Billing Document Line Item Fields

Products and services are applied to billing documents as billing document line items. The Billing Document Line Item object is a core component of FinancialForce Foundations. Other FinancialForce applications use this object and add fields, buttons and functionality to it.

Here is a description of the Billing Document Line Item fields and buttons that are part of FinancialForce Foundations.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only.

The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field Name



Analysis Item 1-4     Used to sub-analyze billing document lines for reporting purposes. Analysis items can be used to represent a number of different business concepts, for example, Region, Group or Project.

Billing Document


Billing document to which this billing document line item belongs.

Billing Document External Tax Status R   External Tax Status of the billing document to which this billing document line item belongs.
Billing Document Status R  

Status of the billing document to which this billing document line item belongs.

Company Site     Company site to which this billing document line item relates, representing the location the product is shipped from. The site must be a child of the company specified on the related billing document and contain complete address details.




Description of the billing document line item.

Discount Total     The total discount for this billing document line item.
Document Line    

Number of this billing document line item.

Enter Shipping Address Manually    

Indicates that you want to enter and maintain the shipping address manually. If deselected and a shipping account is specified, the account shipping address is saved to the line.

For more information, see Specifying Addresses on Billing Document Line Items.

Invalid Company Site    

Indicates that the selected company site is not a child of the billing document company.

This checkbox is populated automatically when you make a change to the billing document that results in an invalid company site on the line item.

Invalid Shipping Account    

Indicates that the selected shipping account is not a valid descendant of the billing document account. Valid descendants include records up to five relationships deep in the hierarchy.

This checkbox is populated automatically when you make a change to the billing document that results in an invalid shipping account on the line item.

Net Value


Total Value of this billing document line item before tax to two decimal places. If Net Value Override is set, then Net Value is set to the override value.

Net Value Before Discount     The net value of the billing document line item before the discounts are applied.
Net Value Override    

Contains the value that the Net Value is overridden with. For example, when Billing Central creates a billing document, this override value is set if discounts or proration apply. See the Billing Central Help for more information about proration.

Product or Service



Lookup to the Salesforce product or service to which this billing document line item relates.




Number of items included in this billing document line item to six decimal places. This is used to calculate the Total Value of the billing document line item.

Reporting Net Value R   Total Value of this billing document line item before tax based on the Document Type of the billing document. If the billing document is an invoice, the value is the same as the Net Value. If the document is a credit note, the value is calculated using the formula: Net Value * -1.
Reporting Net Value Number R   Contains the Reporting Net Value as a number to 2 decimal places. This field is used by FinancialForce Business Analytics.
Reporting Tax Value Total R   Total tax for the billing document line item based on the Document Type of the billing document. If the billing document is an invoice, the value is the same as the Tax Value Total. If the document is a credit note, the value is calculated using the formula: Tax Value Total * -1.
Reporting Total Value R   Total Value of this billing document line item including tax based on the Document Type of the billing document. If the billing document is an invoice, the value is the same as the Total Value. If the document is a credit note, the value is calculated using the formula: Total Value * -1.

Shipping Account


Salesforce account to which this billing document line item relates, representing the location the product is shipped to. The account must be a descendant of the account specified on the related billing document and contain complete address details. Valid descendants include records up to five relationships deep in the hierarchy.


We recommend that you derive shipping address details from a related account record. However, if your Billing Document Line Item object contains a lookup to Contact with the API name Ship_To__c, it is possible to use the contact to populate shipping address details. The following rules apply when you specify a contact and no shipping account and deselect Enter Shipping Address Manually:

  • Shipping address details are populated from the mailing address on the contact when you save the record
  • The mailing address on the contact must be complete

For more information, see Specifying Addresses on Billing Document Line Items.

Shipping Street    

Shipping address for this billing document line item, which can be entered and maintained manually or automatically populated from the shipping account.

For more information, see Specifying Addresses on Billing Document Line Items.

Shipping City    
Shipping State/Province    
Shipping Zip/Postal Code    
Shipping Country    
Tax Rate Total    

Total tax rate for the billing document line item.

Tax Value Total


Total tax for the billing document line item to two decimal places.

Total Value


Total Value of this billing document line item including tax to two decimal places. The formula used to calculate this is Net Value + Tax Value Total.

Unit Price



Price of one item for the billing document line item to nine decimal places. This is used to calculate the Total Value of the billing document line item.

Tax Breakdown

Key: A – If you enter a value, the Tax Rate and Tax Value are calculated from the tax code; M – You can enter values manually, but when you do so these fields are no longer calculated.

