara VAT Reporting Document Indicator |
Document type used to populate the required Document Indicator value for the Avalara VAT Reporting integration. If this is blank, "1 - Invoice" is used when the document is sent to Avalara VAT Reporting. |
Billing Address | Address to which the invoice will be sent. | ||
Copy Account Values | Indicates that you want to retrieve details from the selected account. | ||
Copy Default Printed Text Definitions | Indicates that you want to retrieve default printed text from an existing text definition![]() |
Customer Reference | E | Customer reference, such as a customer order number, that you want to appear on the printed invoice. | |
Derive Currency | D | In a single-currency organization![]() |
Derive Due Date | D | Indicates that you want to derive the due date of this invoice. See Due Date for information on how this date is derived. | |
Derive Period | D | Indicates that you want to derive the period of this invoice based on the invoice date. | |
Dimension (1–4) |
E | Names of the analysis dimensions![]() ![]() ![]() |
Discard Reason | 255 | Reason this document was discarded. | |
Dual Rate | The exchange rate used on this document for home to dual currency. | ||
Due Date | * | E | Date the invoice is due for payment, unless it uses a payment schedule![]() ![]() ![]() |
Generate Adjustment Journal | Indicates that you want to generate a currency adjustment journal automatically when you post this invoice in a multi-currency environment. When selected, the currency adjustment journal is generated automatically. If you clear this checkbox, a currency adjustment journal is not generated automatically. In the second case, you can use the Currency Revaluation feature to recalculate values based on the appropriate exchange rates. |
Intercompany Transfer | Lookup to the related intercompany transfer record, if applicable. Used to support the reporting of intercompany billing transactions. These reports can help you when you need to create manual elimination journals. | ||
Invoice Currency | * | Currency in which monetary values are expressed on this invoice. The default is the FinancialForce account trading currency set on the account (or the source object currency if the invoice was created from a source object, such as from an opportunity or from a custom object). If an account trading currency is not set on the account, the Salesforce account currency is used instead. Must be an accounting currency ![]() ![]() |
Invoice Date | * | Date that will appear on the invoice. This will default to the date the invoice was created. If a recurring invoice schedule![]() |
Invoice Description | E | Description of the invoice that you want to appear at the bottom of the printed document. If you used an opportunity to create this invoice, or specified one during creation, the opportunity description is automatically copied to this field, if one exists. | |
Invoice Email | R | Email address to which the invoice will be sent when you press the Email PDF button. | |
Invoice Group | R | System-generated grouping reference![]() |
Invoice Status | R | Current status of the invoice. | |
Invoice Total | R |
Total invoice value, including the tax. |
Invoice Rate | The exchange rate used on this document for invoice to home currency. | ||
Match Type | R | This field is set to "Credited" if the sales invoice has been fully matched to a sales credit note. | |
Net Total | R | Total value of items on the sales invoice, before tax. | |
Opportunity | R | Name of the opportunity![]() If you see the name of an opportunity, click on it to view the opportunity details. If you see a Convert link, click on it to display the opportunity convert page. |
Period | * | Accounting period in which this document falls. Calculated from the document date, or by default the period that contains the date of input, but you can amend it by selecting a new period. If you enter a document date for a year that does not exist in your organization, then the period is set to blank. You can only save a document or post a transaction to an open period. | |
Print Status | Indicates whether or not this invoice has been printed. The print status is editable if Allow Modification of Print Status in the Accounting Settings (FF) custom setting is enabled. | ||
Shipping Address | Address to which the products will be sent. | ||
Shipping Method | Method of delivery to the customer. You can update the entries in this custom picklist. | ||
Tax Code/ Tax Code (2-3) |
S | The default sales tax codes for this invoice. These default codes are applied to each line item. If the account's tax status is "Exempt", a tax rate of 0.00% is used on all lines. | |
Tax Total | R | Total value of tax on this sales invoice. | |
Transaction | R | When the invoice has been posted, displays the related transaction number. |
The following field may have been installed as part of the optional FinancialForce OneTouch package:
Field | Description |
Approved | Indicates this document is ready and approved for posting. |
The following fields may have been added to the page layout for use in Extended Edition. They are only relevant if your organization is configured to use an external system for the calculation of tax. Both fields are read-only.
Field | Description |
External Tax Document Code | A unique code that identifies the document in the external tax calculation system. |
External Tax Status | The status of the external tax calculation: Not Calculated, Calculated (tax has been calculated but the document is still "In Progress"), or Finalized (the document has been posted and the tax value has been committed in the external tax calculation system). |
Printed Text
Each invoice can have up to five items of extra information in the form of predefined or free-format text. Each item of predefined text is set up as a text definition A predefined, reusable snippet of text that can be included on an invoice or credit note.. See What is a Text Definition? for more information.
