Resource Request Field Sets

Here are the field sets contained within the Resource Request object.

Field Set Description Used on Page Default Fields in the Field Set
Create Project From Template Alt Copy Project Resource Request Fields Allows you to define the Resource Request fields (if associated resource requests exist on project) that are copied from the project template to the new project. These fields do not display on the CreateProjectFromTemplate Visualforce page. N/A None. You can add additional fields that exist on the Resource Request object.
Create Resource Request From Template Editable Columns Field Set Allows you to define the editable columns that appear on the "Resource Request Mappings" table on the Add Resource Requests page. Add Resource Requests Start Date, End Date, Requested Bill Rate, Planned Bill Rate.
Create Resource Request From Template Read Only Columns Field Set Allows you to define the read-only columns that appear on the "Resource Request Mappings" table on the Add Resource Requests page. Add Resource Requests Resource Request Name, Resource Role, Primary Skill, Certification, Requested Hours, Notes.
Create Project From Template Resource Request Columns Defines the editable columns that display resource request information when using the Create Project from Template page or Add Resource Requests from Template window.

Create Project from Template

Add Resource Requests from Template

Resource Request Id, Requested Hours, Resource Role, Suggested Resource, Primary Skill/Certification, Start Date, End Date, Notes
CreateProjectOpportunityRRColumns Allows you to define the columns that appear in the Resource Request Mappings section of the Create Project page when creating a project from an opportunity or template. Create Project From Opportunity and Create Project From Template Resource Request Name, Requested Bill Rate, Requested Hours, Resource Role, Primary Skill/Certification, Start Date, End Date, Notes
CreateResourceRequestSetColumns Allows you to define the columns to appear on the Manage Resource Request Set page. Manage Resource Request Set Resource Request Id, Account, Project, Opportunity, Resource, Preferred Schedule, Status
CreateRRFromProjFieldSet Allows you to define the editable fields that are visible in the Resources section of the Request Resources page. Request Resources Project, Resource Role, Resource Request Name, Request Priority, Requested Hours, Start Date, End Date, Resource, Percent Allocated, Region, Requested Bill Rate, Practice, Planned Bill Rate, Group, Notes, Milestone
MassReassignResourceRequestColumns Allows you to define the columns to appear when replacing resources on a resource request. Replace Resources Resource Request Id, Resource Request Name, Resource > Full Name, Resource > Resource Role, Start Date, End Date, Requested Hours, Status
Res Request Tooltip Field Set Defines tooltip fields that display when users hover over a resource request. This field set must be referenced by the Resource Request Tooltip Field Set setting. Resource and Project Planners  
Resource Request Lookup Field Set Allows you to define additional columns to display on the Resource Request Lookup overlay. This field set must be referenced by the Resource Request Lookup Field Set setting. Mass Link Project Task Assignments with a Resource Request and an Assignment Resource Request Name
Resource Request Summary Additional Columns Allows you to define the additional resource request columns that appear on the Resource Request Summary page. Resource Request Summary Resource Held, Resource.
ResourceRequestEditFieldSet Allows you to define the editable fields that display on the Edit Resource Request page. Edit Resource Requests Project, Resource Role, Requested Hours, Start Date, End Date, Resource, Percent Allocated, Region, Practice, Planned Bill Rate, Group, Notes, Milestone, Assignment, Opportunity, Preferred Schedule, Created By, Status, Resource Held