SCM Avatax Plugins Configuration

General configuration

When the Supply Chain Management, Avalara Avatax and FinancialForce Accounting tax package is installed some configuration is required. Assuming that both Accounting and Avatax have been configured prior to installing SCM Avatax Plugins, the following changes are required.

  1. Remove Tax, Commit Tax, Post Tax and Push buttons from the Invoice and the Credit Invoice layout.
  2. Add the Tax and Push to FFA button to the Invoice and the Credit Invoice Layout.
  3. Remove Pull SCM Invoices from the FFA Invoice and Credit Note list view.
  4. Set SCMFFA__Auto_Push_SIN__c in SCMFFA__SCM_FFA_Connector_Settings__c to False.
Note: Note Notepad icon
You must replace the Tax, Commit Tax, Post Tax and Push buttons. If you do not replace these buttons a user may use the wrong Push or Pull button and documents in Accounting may not be taxed appropriately.

Follow the specific configurations below as required to complete the SCM Avatax Plugins configuration.

Inventory sales order and shipment is complete

There is an option in the SCM to FFA Connector to automatically export the invoice to Accounting whenever a shipment is completed. This option is not usually enabled since this option means that the person completing the shipment must have a license for Accounting.

When Avalara is part of the solution this option must not be chosen. It will result in errors and invalid invoices in Accounting. The recommended solution for inventory type invoices is to schedule an automatic export of invoices to Accounting. If this solution is not selected, then each inventory invoice must be ‘Pushed’ to Accounting by clicking the Tax and Push to FFA button. Alternatively, the user can click the Tax and Pull invoices from SCM on the Accounting Invoice list view although it is recommended that this option is not taken.

Bill button is clicked on the review invoice screen

There is an option to automatically tax and push the invoice that is created via the Bill button on the Review Invoice screen to Accounting. To configure this option, you Set the SCMC__Sales_Invoice_Bill__c in SCMC__SCM_Plugins__c to SCMAVAFFA.SCMFFAAvalaraBillPlugin.

Individual invoices must be manually pushed

There are multiple scenarios where Invoices may need to be Pushed manually or one of the Bulk scenarios must be followed. The most common reason for this is when there has been an error calculating tax or exporting to Accounting. These types of errors are usually as a result of missing configuration.

Once the root cause has been resolved, the Tax and Push capability can be used. In the case where you never want an invoice to automatically export to Accounting, then make sure that SCMC__Sales_Invoice_Bill__c in SCMC__SCM_Plugins__c custom settings is empty.

Invoices are bulk exported on demand

There is support for a Tax and Pull SCM Invoices on the Accounting Invoice list view. It is recommended that this button is not exposed and if invoices need to be exported in bulk to Accounting, then a batch job to do this should be scheduled. The manual Tax and Pull process could result in invoices being exported twice.

If the decision is made to use this approach, the Tax and Pull SCM Invoice button must be exposed for list views on the Accounting invoice.

Invoices are bulk exported on schedule

Using the Salesforce scheduling ability, schedule SCMAVAFFA.TaxInvoiceExportBatch. This process picks up all invoices that are eligible to be exported, taxes each one and creates an invoice in Accounting.

Credited invoices are automatically taxed and exported

There is an option to automatically tax and push a credit invoice to Accounting. To configure this option, you Set the SCMC__Sales_Invoice_Credit__c in SCMC__SCM_Plugins__c to SCMAVAFFA.CreditInvoiceExportPlugin.

Credited Invoices Must be Manually Pushed

There are multiple scenarios where Credit Invoices may need to be Pushed manually or one of the Bulk scenarios must be followed. The most common reason for this is when there has been an error calculating tax or exporting to Accounting. These types of errors are usually as a result of missing configuration. Once the root cause has been resolved, the Tax and Push capability can be used. In the case where you never want a credit invoice to automatically export to Accounting, then make sure that SCMC__Sales_Invoice_Credit__c in SCMC__SCM_Plugins__c custom settings is empty.

Credit invoices are bulk exported on demand

There is support for a Tax and Pull SCM Credit Invoices on the Accounting Credit Note list view. It is strongly recommended that this button not be exposed and if credit invoices need to be exported in bulk to Accounting, then a job to do this should be scheduled.

The issue with using the manual approach is that it opens the opportunity for credit invoices to be exported more than once.

If the decision is made to use this approach, the Tax and Pull SCM Credit Invoice button must be exposed for list views on the Accounting Credit Note.

Credit Invoices are Bulk Exported on Schedule

Using the Salesforce scheduling ability, schedule SCMAVAFFA.TaxCreditInvoiceExportBatch. This process picks up all credit invoices that are eligible to be exported, taxes each one and creates a credit note in Accounting.

Voided invoices are automatically taxed and exported

Voiding an invoice creates a credit invoice for the full amount of the invoice and opens up the line on the sales order to re-bill.

To configure this option, you Set the SCMC__Invoice_Void_After__c in SCMC__SCM_Plugins__c to SCMAVAFFA.VoidInvoiceExportPlugin. In the case of a credit the transaction in Avatax is processed as a return. In the case of a Void, the taxes associated with the voiced invoice are cancelled.