Field Name



Reporting Tax Value 1-3   Tax value of the corresponding tax rate based on the document type of the billing document. If the billing document is an invoice, the value is the same as tax value 1. If the document is a credit note, the value is calculated using the formula: Tax Value 1 * -1.

Tax Code 1-3


Tax code to use when calculating tax for this billing document line item. You can use these to represent the state, county, and city tax authorities.

Tax Rate 1-3


Tax rate to use when calculating tax for this billing document line item.

Leave the field blank if you want this to be calculated using the tax code.

Tax Value 1-3


Tax value calculated from the corresponding tax rate using the formula: Net Value * (Tax Rate / 100).

Note: Changing the tax value does not change the tax rate.
Leave the field blank if you want this to be calculated using the tax code.

FinancialForce Accounting

Here is a description of the fields and field sets that FinancialForce Accounting adds to the Billing Document Line Item object. They are only available if you are using the integration between Billing Central and Accounting.


These fields are only available if they have been added to the billing document line item page layout.

Field Name


Match Type Match Type of the FinancialForce Accounting transaction to which this billing document line item relates.
Outstanding Value Outstanding Value of the FinancialForce Accounting transaction to which this billing document line item relates.
Product GLA Override Lookup to a FinancialForce Accounting general ledger account to use on this product line. If this field is left blank, the sales revenue account on the product is used.

Field Sets

Field Set Name


Default Fields


Community Printed Document Fields Contains additional billing document line item fields to appear on billing documents when printed from FM Communities.

Net Value

Tax Rate Total

Tax Value Total

Billing Document Line Item


Here is a description of the fields that FinancialForce PSA adds to the Billing Document Line Item object for use with the Billing Events integration.

Field Name


Billing Event Item Lookup to the PSA Billing Event Item from which this billing document line item was created.
Billing Event Item Correlation ID A unique ID used internally to correlate messages between the billing event item and billing document line item.
Project The project on the associated billing event item.
Summary The summary information on the associated billing event item.

Revenue Management

Here is a description of the fields that Revenue Management adds to the Billing Document Line Item object when the integration between Revenue Management and Billing Central is enabled.

Revenue Management fields on Billing Document Line Item

Field Name


Include in Revenue Recognition Indicates whether or not the billing document line item is included for revenue recognition. Selected automatically if the parent billing document's type is "Invoice" and status is "Complete" and the related contract line item has the billing type "Recurring Variable".
Recognized To Date Stores the amount that has been recognized to date for the billing document line item. The value updates each time revenue recognition transactions are committed for the document line item.
Revenue Recognition Complete A checkbox that is automatically set by the revenue recognition process when the billing document line item is fully recognized (and fully amortized). The document line item is then ignored by future revenue recognition processes.
Revenue Recognition Template Lookup to the template used to recognize revenue for the billing document line item.

Supply Chain Management

Here is a description of the fields that Supply Chain Management adds to the Billing Document Line Item object for use with the SCM to Billing Central Integration for Consolidated Invoicing. Some of these fields are added when installing SCM Fall 2020 or later, and some others are added when enabling the SCM to BC for Consolidated Invoicing.

Key: S – Included in the core SCM package

Field Name


Additional Charge   Lookup to the additional charge associated with the SCM invoice line item to which this billing document line item relates.
Applied Rebate Amount S The applied rebate amount on the SCM invoice line item associated with this billing document line item.
Condition Code   The condition code on the SCM invoice line item associated with this billing document line item.
Condition Code   Lookup to the condition code associated with the SCM invoice line item to which this billing document line item relates.
Credit Invoice Line   Lookup to the SCM credit invoice line to which this billing document line item relates.
Customer Rebate Discount S The customer rebate discount on the SCM invoice line item associated with this billing document line item.
Customer Return Line   Lookup to the customer return line associated with the SCM credit invoice line to which this billing document line item relates.
Delivery Method   The delivery method on the SCM invoice line item associated with this billing document line item.
Invoice Line Item   Lookup to the SCM invoice line item to which this billing document line item relates.
Invoice Line Item Correlation ID S SCM invoice line item correlation ID used within Foundations.
Item Master   Lookup to the item associated with the SCM invoice line item to which this billing document line item relates.
Lot Number   The lot number on the SCM invoice line item associated with this billing document line item.
Option Price per Unit   The option price per unit on the SCM invoice line item associated with this billing document line item.
Price with Options   The price with options on the SCM invoice line item associated with this billing document line item.
Serial Number   The serial number on the SCM invoice line item associated with this billing document line item.
Serial Numbers   The serial numbers on the SCM invoice line item associated with this billing document line item.
Warehouse   Lookup to the warehouse associated with the SCM invoice line item to which this billing document line item relates.