Revenue Contract and Performance Obligation Fields
Here is a description of the fields that make up a revenue contract and its associated performance obligations.
Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only; The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.
Field | Description | ||
Account | Lookup to the Salesforce account on this revenue contract. | ||
Active | Indicates whether the source record is active and available for revenue recognition. | ||
Allocation Ratio | R | The ratio used to allocate revenue to linked performance obligations where the Allocated Revenue value has not been overridden. | |
Allocation Status | R | A status message indicating whether revenue for this contract has been fully allocated, or needs reallocating. | |
Company | Company to which this revenue contract relates. | ||
Currency | * | Currency code for this revenue contract. You cannot change the currency once performance obligations have been added to the contract. | |
Currency Decimal Places | The number of decimal places defined for the record's currency in Salesforce. In single currency orgs this is populated from the user's currency. This field is used internally for rounding purposes. | ||
Description | 255 | The description of this revenue contract. | |
Display Information | 255 | Further information about the revenue contract. This is an optional memo field. | |
End Date | The end date of this revenue contract. | ||
Fully Recognized and Amortized | R | Indicates when revenue recognition and cost amortization are complete for all linked performance obligations. | |
Null Allocation Ratio Count | R | The number of linked performance obligations where the Allocation Ratio and Allocated Revenue Override fields are null. This count excludes performance obligations without revenue. | |
Null SSP Count | R | The number of linked performance obligations that have at least one null SSP value. This count excludes performance obligations without revenue. | |
Performance Obligations Count | R | The number of performance obligations linked to this revenue contract. | |
PO Allocated Revenue Override Count | R | The number of linked performance obligations where an Allocated Revenue Override value has been entered. This count excludes performance obligations without revenue. | |
Ready for Allocation | Indicates whether allocation can be run successfully for this revenue contract. | ||
Revenue | R | The value that will be allocated to the performance obligations. Uses Total Revenue, or Revenue Override if populated. | |
Revenue Allocated | R | Indicates if the revenue for this contract has been allocated successfully. | |
Revenue Contract Number | R | Auto-generated number to uniquely identify this revenue contract. | |
Revenue Override | This field should only be populated if the contract's revenue is defined at the contract level instead of being calculated from the performance obligations. When populated, this value is used in the Revenue field. | ||
Start Date | The start date for this revenue contract | ||
Template | The template assigned to this revenue contract. Only templates linked to settings for use with revenue contracts are valid. | ||
Total Allocated Revenue | R | Sum of Allocated Revenue values from all linked performance obligations. | |
Total Allocated Revenue Override | R | Sum of Allocated Revenue Override values from all linked performance obligations. | |
Total Amortized to Date | R | Sum of Amortized to Date values from all linked performance obligations. | |
Total Cost | R | Sum of Cost values from all linked performance obligations. | |
Total Recognized to Date | R | Sum of Recognized to Date values from all linked performance obligations. | |
Total Revenue | R | Sum of Revenue values from all linked performance obligations. | |
Total SSP | R | Sum of Standalone Selling Prices from all linked performance obligations. | |
Total SSP for Allocation | R | Sum of Standalone Selling Prices from linked performance obligations where the Allocated Revenue value has not been overridden. This value is used in the allocation calculation to determine how the remaining revenue is allocated across these performance obligations. | |
Zero SSP Count | R | The number of linked performance obligations where the standalone selling price is zero. This count excludes performance obligations without revenue. |
Any revenue recognition transaction lines, and revenue forecast transactions, related to this revenue contract can be displayed in related lists.
Performance Obligation
Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only; C - Except where stated otherwise, the field is populated from the controlling POLI for revenue values, or from the controlling POLI for cost values if there isn't one for revenue.
The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.
