Project Location, Methodology and Phase Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up the project locationClosed The location of the project. When completing a timecard you can select the location to which the time applies depending on the configuration your administrator has set. You can select a location for each day or a primary location depending on configuration., project methodologyClosed The methodology used on the project. When completing a timecard you can select the methodology record to which the time applies depending on the configuration your administrator has set. and project phaseClosed Phase of the project. When completing a timecard you can select the phase record to which the time applies depending on the configuration your administrator has set. records. Some of these fields may not be visible or editable at all times, or in all package combinations.

R – Read-only.
255 – maximum field length.

Field   Description
Description 255 Details of the project location, methodology or phase.
Start Date   First day on which the project location, methodology or phase applies.
End Date   Last day on which the project location, methodology or phase applies.
Project   Lookup to the project to which the location relates.
Name   Name of the project location, methodology or phase.