Field | Description |
Printed Text 1-5 Text Definition Name | Name of the text definition![]() |
Printed Text 1-5 Heading/Text | The heading and body text values that will be included on the printed document. |
Once saved, a record of the actual text printed on the invoice is retained for possible future use.
Payment Schedule
Key: Cl – Classic Edition The view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package. only
Field | Description | |
First Due Date | Date the first payment is due. | |
Interval | Sets the interval for payments. The options are: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly. | |
Number of Payments | Sets the number of payments for the schedule. | |
Payment Schedule | Cl | Defines whether a payment schedule will be set up for the sales invoice. "None" indicates a single due date. |
Payment Schedule Lines
Field | Description |
Due Date | Date the payment is due. Calculated using the payment schedule details. |
Amount | Amount due for this payment. Upon calculating the payment schedule, if the invoice total cannot be divided equally by the number of payments, the remainder is applied to the final installment. The total value of all payments must equal the invoice total. |
Recurring Invoice Schedule
Key: X – May be hidden until "Quantity Schedule" or "Revenue Schedule" selected; Cl – Classic Edition The view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package. only
Field | Description | ||
Installment Interval | Cl | X | Sets the interval for recurring invoice installments. The option are: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly. |
Number of Installments | Cl | X | Number of installments in the schedule. |
Schedule Type | Cl | X | Defines whether the product revenue or quantity will be divided into multiple installments or repeated for multiple installments. |
Start Date | Cl | X | Sets the invoice date on the first invoice in the series. The invoice date for subsequent invoices will be set according to the schedule frequency. |
Type | Cl | Type of schedule to apply for a recurring invoice![]() |
Matched Payments
This section lists other documents involved in matches with the current document. It is blank if the current document has not been matched. If you are working in Extended Edition The view of the application that you see when you install one of the extension packages (such as the Cash Entry Extension package). For invoices, credit notes, and journals Extended Edition is integrated into the main package, but must be configured., this panel is only available on sales invoices and sales credit notes.
When working in Extended Edition note that:
- The Matched Payments grid is a fixed height but scroll bars are enabled if required. Alternatively you can adjust the height on the page layout.
- If you click a document number or transaction number in the grid, the target document opens in a new browser tab (in Classic Edition
The view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package. the target document opens in the current browser tab).
If you cannot see this panel in Extended Edition, ask your System Administrator to add the panel's Visualforce Page component into a new Section on the extended page layout. The name of the Visualforce Page component for the sales invoice page layout is ‘invoicematchingpayments’, and for the sales credit note page layout is 'creditnotematchingpayments'.
Payment Details
Payment information is displayed once the document has been posted.
Key: All fields are read-only.
Field | Description |
Outstanding Value | Amount still owed on this document in document currency. |
Payment Status | Is this document unpaid, part-paid, or paid in full? |
Sales Invoice Line Items
Each invoice line begins with a line number to act as a unique reference.
Key: R – Read-only in all contexts; * – Mandatory field; S – Sales and Use Tax mode only; V – Value Added Tax/Goods and Services Tax modes only; C - Combined Tax mode only; H – Hidden until enabled by a custom setting (Accounting); D – Overrides prevail over derived values
Field | Description | ||
Calculate Tax Value 1/2/3 from Rate | Calculates the relevant tax value from the associated tax rate. | ||
Combined Tax Code | C | Combined tax code to use, along with the invoice date, to derive the tax rate for this sales invoice line. This will default from the account, product or company if appropriate. Upon saving the line item, the Tax 1 and Tax 2 fields (Code, Rate, Value) are populated according to the tax model specified on the combined tax code. See What is Combined Tax? for more information. | |
Currency Decimal Places | The number of currency decimal places. This is set by the document currency. | ||
Derive Line Number | D | Indicates that you want to derive the line number on save. This is the highest existing line number +1. If deselected, the value in the Line Number field is used. | |
Derive Tax Rate 1/2/3 from Code | D | Indicates that you want to derive the relevant tax rate from the associated tax code. This checkbox is ignored when using combined tax. | |
Derive Unit Price from Product | D | Indicates that you want to derive the unit price from the selected product. | |
Destination Company | The destination company![]() |
Destination Net Value | R | Destination Quantity x Destination Unit Price. | |
