Converting Billing Documents to Credit Notes
When you convert a billing document to a credit note, the credit note is created with the status "Complete" or "Ready for Review" depending on the Convert to Credit Note Allows Review field in the Billing Central Settings custom setting. For more information, see Convert to Credit Note Overview.
Converting Several Documents
To convert several billing documents:
- Select the billing documents you want to convert in the list view on the Billing Documents tab.
- Click Convert to Credit Notes.
- [Optional] In the Bulk Actions panel, select Credit Note Reason from the first drop-down list then select the reason for raising the credit notes from the second drop-down list. Click Apply to All Rows to copy the reason to all the rows in the grid. You can set different reasons for individual documents by editing the Credit Note Reason field on a specific row.
- [Optional] If you are using the integration between Billing Central and Accounting, the first drop-down list in the Bulk Actions panel might contain Accounting fields that can be overridden.
- Select Period Override from the drop-down list to override the period that each credit note is posted to. Enter the name of the preferred Accounting period in the adjacent field then click Apply to All Rows to copy it to all the rows in the grid. You can set different period overrides for individual documents by editing the Period Override field on a specific row. If a period override was entered on the original invoice, that period is set on the row by default. If the Period Override field on a row is left blank, the period is derived from the credit note's document date.
- Select Document Rate from the drop-down list to override the exchange rate used to convert each credit note's value from document currency
The currency in which values are entered on a document. to home currency. Enter the preferred exchange rate in the adjacent field then click Apply to All Rows to copy it to all the rows in the grid. You can set different rates for individual documents by editing the Document Rate field on a specific row. If the document rate was overridden on the original invoice, that rate is set on the row by default. If the Document Rate field on a row is left blank, the exchange rate stored in FinancialForce Accounting is used.
- Select Dual Rate from the drop-down list to override the exchange rate used to convert each credit note's value from home currency to dual currency
A corporate currency used for reporting purposes.. Enter the preferred exchange rate in the adjacent field then click Apply to All Rows to copy it to all the rows in the grid. You can set different rates for individual documents by editing the Dual Rate field on a specific row. If the dual rate was overridden on the original invoice, that rate is set on the row by default. If the Dual Rate field on a row is left blank, the exchange rate stored in FinancialForce Accounting is used.
- [Optional] If you want to allow a billing document to be rebilled at a later date, select its Allow Converted Invoice to be Rebilled checkbox.
- [Optional] Edit the Customer Reference, Description, and Document Due Date fields if required.
- Click Convert to Credit Notes.
Converting a Single Document
To convert a single billing document:
- Click Convert to Credit Note on the billing document you want to convert.
- [Optional] If you want to allow the billing document to be rebilled at a later date, select the Allow Converted Invoice to be Rebilled checkbox.
- [Optional] Select the reason for raising the credit note.
- [Optional] Edit the Customer Reference, Description, and Document Due Date fields if required.
- [Optional] If you are using the integration between Billing Central and Accounting:
- When the Period Override field is available, you can override the period that the credit note is posted to. Do this by entering the name of the preferred Accounting period. If a period override was entered on the original invoice, that period is set by default. If the field is left blank, the period is derived from the credit note's document date.
- When the Document Rate field is available, you can override the exchange rate used to convert the credit note's value from document currency
The currency in which values are entered on a document. to home currency. If the rate was overridden on the original invoice, it defaults to that rate. If you leave this field blank, the exchange rate stored in FinancialForce Accounting is used.
- When the Dual Rate field is available, you can override the exchange rate used to convert the credit note's value from home currency to dual currency
A corporate currency used for reporting purposes.. If the rate was overridden on the original invoice, it defaults to that rate. If you leave this field blank, the exchange rate stored in FinancialForce Accounting is used.
- Click Convert or Convert to Credit Note to proceed.