Field | Description | ||
% Complete | C | The percentage that this performance obligation is complete. | |
Active | C | Indicates whether the source record is active and available for revenue recognition. | |
Allocated Revenue | The amount allocated to this performance obligation by the revenue allocation calculation. This value is used for revenue recognition. | ||
Allocated Revenue Override | Override the calculated amount allocated to this performance obligation by entering a different value here. | ||
Allocated Revenue Rounding Adjustment | An adjustment created automatically because of a difference between revenue and allocated revenue on the revenue contract caused by cumulative rounding errors on the performance obligations. When a rounding adjustment is required, it is added to the performance obligation with the highest allocated revenue. | ||
Allocation Ratio | R | The ratio used to allocate revenue across the whole revenue contract. | |
Allocation Status | R | A status message indicating whether revenue for this performance obligation has been fully allocated, or needs reallocating. | |
Amortized to Date | R | The cost amount amortized to date for this performance obligation. | |
Balance Sheet GLA/Balance Sheet GLA (Cost) | C | 255 | The balance sheet GLAs to use for revenue and cost values for this performance obligation. The balance sheet GLA for revenue values is populated by the controlling POLI for revenue values if one exists, or is left blank. The balance sheet GLA for cost values is populated by the controlling POLI for cost values if one exists, or is left blank. |
Completed | C | Indicates whether the source record is complete. | |
Controlling POLI (Cost) | The performance obligation line item with cost values that will be used to populate the Balance Sheet Account (Cost), Cost Center (Cost), and Income Statement (Cost) fields on the performance obligation. It will also be used to populate other fields if there is no controlling POLI for revenue values. The Key for this table uses 'C' to denote which fields on the performance obligation are populated from the controlling POLI. | ||
Controlling POLI (Revenue) | The performance obligation line item with revenue values that will be used to populate the Balance Sheet Account, Cost Center, Income Statement, and other fields on the performance obligation. If there is no controlling POLI for revenue values, those other fields will be populated by the controlling POLI for cost values. The Key for this table uses 'C' to denote which fields on the performance obligation are populated from the controlling POLI. | ||
Cost | R | Sum of cost values from all linked performance obligation line items. | |
Cost Center/Cost Center (Cost) | C | 255 | The cost centers to use for revenue and cost values for this performance obligation. The cost center for revenue values is populated by the controlling POLI for revenue values if one exists, or is left blank. The cost center for cost values is populated by the controlling POLI for cost values if one exists, or is left blank. |
Currency | Currency code for this performance obligation. This must match the currency on the revenue contract. | ||
Currency Decimal Places | The number of decimal places defined for the record's currency in Salesforce. In single currency orgs this is populated from the user's currency. This field is used internally for rounding purposes. | ||
Description | C | 255 | The description of this performance obligation. |
Display Information | C | 255 | Further information about the performance obligation. This is an optional memo field. |
End Date | C | The end date of this performance obligation. | |
Fully Recognized and Amortized | R | Indicates when revenue recognition and cost amortization are complete for this performance obligation. | |
Has Revenue | Indicates whether this performance obligation relates to revenue. | ||
Income Statement GLA/Income Statement GLA (Cost) | C | 255 | The income statement GLAs to use for revenue and cost values for this performance obligation. The income statement GLA for revenue values is populated by the controlling POLI for revenue values if one exists, or is left blank. The income statement GLA for cost values is populated by the controlling POLI for cost values if one exists, or is left blank. |
Null SSP Count | R | The number of linked performance obligation line items that have a null SSP value. This count excludes performance obligation line items without revenue. | |
Performance Obligation Number | R | Auto-generated number to uniquely identify this performance obligation. | |
Ready for Revenue Recognition | R | Indicates whether this performance obligation is ready to be processed by revenue recognition. This checkbox is enabled if revenue has been allocated and the source record is active. If this checkbox is disabled, the performance obligation will not be included in revenue recognition processing. | |
Recognized to Date | R | The revenue amount recognized to date for this performance obligation. | |
Revenue | R | Sum of revenue values from all linked performance obligation line items. | |
Revenue Contract | R | The revenue contract that this performance obligation is linked to. | |
Revenue Count | R |
The number of linked performance obligation line items that relate to revenue. |
SSP | The standalone selling price that will be used for this performance obligation. Uses Total SSP, or SSP Override if populated. | ||
SSP Override | Override the standalone selling price from the source record by entering a different value here. | ||
Start Date | C | The start date of this performance obligation. | |
Template | The template to use for this performance obligation when recognizing revenue. Only templates linked to settings NOT for use with revenue contracts are valid. | ||
Total SSP | Sum of standalone selling prices from all linked performance obligation line items. |
Any revenue recognition transaction lines, and revenue forecast transaction lines, related to this performance obligation can be displayed in related lists.
Performance Obligation Line Item
Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only; The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.