Destination Quantity | The quantity that is passed to the destination company if this is an intercompany line. | ||
Destination Unit Price | The unit price that is passed to the destination company if this is an intercompany line. | ||
Dimension (1–4) |
E | Names of the analysis dimensions![]() ![]() |
GLA Code | The GLA code, for information or reporting purposes. | ||
Intercompany Transfer |
Lookup to the related intercompany transfer record, if applicable. |
Invoice Number | R | Master-Detail (Sales Invoice) | |
Line Description | E | Description of the sales invoice line item that you want to appear on the printed document. | |
Override Product Local GLA | Alternate local general ledger account to override the default (taken from the related product). | ||
Net Value | R | This is calculated as Quantity multiplied by Unit Price. | |
Override Product GLA | H | Alternate general ledger account to override the default (taken from the related product). | |
Product Code | R | Internal code used to identify the product. | |
Product Name | * | Name of the product. The selected product must have a sales revenue account assigned to it. | |
Quantity | * | Quantity of product sold, to six decimal places. | |
Set Tax Code 1/2/3 to Default | Sets tax code to the default defined by the tax mode. See About Tax for more information about the effect of tax modes. This checkbox is ignored when using combined tax. | ||
Tax Code | V | Tax code to use, along with the invoice date, to derive the tax rate for this sales invoice line. | |
Tax Code/ Tax Code (2-3) |
S | The default sales tax codes and rates for this sales invoice line item. A read-only tax value is calculated for each tax code. | |
Tax Code (1-2) | C | The child tax codes derived from the Combined Tax Code. You can select different tax codes for this sales invoice line but the parent tax code will not be affected. | |
Tax Rate | S | for this sales invoice line. | |
Tax Value | S |
Total value of tax relating to this sales invoice line, to two decimal places. If the Allow Override of SUT Tax Values custom setting is enabled, you will be able to modify the tax value on a selected sales invoice line. See Accounting Settings for more information.
Tax Value | * | V |
Total value of tax relating to this sales invoice line, to two decimal places. Total value of tax relating to this sales invoice line, to zero or two decimal places. The number of decimal places is determined by the ISO currency code. |
Tax Value (1-2) | C | The tax value for a child tax code when using combined tax. If you manually edit the tax value, then subsequently change the child tax code, the tax value is only recalculated if Calculate Tax Value from Rate is selected. | |
Unit Price | * | Unit price of this product, to nine decimal places. |
Income Schedule
Key: R – Read-only in all contexts; * – Mandatory field
Field | Description | |
Calculate Income Schedules | Indicates that you want to calculate income schedules on save. | |
Group | R | System-generated integer used to group together related income schedule journals. |
Income Schedule | * | Name of the income schedule definition to apply. |
Number of Journals | * | Number of journals used to recognize revenue across periods. Must be a positive integer. For example, if your periods are monthly, and you want to post quarterly maintenance income journals, change this value to 4. |
Period Interval | * | Interval (in periods) between journal postings. Must be a positive integer. In the quarterly maintenance income schedule example, you would change this value to 3. |
Schedule Net Total | R | Total net value. This value will be highlighted in red if the journal amounts do not balance. |
Start Date | * | Sets the journal date for the first journal in this schedule. The default is the invoice date. Subsequent journals are created with journal dates on the first day of the remaining accounting periods in the schedule. |
Use Part Periods | Indicates whether you want to use part periods at the beginning and end of this schedule. | |
Use Product Information | Indicates that you want to use the scheduling (revenue recognition) information on the associated product. |
Tax Summary
In Classic Edition The view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package., one tax summary line is displayed for each tax code entered on the invoice.
If the invoice contains lines to which no tax code has been assigned, a line
labeled <blank> summarizes the net value of these untaxed items.
Key: R – Read-only in all contexts; V – Value Added Tax/Goods and Services Tax modes only
Field | Description | ||
Tax Code | R | Tax code being summarized, or <blank>. | |
Tax Rate | R | V | Tax rate for this tax code. |
Net Value | R | Total value of items posted to this tax code, before tax. | |
Tax Value | R | Total value of tax posted to this tax code. |
The following buttons may display. The availability or validity of these buttons varies according to many factors, including org configuration. Your administrator may need to add some of these custom buttons to your page layout when using Extended Edition The view of the application that you see when you install one of the extension packages (such as the Cash Entry Extension package). For invoices, credit notes, and journals Extended Edition is integrated into the main package, but must be configured..
