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Setting up the Subscription Bookings Dashboard

The Subscription Bookings configuration page can be accessed from any page in the Subscription Bookings dashboard.

Before you perform any dashboard configuration step, ensure that you:

To choose between the Subscription Bookings configuration options, open the Subscription Bookings dashboard:

  1. Click .
  2. Click Edit to enter edit mode.
  3. Click More, then select Pick Initial Values.
  4. Select Annual (ARR) or Monthly (MRR) from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select Renewal Rate or Churn Rate from the drop-down menu.
  6. Select the revenue accounts relevant to your subscriptions model (Customer Lifetime Value Chart).
  7. Select the expense accounts relevant to your customer acquisition costs (Customer Acquisition Costs Chart).
  8. Click Done to save your dashboard.
  9. Click .
  10. Click to enter preview mode and view your changes.
  11. Click to return to your dashboard.

Selecting the Recurring Revenue Frequency

By default, the Subscription Bookings dashboard is configured to display your recurring revenue on a monthly basis (MRR). You can also choose to display your recurring revenue on an annual basis (ARR).

These are calculated as follows:

Selecting the Rate Preference

By default, the Subscription Bookings dashboard is configured to display the renewal rate for your business. You can also choose to display the churn rate.

These are calculated as follows:

Selecting the Subscription Revenue for the Customer Lifetime Value Chart

This setting enables you to select the subscription revenue relevant to your customer lifetime value (CLV) calculation. By default, the CLV calculation uses the following formula:

CLV = Subscription revenue value / (Churn rate * Number of accounts associated with the subscription revenue)

Note: This formula derives the number of accounts from the Accounts object in Salesforce. The subscription revenue value is extracted from the Dual Value field of the Financial Transaction Line Item object.

Selecting the Expenses for the Customer Acquisition Costs Chart

This setting enables you to select the expenses that are relevant to your customer acquisition costs (CAC) calculation. By default, the CAC calculation uses the following formula:

CAC = Expenses value / Number of accounts associated with the expenses

Note: The expenses setting you select should only include those expenses incurred during the customer acquisition process, such as expenses in marketing or sales related activity. This formula derives the number of accounts from the Accounts object in Salesforce. The expenses value is extracted from the Dual Value field of the Financial Transaction Line Item object.