Field | Description | ||
Balance Sheet GLA/Balance Sheet GLA (Cost) | 255 | The balance sheet GLAs to use for revenue and cost values for this performance obligation line item. | |
Cost | The cost of this performance obligation line item. | ||
Cost Center/Cost Center (Cost) | 255 | The cost centers to use for revenue and cost values for this performance obligation line item. | |
Currency | Currency code for this performance obligation line item. This must match the currency on the performance obligation. If you link the performance obligation line item to a source record, the source record's currency must match the currency used throughout the revenue contract. | ||
Description | 255 | The description of this performance obligation line item. | |
Display Information | 255 | Further information about the performance obligation line item. This is an optional memo field. | |
Field Mapping Definition | The field mapping definition used to map details from the source record to this performance obligation line item. This defaults to the field mapping definition specified on the source record's settings, but can be changed. If you select a different field mapping definition note that its source object must match the object on the settings in the Source Record Settings field, and its target object must be the performance obligation line item. | ||
Income Statement GLA/Income Statement GLA (Cost) | 255 | The income statement GLAs to use for revenue and cost values for this performance obligation line item. | |
Is Controlling POLI (Cost) | Indicates that this is the controlling POLI![]() |
Is Controlling POLI (Revenue) | Indicates that this is the controlling POLI![]() |
Performance Obligation | The performance obligation that this line item belongs to. | ||
Performance Obligation Line Item Number | R | Auto-generated number to uniquely identify this performance obligation line item. | |
Revenue | The revenue for this performance obligation line item. | ||
Source Record Settings | The settings used by the source record. Only settings with the Use in Revenue Contract checkbox enabled are valid. A field on the settings will identify which field on the performance obligation line item identifies the source record; this field on the performance obligation line item must be populated before the line item can be saved. | ||
SSP | The standalone selling price of this performance obligation line item. | ||
Value Type | The type of value held on this performance obligation line item: Revenue, Cost, or both. When both cost and revenue values exist, the field shows Cost;Revenue (or Revenue;Cost). |
Integrating Revenue Management and Salesforce Revenue Cloud
These lookups to Salesforce objects are added if the Revenue Cloud Connector feature is enabled in Feature Console.
Field | Description |
Credit Note Line | Lookup to the credit note line associated with this performance obligation line item. |
Invoice Line | Lookup to the invoice line associated with this performance obligation line item. |
Order Product | Lookup to the order product associated with this performance obligation line item. |
Usage Summary | Lookup to the usage summary associated with this performance obligation line item. |
Lightning Actions
Key: L - Only available on the Lightning version of the page.
Lightning Action | Description | |
Allocate Revenue | L | This Lightning action is available on both the revenue contract list view and detail page, and on the performance obligation detail page. Click it to allocate revenue across the current revenue contract, or across all selected revenue contracts when accessed from the list view. |
Manage Obligations | L | This Lightning action is available on the revenue contract detail page. Click it to open a page where you can more easily manage all the performance obligations on the contract. |
Update From Source | L | This Lightning action is available on the performance obligation line item detail page. Click it to refresh the values in any performance obligation line item fields that are populated by the field mapping definition. See Supported Field Type Mappings for more information about how values are mapped. |
Update Performance Obligation | L |
This Lightning action is available on the performance obligation detail page. Click it to update the performance obligation's line items from their source records, and to update the performance obligation from the controlling POLI for revenue or cost values (as appropriate). By default the controlling POLI is the first performance obligation line item in name order, for the appropriate value type (revenue or cost). For example, if your performance obligation line items are POLI-000021, POLI-000022 and POLI-000025 then clicking Update Performance Obligation will set POLI-000021 as the controlling POLI for revenue or cost (or both) depending on value type. |
Update Performance Obligations | L | This Lightning action is available on both the revenue contract list view and detail page. Click it to update the performance obligations on the current revenue contract, or across all selected revenue contracts when accessed from the list view. All linked performance obligation line items are updated from their source records, then each performance obligation is updated from its controlling POLI for revenue or cost values (as appropriate). If you encounter platform limits when clicking this button on the revenue contract list view, try again with fewer contracts selected. |
Button | Description |
Allocate Revenue | This button is available on both the revenue contract list view and detail page, and on the performance obligation detail page. Click it to allocate revenue across the current revenue contract, or across all selected revenue contracts when accessed from the list view. |
Manage Obligations | This button is available on the revenue contract detail page. Click it to open a page where you can more easily manage all the performance obligations on the contract. |
Update From Source | This button is available on the performance obligation line item detail page. Click it to refresh the values in any performance obligation line item fields that are populated by the field mapping definition. See Supported Field Type Mappings for more information about how values are mapped. |
Update Performance Obligation |
This button is available on the performance obligation detail page. Click it to update the performance obligation's line items from their source records, and to update the performance obligation from the controlling POLI for revenue or cost values (as appropriate). |
Update Performance Obligations | This button is available on both the revenue contract list view and detail page. Click it to update the performance obligations on the current revenue contract, or across all selected revenue contracts when accessed from the list view. All linked performance obligation line items are updated from their source records, then each performance obligation is updated from its controlling POLI for revenue or cost values (as appropriate). If you encounter platform limits when clicking this button on the revenue contract list view, try again with fewer contracts selected. |