Setting up Your Slack Integration
You need the appropriate licenses and access to the following:
- Create Slack channels from records in your FinancialForce apps
- Add and remove users from channels

You need the appropriate licenses and access to the following:
- Salesforce org with FinancialForce Foundations Spring 2020
- Slack workspace configured for your business
- FinancialForce Slack Integration
We also recommend that you have a list of the FinancialForce users who can create Slack channels from records in your FinancialForce apps, as well as the users who can be added to Slack channels.

Contact FinancialForce Customer Support to enable the Slack integration in your org. Ensure you have enabled subscriber access and can supply your 18 digit org ID.
To enable subscriber access to your org:
- Navigate to View Profile | My Personal Information | Grant Account Login Access.
- Next to FinancialForce Customer1 Support, select 1 Week from the Access Duration picklist.
- Click Save.
To find your 18 digit org ID:
- Go to Developer Console.
- Go to Debug | Open Execute Anonymous Window.
- Run the following script to find your org ID:
- The result is your org ID. Supply the org ID in your Support ticket.
System.assert(false, UserInfo.getOrganizationId());

You can complete the following tasks while the integration is being enabled by FinancialForce Customer Support.
The Heroku Gateway connected app enables your FinancialForce apps to communicate with external services, such as Slack.
Your Salesforce administrator must check that the following configuration has been completed in your org. In some circumstances, the following setup may already be complete.
- From Setup, click Apps | Connected Apps.
- Next to Heroku Gateway, click Edit. The connected app detail page displays.
- From the Permitted Users picklist, select "Admin approved users are pre-authorized". A dialog prompts you to confirm the action.
- Click OK.
- Click Save. The connected app is now configured.
For more information on connected apps, see the Salesforce Help.

To access the features that the Heroku Gateway connected app provides, you must do the following:
- Create a permission set that enables access to the connected app. For specific integrations, we recommend that you name the permission set <FF product>-Slack-Integration. For example for PSA, name it PSA-Slack-Integration.
- Click Assigned Connected Apps. The Assigned Connected Apps page opens.
- Click Edit.
- Move Heroku Gateway to the Enabled Connected Apps list.
- Click Save. The permission set overview page is displayed.
- Click Manage Assignments.
- Add assignments for users who will be able to create or manage Slack channels from within your Salesforce org.
The users will be eligible as soon as you assign the permission set to them.
For more information about how to configure and assign permission sets, see the Salesforce Help.

To enable users to use the Slack integration, you must assign them read and create permissions for the following platform events:
- Slack Channel Event
- Slack Channel Member Event

Your Slack administrator must complete the following steps to link the relevant Slack and Salesforce user IDs and provide access to Slack from your Salesforce org. This makes the FinancialForce app available to users in your workspace. This is a one-off installation to make Slack available to all users in your org.
To install and configure the FinancialForce app in your Slack workspace:
- Navigate to
- Click Sign in with Slack. A dialog displays the permissions that the FinancialForce app needs.
- Click Allow. The app is installed in the Slack workspace and available to users.
When the app is installed, you can inform your users that the FinancialForce app is available from the Apps link in Slack. They must then follow the instructions in the welcome message to start using the app.

The Slack Channel Manager is a Lightning component that enables you to create channels for a record and manage the list of users in that Slack channel. You can add the component to your Lightning apps.
For more information about creating Lightning apps, see the Salesforce Help.
FinancialForce PSA provides additional Slack integrations. For more information about the Slack integrations available in PSA,