What is a Transaction?

Transactions are created when documentsClosed Used to enter financial information into the application. Examples include invoices, credit notes (memos), cash entries, and journals. are posted to the general ledgerClosed Central repository for all your business transactions. Each transaction is posted to a general ledger account.. Some documents are posted manually by users, but other types of document, such as cash matching journals, are posted automatically.

The Transactions tab displays a home page that lets you quickly locate your transactions. You can also sort and filter your transactions using standard and custom list viewsClosed Give you instant access to specific sets of data. In addition to using existing views, you can create custom list views for the items most relevant to you.. In addition, this tab lets you view detailed information on each transaction.

The Transactions Line Items tab displays a home page that lets you quickly locate your transaction line items. You can also sort and filter your transaction line items using standard and custom list viewsClosed Give you instant access to specific sets of data. In addition to using existing views, you can create custom list views for the items most relevant to you.. In addition, this tab lets you view detailed information on each transaction.

Note: Note
You cannot edit most transaction details once saved. The exceptions are the cash flow analysis fields on the transaction lines. You cannot create or delete transactions or transaction lines directly.

A transaction generated from a document comprises a transaction header and multiple transaction line items. In the case of an invoiceClosed A commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer, indicating the products, quantities and agreed prices for goods or services that have already been provided. You issue sales invoices and receive payable/purchase invoices. or credit noteClosed Document used to rectify errors made on an invoice which has already been processed and sent to a customer. Sometimes called a credit memo. You issue sales credit notes and receive payable/purchase credit notes., there are three types of transaction line item:

Lines are created in the sequence – Account, Analysis, and then Tax.

A single invoice or credit note will generate two or more transaction line items, each of which is posted to the general ledger. The sum of these transaction line items is zero.

Currency Conversion and Exchange Rates

During the manual posting of a document in a multi-currency orgClosed An organization (org) that is enabled for multiple currencies. If you are unsure, contact your Salesforce administrator., its values are converted from the currency recorded on the document (its document currencyClosed The currency in which values are entered on a document.) to the following other currencies:

The exchange rates used are those specified on the company detail page. The date used to select the appropriate rate is the document date.

In the case of a cash matching journal, its discount, write-off and currency write-off values are stated in matching currency. These are converted at the time of posting to home, dual and account currency. The conversion to general ledger account and dimension 1-4 currency is from home currency using the exchange rate applicable on the matching date.

Match Statuses

A transaction line item can be in one of the following match statuses:

Match Status Description
Available Line is available for matching.
Matched Line has been matched.
Not Matchable Line is unsuitable for matching. An example of this is the tax line from an invoice.
Proposed Line has been included in a payment proposal. It is not available for manual matching nor is it available for inclusion in subsequent payment proposals.

When the match status or outstanding value of a transaction account line is updated, the following related values are also updated:

The Transaction object is a company-owned objectClosed Custom object that only exists within the context of a specific company.. New transactions and associated line items are assigned to the company queueClosed A location within the underlying Salesforce platform used to represent a company. When you activate a new company, a corresponding company queue is created. that represents your current companyClosed The company in which you are working. This is represented by the company queue to which you, and new instances of objects you create, are assigned..

Withholding Tax Transaction Lines

A transaction line showing the value of Withholding Tax is created when a payable Invoice or payable credit note is posted that contains one or more lines that is withheld from tax. The type for these lines is set to Tax.

One summarised withholding tax transaction line is created per payable invoice or payable credit note that contains Withholding Tax. The Withholding Tax amount is displayed as a transaction line with a negative value.

For more information, see Withholding Tax on Payable Invoices.