Mobile Expenses: User Frequently Asked Questions
This section answers common questions asked about Mobile Expenses in the Salesforce mobile app.

How do I log in to Mobile Expenses in the Salesforce mobile app?
When prompted, enter the same credentials as you use when logging in to the PSA desktop app.
Can I use Mobile Expenses on an iPad or tablet?
Mobile Expenses is supported on mobile phones only. Although it has not been optimized for use with an iPad or tablet, you might find it still works successfully.
Will Mobile Expenses work on any version of PSA?
You must upgrade to PSA Spring 2019 or later to use Mobile Expenses in the Salesforce mobile app.
Can I pin the Expenses item to the top of the navigation menu in the Salesforce mobile app so I can access it easily?
Yes, see
Can I add custom fields to the expense entry page in Mobile Expenses?
Yes, there is a new field set on the Expense object that allows this. The field set is called Mobile Expenses: Additional Fields in New and Edit Mode.

If you create an expense via Mobile Expenses, can you see it from the PSA desktop app?
Yes, providing the user has permission, expense records created via the mobile app or the desktop app can be seen in both apps.
What currency is used by default when I create an expense via Mobile Expenses in the Salesforce mobile app?
The project currency is selected by default.
Can I combine attachments in Mobile Expenses in the Salesforce mobile app?
No, that is not possible.
How do I edit a saved expense?
To edit a saved expense, either tap an expense record on the Recent list and click Edit, or swipe left on the expense record from the list view and click Edit.
Can I update the project or assignment for a saved expense line?
Yes, you can change the value in the Project/Assignment field for a saved expense when the following criteria are met:
- The assignment-project-editable-after-save configuration option in the Expense configuration group is true
- The Calculation Mode configuration option in the Actuals configuration group is SCHEDULED
Can I amend a submitted or approved expense?
No, you cannot amend them.
Can I edit an expense for someone else?
You can only edit an expense record via the Salesforce mobile app if you are the resource named on the expense.
Can I configure the fields on the page used to submit expenses?
No, this is currently not possible.

Why can’t I save my expense without completing the Project/Assignment field when that field is not marked as required?
To save an expense, a project, an assignment, or an expense report must be selected. This means that technically the Project/Assignment field itself is not required but a project or assignment must be selected if the Expense Report field is not on the page.
Why can’t I see my list view from Mobile Expenses in the Salesforce mobile app?
You must open the list view in the PSA desktop app first for it to become visible via Mobile Expenses in the Salesforce mobile app.