Using the Dashboards Charts
You can use the following actions on the PSA Analytics dashboards charts to enhance your analysis:

The charts displaying drop-down menus for Region, Practice, and Group (RPG) also contain another drop-down menu that you can use to select and change the hierarchy depth you want to analyze.
The hierarchy levels listed in the drop-down menus for RPGs have a range from 0 (Top-level) to 12 and can be customized in PSA. For more information about configuring PSA settings, see Configuration Settings, and Setting up a RPG in the PSA Help.
When you are visualizing data for a selected RPG level you can see records that have the same RPG hierarchy level assigned and levels below. Lower hierarchy levels do not display data from higher levels. For example, if you display data for the hierarchy level 02 of a forecast calculation in the Forecasts dashboard, you are able to view records with assigned hierarchy levels of 02, 03, 04, and so on. However, records with assigned RPG levels 01 and 00 are not displayed.
Some dashboards, such as Forecasts, display calculations that enable you to filter by hierarchy level. You can view the different hierarchy levels available for the selected calculation by selecting a level from the drop-down menu.
For more information, see Project Hierarchies, Region, Practices, and Groups, and Viewing RPG Hierarchy in the PSA Help.

In Analytics, linking filters between charts is called faceting. When you click data on a chart with faceting enabled, the connected charts within the dashboard are automatically filtered.
For example, if you click an element bar on the Region, Practice, Group chart, the data in the Time Periods chart changes in response to the relationship specified by faceting. You can also use the drop-down menus and toggle buttons in conjunction with faceting and filtering to dissect the data displayed.
To deselect any filters you have selected, click in your dashboard. You can also click Save View in the adjacent Modified drop-down to save your custom view.
For more information about faceting, see the Salesforce Help for Analytics.

You can use the drill down functionality on several charts to open the PSA record related to the data displayed in Analytics. To drill down into the data:
- Hover over the name of the record in the y-axis of the chart, such as project name or resource name.
- Click
to open the action menu.
- Click Open Record to open the record in a new browser tab.

Some dashboards in PSA Analytics might have several tabs enabling you to access different KPIs and charts relevant to the dashboard's function.
To navigate between the different tabs, click on the relevant tab in the dashboard's top header.