Key: V – Visibility in Classic Edition The view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package. controlled by custom settings. Ex – Extended Edition only
Button | Description | |
Amend Document | Prepares a limited set of fields for editing on a "Complete" document. If you are working in Extended Edition![]() |
Amend Line | Ex | Prepares a limited set of fields for editing on a "Complete" document. The editable fields are the line description and, subject to custom settings, the analysis dimensions on the line. See Editing Sales Invoices for more details on amending posted documents. |
Background Post | Runs the Background Posting Scheduler (BPS) now. Your administrator will have configured the BPS to run at regular intervals but if you do not want to wait for the next scheduled job, click this button to run it straight away. Any sales invoices with the status "Ready to Post", in the companies that you are currently logged into, will be posted in the background. If you are the administrator, any sales invoices with the status "Ready to Post" in all companies will be posted in the background. See About the Background Posting Scheduler for more information about the BPS. | |
Calculate Payment Schedule | Ex | Generates payment schedule lines based on the information provided in the Payment Schedule section. |
Calculate Tax | Invokes the external tax calculation system to calculate the tax due for this document. This button is only available if your organization is enabled for external tax calculation and you have saved the document. The calculated value replaces any value previously held in the Tax Value field. Any values previously held in the Tax Value 2 and Tax Value 3 fields are cleared. The tax code for the calculated value is the code that was created to hold summarized tax values calculated by the external system. In Classic Edition, this button only becomes available once you have clicked the Edit button. You can calculate tax for multiple documents using the Calculate Tax button in the document's list view but note that processing then takes place in the background so tax values might not be calculated immediately. | |
Cancel | Cancels the current session without saving. | |
Classic Edit | Ex | Switches to Classic Edition in Edit mode. |
Classic View | Ex | Switches to Classic Edition in View mode. |
Convert to Credit Note | Creates the template for a credit note, using the details on the posted invoice. | |
Discard | Discards the "In Progress" document. Sets the document's status to "Discarded". | |
Edit | Prepares the "In Progress" document for editing. | |
Email PDF | V | Sends a copy of the posted document, as a PDF attachment, to the email address specified in the Invoice Email field on the account, and also to the current user. If no invoice email address is specified on the account, the request will fail. |
Manage Lines | Ex | Displays the Manage Lines grid. |
Post | Posts the "In Progress" documents and creates transactions. The resulting documents are "Complete". For sales invoices with income schedules, this also creates and posts a series of income schedule journals. If tax values are being calculated by AvaTax, the sales invoice's tax value is calculated (regardless of whether or not you have already clicked Calculate Tax) then the invoice's status changes to "Ready to Post" and it is batched up for posting by a scheduled job. |
Preview / View PDF |
V | Opens a new browser window with the contents of the posted document in a print-ready format. No event is logged. If the sales invoice's status is "In Progress" only the View PDF button is available and the word DRAFT is shown as a watermark on the PDF. |
Print / Print PDF |
V | Opens a new browser window with the contents of the posted document in a print-ready format. A print event is logged. |
Save | Saves the record and returns you to the detail page. Sets the record's status to "In Progress". | |
Save & New | Saves the record and gives you the chance to add another. | |
Save & Post | Saves the document, posts the "In Progress" document and creates a transaction. Sets the document's status to "Complete". (Available in Classic Edition![]() |
The following buttons may also be available in Classic Edition The view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package.:
Button | Description |
Change Currency | Helps you choose an appropriate currency. |
Apply | Applies the selected currency to this session. |
Cancel | Cancels the change of currency. |
The following buttons may be available in the Invoice Line Items section in Classic Edition The view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package.:
Button | Description |
![]() |
Adds a new line with a default quantity of 1.00. |
![]() |
Removes the current line. |
![]() |
Shows the Income Schedule page for this line item. |
The following buttons may be available in the Payment Schedule section in Classic Edition The view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package.:
Button | Description |
Calculate | Generates the payment schedule with due dates and amounts according to the scheduling information and the invoice total. |
This button is called Generate Payment Schedule in Extended Edition The view of the application that you see when you install one of the extension packages (such as the Cash Entry Extension package). For invoices, credit notes, and journals Extended Edition is integrated into the main package, but must be configured..
The following buttons may be available in the Income Schedule section in Classic Edition The view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package.:
Button | Description |
Recalculate | Recalculates the income schedule grid after a change to the schedule criteria. |
The following expander icons may be available on some fields:
Button | Description |
![]() ![]() |
Displays an expander panel![]() |
![]() ![]() |
Hides the selected panel. |
![]() ![]() |
Indicates an error on the related expander panel. If hidden, click to show the item in error. |