Self-Assignment Fields

Here is a description of the fields and buttons on the Self-Assignment page.

R – Read-only.
* – Mandatory field.

Field   Description
Assignment Name   The name of the assignmentClosed Connection between a resource and a project..
Billable   Indicates if the assignment is billable.
Cost Rate Amount R The hourly or daily costs incurred for the resourceClosed A contact that works on a project..
Nick Name   Your alias for the assignment name.
Project * The projectClosed A collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets. to assign yourself to. Only projects where your project manager has set the Allow Self-staffing option are listed.
Resource R Your resource name.
Schedule Pattern * The hours per day to schedule for this assignment.
Start/End Date * The start and end dates for the assignment.
Note: Note
Depending on how your administrator has configured this page, some fields may not be visible.