Utilization Calculation Fields
Calculating utilization on an RPG Abbreviation of region, practice, group. or resource creates a parent utilization calculation record together with one or more child utilization detail records. If your administrator has configured PSA to calculate a summary of capacity demand by role, child utilization summary records are also created.
Utilization Calculation
Here is a description of the fields on the Utilization Calculation object.
Key: C – Displayed depending on the options your administrator has set.
Field | Description | |
Calculate Historical Utilization | Indicates whether utilization was calculated using historical timecard![]() |
Calculate Scheduled Utilization | Indicates whether forward-looking utilization was calculated using assignment![]() |
Delete Prior Calculation | Indicates whether the previous calculations and details are deleted when utilization is calculated. Whether the calculation is deleted also depends on the combination of RPG![]() ![]() ![]() |
Deleted Date | Indicates the date PSA attempted to delete the parent utilization calculation record when performing a utilization calculation and when Delete Prior Calculation is selected. This field is only populated on the parent record when the number of Utilization Detail or Utilization Summary child records exceed the cut-off point. The parent record is not deleted. You can manually delete the parent record at a time in the future. | |
Error Details | Errors that occurred during the calculation. | |
Excluded Roles | Multi-select picklist that enables you to select the roles that do not require utilization summary records to be created when calculating utilization. | |
Historical Utilization Cut-Off Date | When historical utilization calculations stopped for this utilization calculation. Typically, this is the last day of the week that all timecards were entered. | |
Historical Utilization Start/End Dates | Start and end dates used to calculate historical utilization. | |
Include Sublevels | Indicates whether the calculation applies to all sublevels of the selected region![]() ![]() ![]() |
Include Sublevels in Subtotals | C | Indicates whether the Subtotal fields are to include all sub levels of the selected region, practice or group. |
Is Report Master | Indicates whether the utilization calculation is the master calculation for the combination of RPG![]() ![]() ![]() |
Owner | The user who generated the utilization calculation. | |
Region/Practice/Group/Resource | The Region/Practice/Group/Resource to which the utilization calculation relates. | |
Scheduled Utilization Start/End Dates | Start and end dates used to calculate scheduled utilization. | |
Status | Status of the calculation. | |
Subtotal by Group | C | The group on which to subtotal the utilization calculation. |
Subtotal by Practice | C | The practice on which to subtotal the utilization calculation. |
Subtotal by Region | C | The region on which to subtotal the utilization calculation. |
Time Period | Time period to calculate the utilization for. | |
Time Period Types | The time period types to calculate the utilization for. | |
Type | The type of utilization calculation to generate. The Type selected determines the values automatically populated in the start and end date fields described in Historical Utilization and Scheduled Utilization. You can choose the following type depending on the options your administrator has set:
Utilization Calculation Name | Name of the utilization calculation. |
Utilization Summary
Here is a description of the fields on the Utilization Summary object.
Key: R – Read-only.
Field | Description | |
Actual Credited Hours | Number of time credited hours. | |
Actual Non-Billable Hours | Number of non-billable hours. | |
Actual Billable Hours | Number of billable hours. | |
Actual Excluded Hours | Number of time excluded hours. | |
Assigned Billable Hours | Number of billable hours calculated from assignments. | |
Assigned Non-Billable Hours | Number of non-billable hours calculated from assignments. | |
Assigned Credited Hours | Number of time credited hours calculated from assignments. | |
Assigned Excluded Hours | Number of time excluded hours calculated from assignments. | |
Calendar Hours | The number of working hours for the resource role over the duration of the scheduled utilization period calculated. Represents the total supply of hours, or capacity, of the resource role. |
Held Hours | Number of hours from held resource requests where the Resource lookup field contains a value and the Resource Held checkbox is selected. | |
Held Hours Opp Pct Weighted | The number of hours from held resource requests![]() |
Region/Practice/Group | The region, practice or group to which the summary relates. | |
Remaining Capacity | R | Formula field that shows remaining capacity for the resource role once all hours from assignments and resource requests are accounted for. Based on (Calendar Hours - Assigned Hours - Held Resource Request Hours - Unheld Resource Request Hours) / Calendar Hours. |
Resource Role | The resource role for which capacity demand into the future is summarized. | |
Target Hours | Target hours to be worked during the time period. Represents the expected output of the resource role. |
Time Period | Time period used in the calculation. | |
Total Hours | R | Formula field that shows total capacity demand for the resource role, based on Assigned Billable Hours + Assigned Excluded Hours + Assigned Credited Hours + Assigned Non Billable Hours + Held Hours + Unheld Hours. The value of this field is not affected by the likelihood of closing a parent Opportunity. |
Total Hours Opp Pct Weighted | R | Formula field that shows total capacity demand for the resource role, weighted by the probability of closing the associated Opportunity. Based on Assigned Billable Hours + Assigned Excluded Hours + Assigned Credited Hours + Assigned Non Billable Hours + Held Hours Opp Pct Weighted + Unheld Hours Opp Pct Weighted. |
Type | The permutation of region and practice used in the calculation. | |
Unheld Hours | Number of hours from unheld resource requests (where the Resource lookup field does not contain a value and the Resource Held checkbox is deselected). Represents a portion of total capacity demand for the resource role within the parameters of the summary. | |
Unheld Hours Opp Pct Weighted | The number of hours from unheld resource requests, weighted by the Probability (%) field on the associated Opportunity. | |
Utilization Calculation | R | Name of the utilization calculation. |
Utilization Summary Name | R | System generated unique identifier. |
Utilization Calculation Detail
Here is a description of the fields on the Utilization Calculation Detail object.
Field | Description |
Region/Practice/Group/Resource | The Region/Practice/Group/Resource to which the calculation relates. |
Time Period | Time period used in the calculation. |
Time Period Type | Time period type used in the calculation. |
Total Utilization | Scheduled and historical utilization for the calculation detail record, calculated using the formula: (Scheduled Billable Hours + Historical Billable Hours + Scheduled Credited Hours + Historical Credited Hours) / (Scheduled Calendar Hours + Historical Calendar Hours - Scheduled Excluded Hours - Historical Excluded Hours) |
Total Utilization (Billable Only) | Total Utilization minus Scheduled Credited Hours and Historical Credited Hours. Calculated using the formula: (Scheduled Billable Hours + Historical Billable Hours) / (Scheduled Calendar Hours + Historical Calendar Hours - Scheduled Excluded Hours - Historical Excluded Hours) |
Utilization Calculation | Name of the parent utilization calculation to which the detail record relates. |
Utilization Detail Id | Unique ID of the utilization calculation detail record. |
Utilization Target | Calculated using the formula: Utilization Target Hours / ( Historical Calendar Hours + Scheduled Calendar Hours) |
Utilization Target Attainment | Utilization achieved, calculated using this formula: Total Utilization / Utilization Target |
Utilization Target Hours | The scheduled and historical target utilization hours. |
This section contains utilization numbers calculated from events that occurred in the past, such as billable hours recorded on timecards.
This section contains projected utilization numbers calculated from events that are scheduled to occur in the future such as billable hours in an assignment.
Key: A – Only available if the PSA Reporting Expansion Pack package is installed.
Lightning Quick Action Buttons
Quick Action | Description |
Calculate Utilzation | Opens the Utilization Calculator page to calculate or recalculate utilization. |